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Borinn Stoneforge

Borinn is a member of House Orien and possess a greater dragonmark. He works closely with Doddra d'Orien on research and development. He is assisted by Elara Estel.

Appearance: • Borinn is a burly human man in his late 40s, with a thick beard the color of iron filings and sun-baked skin etched with wrinkles from years of labor. • His hands are large and calloused, his forearms thick with muscle. He often wears a simple leather apron over sturdy work clothes, the leather singed and scarred from years near the forge.

Personality: • Borinn is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him. He is hardworking, honest, and fiercely loyal to those he considers friends. • He takes immense pride in his craft, and his booming laugh can often be heard echoing from his smithy as he hammers away at hot metal. • Despite his gruff exterior, Borinn possesses a surprising amount of tenderness, especially when it comes to protecting the young and vulnerable.


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