Aetherforge Crossroads

Aetherforge Crossroads is called Caravan Town by Droaamites and Grumblestop by those that live there.


House Orien has gathered a few hundred workers together to extend the Lightning Rail into Droaam. This work force has drawn quite the following. Over the months of laying track through western Breland the caravan has drawn the attention of manner of folk tagging along as the rail line expanded westward. Shops, parlors, gambling dens, saloons, and brothels, just about anything can be found in Caravan Town. And if you can't find what you're looking for, a little extra coin can get it brought in on the next delivery.


While Caravan Town moved through Breland they were subject to all of the National laws and they were generally followed and enforced as needed. Now that the temporary town has entered Droaam the laws are nearly non existent. Good will and fear of the loss of their job, life, or general well being keeps the peace though Caravan Town is know to regulary be rough and rowdy. When that's not enough to keep the peace, the strong arm of House Denith will intercede.




Mobile homes, boxcars, tents, and covered wagons, all comprise this semi moble town. The businesses that have been tagging after for a longer time have managed to slap together wooden storefronts and sinage to adorn their entrances with. Beyond the frond door however, if there is a door, the establishments are little more then large tents with light weight furniture that can be packed and hauled easily every few weeks.


The heart of Caravan Town is a collection of stately boxcars. These contain the offices of House Orien, and House Sivis. House Cannith's mobile workshop and the barracks for House Denith are close by as well. The finished track divides the town east and west. Most of the establishments have set up shop north of the track creating a main street that faces it. South of the completed track is where the majority of the rail workers have set up their tents.


The town to the north is somewhat organized. The structures have aligned themselves roughly into a grid. The sturdier structures surround the offices near the center of town. Moving more than a few "blocks" in any direction the structures become less permanent. South of the rail line is far less organized, and much closer to lawless. The rules around tent placement at the worker camp are first come first serve. Workers elbow each other out of the way for the best spots early on with each move but ultimately most of the crew pitches their tent wherever they can find room. As time passes at each new campsight, foot paths will inevitably get drawn out by the traffic but even they are subject to random interuptions or sudden dead ends.


Notable Locations

  • Saloon
  • Bars
  • Eatery
  • Brothel "Misters of Sora Kel"
  • Temple
  • Tinkerer
  • Tailor/Seamstress
  • Other Shops
  Glimmer Brew apothecary and candy shop  
  • The Lock - Jail area for Caravan Town’s nasty characters. Smells of leather, wood, whiskey and gunpowder. A few wanted posters and odd jobs posted on the notice board. - It has crab legs that were crafted by Alex to assist with moving camp
  • Elemental Paws - Veterenary "clinic" tent where Dr. Alara operates.

Notable Inhabitants

  • Kwanti d'Orien - head of House Orien. Driven by a lust for novelty and adventure he is overseeing construction of this new line personally.
  • Hazel d'Orien - Niece to Kwanti. She is the head of the courier services in Aetherforge. An adrenaline junky but one dedicated to her job.
  • Odelia (Del) d'Deneith - Marshal of Aetherforge. Runs a tight ship no nonsense Marshal. Her word is law in Aetherforge.
  • Lucjan Lesko - Worksite forman. Rough around the edges and doesn't stand for any horsing around on the job but is known to cut loose on the weekends.
  • Zeno Rabbitfolk Quartermaster (Fence) - legitimate and illigitimate dealings. He knows where to get things and knows how to get rid of things.
  • Cindy Lewis (Looey) human deputy to Del d'Denith
  • Dr. Alara, Half-elf animal doctor Vet - she is bitterly divorce. She's picked up a few strays including a psuedodragon named Aurora.
  • Thalwin Heartwick - alchemist, healer and candy maker. Makes/collects clockwork creatures. Musician with an accordian hosts music nights at his tent.
  • Vicarion Malfoyne d'Cannith - Oldest sibling to Alex's dad, now her legal guardian and trying to get her trustfund.
  • Sunshine - Talenta halfling who rides a Clawfoot named Drinkwater. Scout that rides out with the survey teams
  • Spencer and Enos - part of the survey team


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