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Charles Draves

Charles Draves (a.k.a. The Jackal)

Charles Draves grew up on the streets of Sharn, an orphan with no memory of his parents. He was taken in by a beggar who turned out to be a con man working for the Tyrants. One of the biggest gangs of Sharn. It is here that Charles became an adult. He learned the ways of the Tyrants. The Tyrants specialized in three things, prostitution, forgery, fraud, new identities, and information. His charming and mischievious ways, and his skill at magic earned him the name of The Jackal at 16. He climbed the ranks of the Tyrants by helping them grow their information network through their brothels and some other fronts. When finally he became Tyrant Seven at 18. In his first leadership meeting he proposed to Tyrant One, Ek, that they expand their expertise to include thefts. Particularly high profile heists. Ek and the other Tyrants refused to listen to him continue his proposal. The Tyrants had existed for 60 years in their current state, and expanding would just risk them being caught.

Unfortunately, Charles didn't listen. Using his position as Tyrant Seven he assembled a team to break into a House Kundarak safe deposit box in the Grand Dragon Hotel. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Everyone on the team was caught and arrested except for Charles. Tyrant Ek stripped Charles of his title and refused to let him go on any more missions, assigning him instead to work at one of the brothels. One night after the last patron had left, Charles stole the money that the brothel had earned that day and fled the city.

It was with this "pilfered silver" that Charles founded his gang 5 years ago. He is determined to create an organization more powerful and more successful than the Tyrants.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Leader of the Pilfered Silver in Wroat
Current Location

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