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Lancidious Libitus

Lancidius Libitus was born and raised in the Skyreach Tower of Arcanix. His father, Dalen, was a member of the Arcane Congress and his mother, Beleth, was very popular amongst the other members of the congress. A true socialite and diplomat.

Lance grew up hearing of the Last War. Many conversations happened in the halls of Arcanix in hushed voices speculating what the next move of Thrane would be against Aundair. At one point the Queen decided to move Arcanix closer to the border for a while as a show of strength. But Lance was safe in his tower. He wanted to be part of the action.

Growing up in Arcanix was a truly unique experience. The towers are magically alterred to be much larger on the inside than they appear on the outside. While most new students to Arcanix or Counselors even would get lost quite often in the ever shifting hallways and chambers, Lance knew his way around each of the four towers. As he grew older, Nocturnas became his favorite tower. The tower of research and cutting edge magic. Within these walls were countless chambers of wizards and magewrights trying to discover new magic. New enchantments. New spells. He wanted to be part of the action.

One day Lance was studying in the Library of Robideur in the Amberwall Tower. There he met a young counselor of the congress, Parthenope Brightwind of the Lhazaar Principalities. She was a beautiful water genasi. Lance made small talk with her and they became friends.

When he was finally of age, Lance applied for the Arcane Eyes. One of the top organizations within Arcanix. The Arcane Eyes were those that were tasked with seeking out both ancient forgotten magic and new magic that no one has discovered. Lance was excited to impress Parthenope and finally contribute to the community he grew up in. Unfortunately he was declined entry into the Eyes. Citing a lack of experience.

Frustrated by this hurdle Lance headed for the library and remembered an old book he had read that listed "lost" magical items of history. It was there that he found his next destination and he set out.

Crossing the continent by lightning rail, Lance met many people that he had never had an opportunity to meet before. Now that the war was over there was a strange sense of community amongst some of these strangers on the train. After finally arriving in Sharn, Lance booked passage via skyship across the Sea of Storms to Xen'drik.

Xen'drik. The frontier. Millenia ago it was home to the ancient giant civilization before it was destroyed by the dragons. It was in Xen'drik that Lance was determined to find an ancient lost sword. The Vengeance of Tirias Tolai. Forged from materials from another plane, this sword was created for a failed uprising amongst the slave elves and drow of the giants. Thousands of years ago, elves from the Feywilds of Thelanis set down a Feyspire for research into the material plane. It was then that the giants sacked the tower. Enslaving everyone inside. This is how elves first came to Eberron. Hundreds of years after their initial enslavement there was a great revolt planned. In the end it failed. But the power of the sword the elves created to win the revolt was passed down through legend. It's abilities have been lost to time, but it almost definitely has some arcane power.

Lance found an ancient city of the giants. He fought his way through the ruins and finally found what he was looking for. The legendary lost blade. Triumpantly reaching for it, a searing pain spread through Lance's body. He was unable to drop the sword. He could feel his life essence being pulled out of himself. As though it was being pulled into the very blade itself. His color faded. His life essence itself seemed faded. A strange marking has seemingly burned itself into his skin.

It is here that we meet up with Lance. After spending some time in Xen'drik's city of Stormreach he finally decided to head back to Khorvaire and try to find a remedy to his condition. Unable, or unwilling to return to his family and the Arcane Congress, a multitude of options were still open to him. Perhaps the great Library of Korranberg had the answers he needed. Morgrave University in Sharn? Maybe he will have to resort to seeking help from the Dragonmarked Houses at the Tower of the Twelve.

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