Eberron History of Eberron Timeline
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History of Eberron

Age of Man

5000 BYK and beyond

  • -2200

    Marks of Hospitality, Shadow and Death arise
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Hospitality appears among halflings of the Talenta Plains. The Mark of Shadow and the Mark of Death appear among the elves of Aerenal

  • -2000

    Mark of Healing arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Healing appears among halflings of the Talenta Plains.

  • -2000

    Lhazaar leads settlers
    Population Migration / Travel

    The adventurer Lhazaar leads a wave of human settlers from Sarlona to the eastern shores of Khorvaire, establishing what comes to be known as the Lhazaar Principalities.

  • -1977

    Malleon the Reaver founds Shaarat

    Malleon the Reaver builds a fortress amid goblin ruins on the edge of the Dagger River, naming his keep Shaarat. Over time, it expands to become a powerful city.

  • -1800

    Mark of Scribing arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Scribing appears among the gnomes of Zilargo.

  • -1650

    Mark of Sentinel arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Sentinel appears among humans in the expanding city-state of Korth

  • -1600

    Destruction of the line of Vol and the Mark of Death

    The Aereni discover that the line of Vol, which carries the Mark of Death, has been performing magebreeding experiments with rogue dragons in hopes of enhancing the mark. The Undying Court joins forces with Argonnessen and completely wipes out the line of Vol. Elves that supported Vol are exiled to Khorvaire, and the elves of House Phiarlan choose to relocate there.

  • -1500

    Marks of Making and Warding arise
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Making appears among humans of Metrol. The Mark of Warding appears among the dwarves of the Ironroot Mountains.

  • -1500

    Humans spread across Khorvaire

    Humans have spread across Khorvaire, and the city-states that will eventually become the Five Nations are now well established: Daskara (Thrane), Korth (Karrnath), Metrol (Cyre), Thaliost (Aundair), and Wroat (Breland).

  • -1400

    Destruction of Shaarat & Founding of Sharn

    King Bregor of Wroat destroys the rival city of Shaarat, asserting his power over the region. He eventually rebuilds the city and renames it Sharn.

  • -1000

    Karrn the Conquror establishes Karrnath
    Military action

    Karrn the Conqueror seizes control of Korth and establishes the nation of Karrnath. After defeating the remaining goblinoid settlements, he unsuccessfully attempts to conquer the city states of Daskara, Metrol, Thaliost, and Wroat.

  • -950

    Mark of Storm arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Storm appears among half-elves of Daskara.

  • -900

    Mark of Passage arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Passage appears among humans in Thaliost.

  • -800

    Mark of Handling arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Handling appears among humans in western Thaliost.

  • -800

    Creation of the Kalashtar
    Religious event

    Adaran monks become voluntary vessels for quori spirits in Dal Quor, creating the kalashtar.

  • -600


    The Sundering of Sarlona
    Military action

    In Sarlona, the Sundering begins. Over the next two hundred years, the quori use manipulation and greed to stir up riots and wars across the continent. These conflicts lead to a wave of human refugees settling on Khorvaire, notably in the Shadow Marches and the Demon Wastes. Tiefling and human refugees from Sarlona establish the Venomous Demesne in what is now Droaam.

  • -500

    Mark of Detection arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Detection appears among half-elves of Wroat.

  • -500


    War of the Mark
    Military action

    Following the establishment of The Twelve, the Dragonmarked houses united to wipe out the aberrant dragonmarked. The houses had greater numbers, but aberrant marks at the time carried substantial destructive powers. The aberrant forces were lead by Halas Tarkanen and the Lady of Plagues, who claimed Sharn as their stronghold and base of operations. When it became clear that the aberrants were doomed, he and the Lady of Plague unleashed the full power of their marks - terrible earthquakes and rivers of lava caused the collapse of parts of the city, and masses of pests and horrible plagues ravaged invaders and defenders alike. Some claim that the Lady of Plague's death-curse still lingers in the depths of Sharn.

  • -14


    Galifar Wynarn unites the Five Nations

    Galifar unites the Five Nations. He abolishes the practice of slavery in his domain and promises freedom to the oppressed subjects of his enemies. This draws a significant number of goblins to his cause.

  • -2

    Mark of Finding arises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Mark of Finding appears among the people of the Shadow Marches.

  • 5

    Reconstruction of Sharn
    Construction beginning/end

    Galifar I and Princess Brey begin the reconstruction of the ruined city of Sharn. The ir’Tain family invests heavily in the construction

  • 28


    Galifar–Lhazaar War
    Military action

  • 40

    Galifar I steps down
    Diplomatic action

    Galifar I, now eighty-five years old, steps down and passes rulership of the kingdom to his eldest daughter, Cyre

  • 298

    Year of Blood and Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Year of Blood and Fire. The overlord Bel Shalor is partially released from his bonds, and fiends terrorize Thrane.  The paladin Tira Miron sacrificed herself to rebind Bel Shalor. Her allies establish the Church of the Silver Flame, and the cathedral of Flamekeep is built around the pillar of fire marking her sacrifice.

  • 830


    The Silver Crusade
    Military action

    In 832 YK, The head of the Silver Flame Jolan Sol declared that lycanthropy corrupted the soul itself and must be completely eliminated. The Silver Flame across Khorvaire were ordered to be vigilant and root out lycanthropes in hiding. While lycanthropes and shifters are not the same, the war against lycanthropy resulted in many shifters being tortured and killed in the name of ‘purity’. The relationship between shifters and The Silver Flame remains difficult to the current day.

  • 832

    25 8. Barrakas

    Martyrdom of Fathen
    Religious event

    During the Silver Crusade, Fathen exposed and purged scores of lycanthropes in Sharn, but on 25 Barrakas a pack of wererats tore him limb from limb on the streets of North Market. Fathen was canonised as a martyr for the Silver Crusade.  The site is now marked with a small shrine, and the faithful gather on the anniversary to listen to a sermon given by the priest of High Hope.

  • 896

    Blood of Vol established as State Religion of Karrnath
    Religious event

    King Kaius I of Karrnath embraces the Blood of Vol as Karrnath’s state religion. The Order of the Emerald Claw is established.

  • 910

    Kaius II ascends to the throne of Karrnath
    Diplomatic action

    Kaius II ascends to the throne of Karrnath after the mysterious death of Kaius I.

  • 914

    Mror Holds declare independance

    Miners in the Mror Holds break through into the deeper halls of the Realms Below and declare independence from Galifar, creating The Mror Holds as an independent nation.

  • 918

    9 2. Olarune

    Disaster / Destruction

    Unknown saboteurs destroy the Glass Tower of Sharn.

  • 928

    Founding of Q'barra

    Ven ir’Kesslan leads settlers from the Five Nations to forge the nation of Q’barra.

  • 956

    Founding of Valenar

    Tairnadal mercenaries annex Eastern Cyre and declare the sovereignty of the elf nation of Valenar.

  • 958

    The Eldeen Reaches founded

    The Eldeen Reaches declares itself an independent nation under the protection of the Wardens of the Wood and the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian.

  • 961

    Boranel ir’Wynarn becomes king of Breland.
    Diplomatic action

    Boranel ir’Wynarn becomes king of Breland. Zilargo renounces their previous neutrality to formally align with Breland

  • 965

    Creation of the Warforged
    Technological achievement

    House Cannith, lead by Merrix d’Cannith Senior perfects the modern-era warforged. Over the next few years, Aereni d’Cannith improves on his father's work, granting sentience and sapience to the warforged before his excoriation from the house in 970.

  • 969

    Darguun founded

    The mercenary leader Haruuc leads a hobgoblin rebellion. The goblinoid nation of Darguun is established in what was southwestern Cyre.

  • 972

    The Shadow Schism

    The Shadow Schism. House Thuranni splits off from House Phiarlan

  • 976

    Disestablishment of the Blood of Vol
    Religious event

    Regent Moranna of Karrnath condemns the Blood of Vol and restores the Sovereign Host as the state religion of Karrnath. Seeker orders are disbanded, but the Order of the Emerald Claw refuses to disarm, its members going into hiding. The Blood of Vol remains popular in Karrnath and conversion to the Sovereign Host is slow.

  • 987

    Droaam Founded

    The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droaam. King Boranel of Breland pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains.