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Alexander Sharptooth

(a.k.a. Xandy, The Crimson Assassin)

Alexander Sharptooth grew up Sharn. A rare half elf/half orc, he found his genetics and both advantages and disadvantages. Most elves didn't care for him. Most Orcs didn't care for him. But he was smart, handsome, and knew how to get what he wanted. He embraced the Traveller as his deity and loved all that they stood for. Chaos was truly the only thing that brought any meaning to his life. Eventually he grew bored at his home in Sharn and ventured out to the Shadow Marches to learn more about the Orc side of his heritage. It was there that he first met a young Harlow Vilaard'aashta.

Harlow and Alexander quickly became friends and he taught her the ways of the Traveler. The two of them would embrace the Traveler's belief in impulsivity and had many adventures together. Eventually the two of them fell in love. One day Alexander took Harlow to the sea. At the Bay of Madness Alexander proposed to Harlow and promised to take her away from her radical family and to somewhere nice like Sharn where his family was from. Harlow was overjoyed and looked forward to their lives together.

Alexander left for Sharn to make final preperations for their secret wedding. A month later he returned. But something had changed inside of him. He was darker, no longer chaotic for fun, but chaotic to the point of causing harm to others. He still cared for Harlow and Harlow was trying her best to break through whatever this new darkness was and to find her Alexander.

One day the two of them were in the forest going for a walk when they came across a druid half-orc and his daughter. Alexander turned to Harlow, "I want to show you something amazing." Alexander started casting a spell and she watched helplessly as the two half-orcs suddenly started screaming. A look of terror on their faces. a look of TRUE horror. Then they collapsed.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??" Screamed Harlow as she pushed past Alexander and rushed to the two collapsed half-orcs. Harlow checked for any sign of life and there was none. Unfortunately Harlow had not learnd any healing spells and had no potions on her person. This was supposed to be a calming walk in the woods. "THEY'RE DEAD". Now being up close to the two druids she recognized them as being from her village. Bronn was a Gatekeeper Druid that patrolled the Shadow Marches keeping the land safe from fiends, his young daughter Soran had just celebrated her 10th birthday.

"They are. For now. Death is a temporary condition if you are powerful enough." Alexander then started casting another spell. Slowly the two dead druids in front of Eloise stood up. Their faces were blank. They were undead now. "Sweetheart, look. I have found a best man and a flower girl for the wedding!" Alexander chuckled at the joke.

Harlow was overcome with emotions. Anger, grief, horror, how had she allowed something like this to happen. She ran into the swamp away from Alexander. She ran and ran and ran. Eventually she made her way back to her village. She told no one of what had happened. Over the coming weeks she heard of disappearances in the surrounding villages. Her village was the only one that didn't have someone missing. Men, Women, Children, Grandparents. All were vanishing from neighboring communities. She knew that there was only one possible culprit. Then the disappearances stopped. Harlow began to train. With a new mission in mind. Eventually, she set of for Sharn. Alexander's home. She had been looking forward to seeing the City of Towers for her wedding. Now she would be going there for different reasons.
Chaotic Neutral
Formerly, The Traveller
Aligned Organization
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