A frequent question voiced by players has been regarding the release rate of campaign adventures. For many players, a once-per-month campaign meets their needs. For those who want to play more often and make Oracle of War their main campaign, we offer the following solution.   The Oracle predicts that in early 2020 we’ll see on the DMs Guild a product called Oracle of War: Salvage Bases and Missions. This product provides new campaign options for both players and DMs. Here are some highlights:   Players can participate in special adventures called “salvage missions.” While these adventures will not provide treasure or magic items, they will provide unique rewards known as “salvage.”   Build and upgrade a custom Salvage Base on the edge of the Mournland. These salvage bases won’t just be usable in salvage missions, they’ll also become important in the Oracle of War’s Core Storyline adventures as well. Salvage base upgrades provide downtime activities and boons that can aid scavengers in all their adventures.   Create your own salvage missions. The product contains several premade salvage missions. In addition, DMs can use the guidance provided to create custom salvage missions: bringing their own creativity and personalized storylines to their Oracle of War campaigns. DMs can run their own salvage missions at conventions and game stores without needing approval from campaign staff.   Level up if you fall behind. Salvage missions also act as a means for players who have fallen behind in terms of character level to easily catch up to others. Characters completing a salvage mission can choose to gain a level as a reward if they need to catch up with other characters in the group.
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