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Session 12: A Cleansing Flame? Report

General Summary

The adventurers foudn themselves in the Sovereign Towers district of the city, making their way to the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame. There they met with Archeirophant Ythanna Morr. After Harlow told her about the vision that she had, the Archeirophant pointed her in the direction of Flamekeep itself to speak with the Keeper of the Flame, Jaela Daran.

Unfortunately at the end of the conversation Eloise overheard Ythanna saying some unkind things about her companions. Not being one to let people talk smack about her friends, Eloise heated the Archeirophants ceremonial armor that she was wearing. Ythanna quickly protected herself with an anti magic field and cast Searing Light at Eloise. She summoned the Templars of the Cathedral to come to her aid and promptly ejected the adventurers from the Cathedral and perhaps the city itself.

Having been thrown from a moving skycoach the group found themselves at Terminus, in front of the Orien Lightning Rail Station. They made their way inside and Hara Hara's eyes were drawn to one thing. The Wayfinder's Foundation. His friends explained that the Wayfinder's Foundation was known for being the most exclusive, elite, adventurer's guild in Eberron. Founded by Boroman ir'Dayne the foundation has lounges in every lightning rail station across the continent.

After trying to open the door the party knocked loud enough that a small gnome opened the door to investigate. He then got an elderly elf wizard who gave them a mysterious gold ball. The party eventually realized that it was absorbing their attacks at it, and after everyone in the party had attacked it, it began to glow. The party all held it at once and they saw a vision of a young Boroman in a luxurious office. He gave a sales pitch of sorts about the Wayfinder's Foundation and why they should join. After that they were able to enter the lounge.

After much discussion the party decided to pay the 1500gp each to join the Foundation. They also finally decided on a name for their party, the Misfit Mercenaries.

They immediately took advantage of the perks of membership and made their way to the lounge where they immediately made their way to the bar. The party started taking shots of a strange blue alcohol and things got wild. Eloise requested some music for dancing, Hara Hara made friends with the gnome that had opened the door earlier, Morthos lost all inhibitions and really just loved on all of his new friends. He later admitted that he didn't think that he was a good person and was dreading his return home to Wroat. Morthos' patron was evidently not pleased as he showed Morthos a violent vision of someone from his past

Hara Hara retired to a room with the gnome, a large male Orc, and a beautiful female elf.... the room was unfortunately not sound proof.

The other three finally retired for the evening. After Morthos had passed out Harlow tried to steal his book from him. But supernatural means intervened and woke Morthos from his slumber. After catching Harlow in the act he was not pleased. Taking the book back he went back to bed.

Eloise realizing she had forgotten Lumpy on the dance floor, ran back out to the lounge. There she made eye contact with someone that she vaguely recognized. She couldn't place the face. But she knew that it wasn't good. After Eloise left, the woman in the red cloak ordered herself a drink.
Shadows of the Past
Hara Hara
Harlow Vilard
11 / 11 HP
Report Date
14 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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