
Sai is a diplomat for Prince Oargev and is a former soldier of Cyre who escaped the Mourning. Sai was an officer in the last war, though a low one and given that nearly all of Cyre’s former leadership structure ceases to exist, he has risen through the ranks to become a valued diplomat and advisor to Prince Oargev.   Sai longs for the old days, he longs for his wife and children, and despite his favored position in the New Cyrean regime, he thinks that Oargev is a pale shadow of the old Cyrean family he once served.   Upon arriving in Cyre, in his homeland, Sai began to understand that his country is still very much in a war that the world has moved on from. Armies of Warforged Soldiers have replaced the ranks of Cyreans that Sai once served beside, and the influence of House DeCannith is clear nearly everywhere.   Sai learned that his wife, Cornelia, may be alive, and for a brief few days, Sai was reunited with his daughter Annabelle when Sai and his companions found her in a Carriage in the middle of the night. Cornelia's new husband and scion of the DeCannith Family, Atherik DeCannith, soon stole her away and began a coup to remove the queen and wrest control of Cyre.


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