BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Celosia Senho

Celosia Senho

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slender

Body Features

She is slightly lithe, healthy, but thin and quite beautiful.

Facial Features

She has a long slightly angular chin and cheek, but a cute button nose.

Identifying Characteristics

A general beauty, but no moles or scars or the like.

Physical quirks

She seems very proper

Special abilities

She has the ability to sense others emotions.

Apparel & Accessories

Normally she wears slightly nicer apparel than a normal traveler.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Loosely Heterosexual


Using Morgrave University and street smarts!


Works for the Tyrants in Sharn

Intellectual Characteristics

Very charismatic, quite intelligent and wise. She is a social bard versus an entertainer or scholar.

Morality & Philosophy

Doing good, but more so protecting her family.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Gambling with money


Clean. Prestidigitation rocks!


Contacts & Relations

Mother Brother Kana - 13

Religious Views




Wealth & Financial state

Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
On a Wir in Dravago (Late Spring) 975YK
Sharn - Lower Dura
Current Residence
Middle Central Plateau
Strawberry Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Quori, Undercommon

Day 25 - True or False: Who to Trust
4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK

Well, today started with a blast and an insult, when at 4am the Z'nir guards woke us up, told us to dress our best, and then led us to the hangar. It was all a flurry with the DOSK, their entourage, their military, and a spot for us off to one side. It was then I saw the airships come. Four huge airships made out of Sora wood and powered by air elementals making their way toward The Great Crag Mountain. And just as they approached, the harpies from The Great Crag did a flying display showing their prowess. Then as if in response, the airships set off a large display of fireworks. I can tell they did not do their homework on how to approach the DOSK. Heck, I was insulted with such displays of wealth and frivolity. I couldn't even fake it, the anger all over my face them getting me out of bed while I was nice and snuggled and sleeping for this. Once the displays of power were over, it just got worse as individuals started to feather fall from the airships instead of taking the ladders. Florid displays happened, which the DOSK find insulting as they like plain and direct communication. Not the fakeness that comes with diplomacy. The spokesperson for the Breland/Dragonmark house delegations was the head of House Jorasco - Ulara d'Jorasco. She greets them very formally and with too much flourish but accepts the offer of lodging and sustenance that the DOSK present. Benne Roche who is the representative for Breland also presents herself, but in a slightly less display of foppery. The head of House Deneith presents himself and kneels providing an apology for the mess in Greywall. When all is said and done, the House groups make one more unwise decision and, instead of excepting the help with luggage by the harpies, each bag had a feather fall token attached and the luggage floated to the hangar floor in a wasteful show of pretentiousness and wealth. Then it was time to leave, and the tubes were full. I looked at my group and bid them a good night, took Tarryn's hand, and dimension doored to our room. The others were transported by harpy to another entrance and escorted back to our area. The one good part about the arrival was getting the opportunity to speak with Hazel d'Orien. We were able to tell her about the Lower Dura to brace her for the fallout and she seemed extremely excited to watch them all go down in flames with the accommodations. She also delivered a letter to Tarryn from his mother and sister which he was excited to go read. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tarryn and I got back to our room, he read his letter letting him know they were fine, that they were told he had become a bit of a hero and were moved into better lodgings with a reward for them to hold until he returned to Sharn. House Orien provided all of this. Now that he knows his family is safe, it is my turn to see how my family is and I finally performed the scry spell watching for my mother. I watched for the whole 10mins of her getting ready and making breakfast for the family. And I cried to know they were safe. Now I can eat breakfast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now the rest of the day is kind of a mash up of meetings with good people and not so good people and the discovery that we have to stop a bombing. The DOSK summoned us immediately to meet with them and, with great pains to themselves, asked for us to help them and to keep Droaam's best interest at heart. At this point, the seer (ST) has a vision, now prior to the vision, I could feel the psychic energy testing our wills. Two of our number simply checked out and were unfocused at that point. Then there was more discussion and another wash of energy tested us once more and I was the only one to keep my wits about me. And once the vision flashed before us, I was forced once more to challenge my will and I rose to it to keep my mind intact. The vision was of a gathering within the mountain where Breland, Droaam, and Dragonmark representatives were gathered in a meeting, or cocktail hour, or a dinner where in the middle of the room there was a sucking sound followed by a boom, bright white light and then there was nothing. This could mean the end for the region if we do not find the bomb before this event takes place. In order for us to succeed, the DOSK provide us with their personal natural rings that they and their heads of order wear to move freely throughout the mountain. This will grant us access to areas we would not normally be able, and they are not telling anyone below the existence and will deny any information about the rings. Hra Dirtcast shows us how to use the rings and about the symbol carved to show stone passages that run through. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we traveled back to our rooms where we found Alepoison there with a medusa having been told to build us a private meeting room and put sending stones in there so that we would sooner get messages and requests. We decided to ask for an assistant to monitor our schedule and messages. That wonderful person is Inkwell, and he is amazing. With all of the chaos from the rest my party, I need to know there is someone I can trust who is sane. Turns out we missed several messages having had many to request an audience with us. Those Don Jon Raskin of House Sivis, Endinwel Cromelon - the historian, Ulara d'Jorasco, Benne Roche - the Rep for Breland. However, the first person I wanted to meet with was Hazel. While we were waiting for the meeting room to be completed, Ice and Toox decided to evaluate the rings that the DOSK had given us. Ice decided to travel through all of our personal rooms without asking to assess. It is a good thing that Ripper's room was further away allowing Ice not to be attacked. When he was going through the walls, I started to take psychic damage. The mind link rings coupled with the natural ring was giving me mental feedback. I took about a quarter of my health in damage, but more like an eighth because I'm resistant to mental damage. I had to take a little time to adjust my focus with the changes. It also makes the mind link work throughout the mountain and so to begin with.... everyone was screaming at me when they tried to communicate through the mind link. I also threatened Ice to never go into my personal room without invitation or emergency again. The next time that he does so, I promised him that he would be hurt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We met with Hazel in our personal meeting room, and she gave us a bit more dirt on what was happening in Little Dura (that is what they are calling the copy). All heads are setting up one of the buildings for their house and making the mistake of claiming the top floor for their personal area. They are either hating it, taking it as an insult, and some want to go back to the ships. Anyone from Lower Dura can tell you that is the worst place to be because if there is a fire, you are in trouble. Except Merrix who is enjoying this whole experience immensely and has set up his experiment space on the ground floor of his House. Hazel wants to be in on the action and wants to help, so has offered to keep an eye out for us and report. I was also able to meet with Hazel privately about working for House Orien and she loves the idea. She would really love for me to come work for them, but we need to make sure that the split from the Tyrants is clean and will have to address once we are back in Sharn. She also did not seem surprised when I thanked her for introducing me to Tarryn. I am not hiding anything affection wise about Tarryn, which is good, I think. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting with Don Jon Raskin was great. He offered any assistance that he can provide on behalf of House Sivis regarding any messages when needed to convey. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting with Ulara d'Jorasco went as expected. She requested us to meet with her in her office at Little Dura. We ended up meeting with her, Kwanti d'Orien, Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan and Elar d'Thuranni. So, the healer house, the two elven spy/assassin/performer houses, and House Orien. We entered in the following order: Me, Simon, Ice, Toox, Hult, Tarryn, and Ripper (who was wearing one of his "disguises" with a cloak labeled "carrier of heavy things". Simon astounded me with his air of pretentiousness, between myself (Performance 28) and Simon, we represented our small group. They wanted our help to settle any confusion with the people of Droaam. They noted the fine work of building Little Dura and that it was done very quickly. They asked how the DOSK knew they were coming. We danced around the truth but did not tell them much of anything about that. They commended our efforts to stop a war with our work in Greywall. They want help from us to support Breland and the houses of Dragon marks with setting up trade routes. I think they just want Droaam's money! And they reminded us that technically Droaam is not recognized as its own country and owned by Breland's king. Oh, and that, with the greasiest of smiles, that they were here to help. I think d'Orien is the only decent one in this room. He particularly walked over to Tarryn to shake his hand and thank him for the good that he has done for his House. I could not have been prouder, and it showed all over my face. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endinwel Cromelon - was great. he just wants to be in the room where everything happens to take note of things that are making history. his job is not to interfere, but to document. He also is an expert about the Wizard Tiranil and has been searching for him. What he doesn't know is we have his dead body hidden in the wagon, but we are preserving it with Gentle Repose in the hopes to have him raised and his brain corrected. And I'd love to get his opinion on my song "The Death of Delphyne". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benne Roche - Female Halfling - Representative for the King of Breland. She comes across as being from old money as opposed to being rich and flaunting it. She was practical, but a practiced diplomat. She is part of the envoy and by two guards (the guy was adorable). Wants to foster relations with DOSK. She is here with full authority of the King and expresses that the houses are acting alone and for themselves, not for the betterment to Breland. She provided vague promises of wonderful things for any assistance we could provide her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have just awoken from sleep and am a bit foggy regarding what happened after the meeting with Benne Roche. Once the meeting was over, I had a headache, but with all of the mental exertion today, I was not surprised. But not long after the headache comes on, I felt exhausted, and everything started getting a little blurry. I remember Tarryn confirming with Inkwell that that was our last meeting. He must have noticed the exhaustion having seen me this way a couple of other times in the past week or so. Tarryn then helps me gather my things and gets me back to our room to lay down to nap. Then I experienced something I've never done before; I saw something in my sleep. I've never dreamed myself... there are no dreams or nightmares of my own. I do not connect to the realm of dreams. All I remember is darkness and blackness, the sense of a nightmare. I must meditate before bed tonight and hope to be guided better.

Personal Journal - Then the Horse Came Down
4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK

The horse came down   I once saw an unusual sight The horse was flung And then the horse came down   I once saw a remarkable sight The shaft was sprunge The horse was flung And then the horse came down   I once saw a breathtaking sight The carriage was flipped The shaft was sprung The horse was flung And then the horse came down   I once saw a terrible sight The giant he tripped The carriage was flipped The shaft was sprung The horse was flung And then the horse came down   I once saw a worrisome sight The boss gave a shout The giant he tripped The carriage was flipped The shaft was sprung The horse was flung And then the horse came down   I then saw a wonderous sight The heroes called out The boss gave a shout The giant he tripped The carriage was flipped The shaft was sprung The horse was flung When, Hult saved the horse and came down

Day 24 - The Great Crag
3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK

The back of the Edhellen is pretty comfortable when all is said and done, but there is of course difficulty sleeping next to someone and of course a lack of privacy. I will endeavor not to drink or eat something out of the ordinary that I don't know what it will do to me. I do feel better, however. I feel healthier and like I can channel more power than I could yesterday...we shall see. Khajiit and his loxodon guards were so kind as to make breakfast for us all since we so kindly shared our drink with them last evening. We also took this opportunity to purchase some things from the Tabaxi merchant as he has been able to procure some items of a magical persuasion. I bought a couple more feather fall tokens and I was able to scratch off my list the purchasing of a set of sending stones. Since, I know at some point, Tarryn and I will be in situations where we will not be together. It would have been useful to have had them when we dealt with the Wyvern as he and Simon were at the Tower and the rest of us were a couple hours away. So, they are practical for short and long-distance communication. I made sure to either get his or my favorite color... and so I was able to get a dark blue set as that is Tarryn's. Ripper was also able to pay me back the money that he owed me (60 gold). The others bought various things: Ice - 4 feather fall tokens and 2 potions of invisibility, Hult - flame tongue weapon to sacrifice to his god/goddess, Toox - 1 potion of invisibility and a bracelet of comprehend language. Ripper - a +1 shield. Once we were fed and our purses lighter, we headed to The Great Crag. ------------------------------------------- As we drove to The Great Crag, we came across a station for the quicklings. None of us were so crazy as to investigate the quicklings end of the line. Not too far from the station was the entrance to the city surrounding The Great Crag. This is nothing like what those who have come into Sharn after visiting it have indicated. I believe that it has been a ruse in order for The Great Crag to come across as more underdeveloped than it actually is. The city is incredible with the stone structures having been laid out in a controlled chaotic way. It is a city with a plan for the different races of different sizes to live in harmony. There is no sense of a class system separation within The Great Crag. The streets are full of random races, big and small, with no rhyme or reason. Apparently, we made several folks angry and would have gotten killed most likely until an officer of the city called Hamhock and his Storm Giant partner. They were there to escort us through the city to the Crag itself as we were also apparently causing major traffic problems. So, after convincing Tarryn to let Hamhock to drive the Edhellen to show us the ropes, we headed at dangerous driving being explained that you give right of way to things that will kill you and take right of way of things you can kill. We did have to stop for 3 quicklings and were told they only live 15 days, and the deal is they are in service to the daughters of Sora Kell for 10 days and then can do whatever the hell they want for the other 5 days. Most folks do not mess with quicklings and so we had to wait a long time before they disappeared after a slight standoff with some other bigger races. At that point, Hamhock lets Tarryn take over again and I help him navigate the rest of the way to the gate. Once we get to the gate, Hamhock tells us to keep driving until he tells us to stop. We stop when he says and pulls into a parking space that is indicated. I had so much energy coursing through my body after that drive that I threw all discretion out and kissed Tarryn so passionately regardless of who was around to witness it. ---------------------------------------------- Hamhock leaves us with a female Goliath names Inalo Flowerdream Thenalulane who has a clipboard sized for her. She makes the arrangement to have 8 harpies to fly the Edhellen from the area to The Great Crag. Inalo confirmed that Hurda would be arriving to The Great Crag as well. We were provided warmed spiced ale which was delicious. As we fly, Tarryn, Simon, and me rode inside while the rest rode up top or flew alongside. Ripper apparently decided to become a giant spider and I will just say…. Why? And Ewwww…. I was able to get a good aerial drawing of The Great Crag (Performance 26) and confirmed that there are no class sections separations ----------------------------------------------- Once we arrived, we started to look around because Simon couldn't wait patiently with the wagon. I felt bad leaving Tarryn alone with the Edhellen, but he is a big boy with a big bow and knows how to use it. He also has the sending stone to my match should he need me. It was then that we were greeted by Begulk a bugbear who is well dressed and was clearly trained in Sharn and has the talking down to us while trying to be polite down to a pat. He is honest, serious, and sincere in his address, however. They have a vault that is set up with some sort of blood magic to keep the contents secure. The idea is that we will store the Edhellen there and only Simon or Tarryn are able to access the vault once the blood magic has been set up. Begulk also makes it very clear that the Daughters of Sora Kell have taken personal responsibility with Simon's safety and that he will always have a guide when he moves about The Great Crag. Begulk then shows us to the travel tubes and explains how to use them. He indicates that there is a guide in our rooms to assist us with traveling with the tubes. He explains that once he steps into the dark tube, count to two and then the next person steps in, holds their arms close to them and do not try and get off at a different stop, wait until you slow to your stop before stepping out. He then stepped into the tube, I counted to two, Ice and Toox were debating who was going to go first, so I just went. I also put on the bravest face before following Begulk as I did not want to show anyone weakness no matter how scared I was. It was a feeling I will have to get used to, but it is close to the sensation of falling off of a sky bridge before a feather fall token kicks in. The sheer rush of wind all about you and the smells around you, though these were more controlled being inside tubes. I don't know how I kept it together, but I did, and I think I will do much better the next time I use it. Then the rest traveled, but they did not fair very well except for Tarryn and Hult. Toox unfortunately started to have a "reaction", but I was able to calm her and "counter" her issue before more damage could be done. ----------------------------------------------------- We all arrive to our guest quarters with Toox, Ice, Ripper, Ripper's entourage, Hult, and Tarryn and I having rooms to ourselves, and Simon is shown into the suite with a feather mattress and lots of room with amenities. Our rooms have windows and a wooden bed. Simon is to have tea with the DOSK, but we have requested to be close by for his safety and that is agreed upon. Once Begulk leaves, Simon shares his discomfort with his treatment and expresses how he'd like Ice, Hult, and Toox to find out information in town and for Ripper and myself to be with him with the afternoon tea. He then uses his influence to get Tarryn and I a mattress, so we don't have to sleep on the wood. He also gets Ripper a stone wall for him to sleep. A medusa with a wonderful eye for stonework makes what Ripper needs and even fixes the door Ripper created to his friend's room. ------------------------------------------------------- Since I get the feeling we are going to be here a little while, I set up my instruments, research, sketchbook, and toiletries in the room for convenience. Tarryn really surprised me a little today with his driving and then with his reaction to the travel tubes. I like his directness, boldness, and skill. So honest too. So, refreshing and, I'm not gonna lie… I like not being in control sometimes and just want him to take the initiative. And I told him how I like it when he is a bit rough and tumble…. and then… well… he was bold and took the initiative. I'm in such trouble…in the best of ways. ------------------------------------------------------- Just before 2pm, there was a knock at our door indicating that tea was at 2pm. I was able to get up, dress, make myself presentable and "pressed" Tarryn's official House Orien outfit. For him, I'll take payment in hugs and kisses for keeping him clean and smelling fresh. Ripper and I went to escort Simon to his tea whilst Toox, Ice, and Hult went seeing the sights of the city of The Great Crag.   They had an exhilarating time with Hult rescuing a flying horse. I am going to have to put that down as a song. I can just hear the audience singing along to it... "And then the horse came down..." They visited a tavern/restaurant called The Giant's Mug owned by an Orog named Noughhug Blackarm. He came into possession of the business after killing the previous owner in a battle of pride and was victorious. He is about 6'6 and 280lbs and is an accomplished and healthy fighter. He is missing his right ear. He reported that there is a lot of activity happening over the past week over at The Great Crag official tower to the point that there are rarely folks just hanging around at the pub. People coming in and asking for takeout. Lots of Turkey being brought in, the bland parts of turkey that "softies" eat. However, no one seems to know what is going on. -------------------------------------------------------------------- While Ripper and I sat outside of the tearoom, Begulk sat with us and conversed with us. There were also Z'nir guards on either side of the tearoom door for security. Begulk certainly seems a lot less snotty and looks more observant at my mannerisms and the way I speak like he is trying to adjust to the way of Sharn from my presentation. I made sure to be more my diplomatic self-versus the snooty lady. He went so far as to make plates of food for me as we waited and shared interesting things regarding some of the food that I may not be familiar with. Ripper asked about a bean that Begulk had offered to Simon before traveling in the tubes once again. It was said to work like a Goodberry spell, though these beans are not made with magic. They can be grown and that there is a shop in town called "Beets, Beets, Beets" that sells them. I asked Begulk about his experience in traveling to Sharn and he told me that he went to Morgrave University in Sharn and spent time in Galethspyre trying to learn more about Breland culture. He shared how he felt mistreated and talked down to when he was in Sharn which explains his original behavior to us. I explained how I understand those at the upper levels talking down to those that they deem are beneath them. I tried to assure him that not all are like that and that where I'm from in Sharn was a very different set of people. He said that he had gotten to go to Lower Dura once and felt more comfortable there. He seems excited that I was from Lower Dura to that point that he expressed a desire to show me something after the tea was over. He couldn't tell me what, but I and Ripper agreed to see what he wanted to show us. Once the tea was done about an hour later, Simon came out full of smiles and excitement. We escorted him back down to our rooms and, along the way, Simon expressed out the DOSK are far more intelligent than previously indicated and how wonderful a tea it was. Once back to the rooms, Simon needed to go make notes and asked not to be disturbed. Tarryn had taken this quiet alone time to have some food, drink some wine, and read a book. He deserves it and, if I hadn't had a job to do, I would have been right there with him eating, drinking, and playing/reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The others wandered around town looking at various shops, found a place that did nightly speed dating (Ice was interested), found a weapons shop, a witch shop, and the arena (Ice wanted to fight). They also went looking at what is called "Softtown" which is like a tourist area where folks of Drooam can go to experience the "Breland" way of life. It was at this point that a Quickling was sent to summon them back to the tower and got a lift from a Harpy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ripper and I are led to an area much further down than we have gone in the tower to an open cavernous area that is lit by ever burning torches. This is unusual because most of the area is dark as most that live there have darkvision. The opening was a wide arch with several tubes labeled in common saying "Hangar", "Meeting", "Cafeteria" and "Exit". There is also what looks to be a large lift for maintenance staff. Once I stepped into the area though, it hit me. This was Lower Dura. It didn't smell like it and there were no rats around, but otherwise this was a block in Lower Dura. It had all the living area for lots of people since families tend to live in one or two room apartments. It was even dirty, but not like real dirt. They had made it to look dirty. There was only one way in which was through the arch. I could not believe what I was seeing and could not even begin to understand what they had built this for. Apparently, they have been working on this for the past week in preparation for something that they couldn't tell me. I almost got the feeling they weren't supposed to show it to us, but Begulk couldn't turn down the opportunity to get a Lower Dura resident's opinion on their hard work. I told them that it seemed to be missing one key thing to a Lower Dura neighborhood. It was missing a tavern. The crew that was there, 3 medusas and a Duergar named Alepoison, quickly got to work to add a tavern. It was amazing the kind of work that they did in such a short period of time. Alepoison even called for the assistance of two Dragonborn to use fire and acid to "decorate" the building and they even took my suggestion that the door needed to be slightly broken for authenticity. On the way back to the room, I decided to see if I could grab some food for Tarryn and myself from the cafeteria. Turns out that the cafeteria is not operational as it is still being built and put together. I spoke with a Tabaxi worker who was setting up some tables and chairs. He asked me who I was with and when I communicated that I was with Professor Twoorb, I was told that I would not be eating here. That I was an honored guest whose food would be ordered through the sending stone and delivered as needed. Then a Shifter came to get the Tabaxi as they had more work to be done. I'm guessing in the kitchen area as this was the dining and serving line. I wonder who this cafeteria is for if not for us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once I was back in the room with Tarryn, there was a knock-on Simon's door, some discussion and then a knock on our door. A Tiefling lady by the name of Order was there to issue an invitation to dinner with the DOSK. The tall, beautiful, dark skinned dark afro haired female instructed us that we would be dining with the DOSK in the Drooam tradition meaning that we are to come dressed for battle. The dinner would be in 1 hour and we should not speak unless spoken to and that there would be a neutral food taster for any safety concerns. Tarryn was instructed to NOT wear his official outfit. It is about this time the others arrive and are provided with the same instruction regarding dress and manners. We spend time sharing what we had learned and got ready for dinner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were escorted by a Z'nir guard of honor to the dining room where a large dark wooden table was arranged. The DOSK were already sat at one end of the table and Simon was shown to the seat next to ST, SM sat in the middle and SK on her other side. I chose to sit next to SK knowing that she was the more talkative of the three being a very charismatic orator. Tarryn and Hult chose to sit across the table from the DOSK Ice and Toox sat to the side of Simon and Ripper and his brood sat between Tarryn and myself. I'm sure it might have seemed odd that Tarryn did not sit next to me, but I understand. He had no need to be so close to the daughters and well, he would have only been a bit of a distraction for me as I tried to talk with SK. Plus it was nice to make eyes at him across the table during dinner. So, once we were greeted and seated, the strangest thing happened. Simon pulled his rapier, jumped up on the table and charged SM like he was going to attack her. It was all in tradition, and no one was hurt, but he could have told us. Narre a one of us reacted to this as we all know Simon to not be a natural fighter and I was prepared to heal him if he actually got hurt. He apparently did this at the tea as well and tickled them while impressing them. They asked us what we thought of Sharn and what we thought of The Great Crag. They also invited us to ask questions. Hult asked about why there was so much turkey being brought in and was told to ask that question again in a week. Ripper asked if Xor'chylic was a friend to which they replied that he is as much of a friend as an Illithid can be. We were told we should be there a week or two and that we will be treated with honor throughout the area as we have proven ourselves honorable, fair, and direct. The DOSK also indicated that we may be in a position to give invaluable assistance to many people. The daughters confirmed that I should be able to perform anywhere in the city and that we all would be safe as we are their honored guests, and they would take it personal if we came to any harm. I also confirmed that it was alright for me to use magic to send and receive messages. Wanted to do that before trying to scry or send from within the Great Crag walls. We were told to please enjoy the city, but ST informed for us to stay within the mountain that night and it was confirmed by SK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the dinner was over and we settled in for the night, I decided to broach the subject of working with House Orien to Tarryn. I got him in a snuggly mood, and I laid out all of my cards on the table wanting to know what he thought about it all and if he would have any issue with the pursuit. I told him how I wanted to reach out to Hazel in order to stop working for the Tyrants and to start working with House Orien. I believe that my skills may be good to them as a sort of diplomat in their endeavors and, in exchange, I could work on learning teleportation circle by gaining access to their permanent gates that are set up. Tarryn thinks that all of it is great, and he likes my odds at making that change. And he doesn't at all think that it would have a negative impact on our relationship. Let's hope that Hazel is just as supportive as Tarryn is. The plan is for me to send Hazel a Sending, so tomorrow I will work to craft a 25 words proposal.

Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits
2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK

I feel so much better this morning, day 5 after the meeting with Xor'chylic. Woke up again with Tarryn after a fun night of games for two in our room. I wonder if he knows how I feel already without me telling him. It might mean that I will wait forever, but I have to wait this time for him to go first. He has to say it first...   Toox showed back up today and has been working on some private things that have come out of nowhere. I will be here as her friend and help how I can, but her life has now become harder than it was. She is smart enough to make the right decisions for herself. Lets hope others in our group will be as cautious. Ripper is starting to concern me with his over interest in Toox's situation going as far as suggesting experimentation. Also Ripper was investigating the stasis pod that trapped Xor'chylic that is rumored to have been sunk in the lava river. I don't understand why that would be of interest other than just for odd knowledge.   Tarryn has already gone to help Brenden with something for House Orien and there are rumors of something happening at the Kennels this morning. I need to go try and cash this bank note at House Kundarak, so I will see what the event is that has everyone in a tizzy.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rossys Fernmouse is no longer a statue. In a large display, the Illithid decreed she was to be released from that punishment in our names... that is right... it was announce that my group including Tarryn and Simon were given the credit for her release. Something is wrong here as I know I never made such a request. Now, I didn't think she deserved being a statue, but she deserved punishment more than being banished from Drooam. She was taken into custody of House Tharask led by Luka Sharmin.   I was able to get $400 gold, but we were unable to get the $800 from House Deneith. And the reason is so sad and typical of such awful representation; There is literally no one of high enough rank to sign off to release the funds. This is because with Sgt Clint missing, the next few in line deserted.   Once we got back to the inn, we all had invitations for dinner that smelt of Feldspar, but the handwriting was far too fine to be him... must be Ninarin's. Between dinner and now I'm going to go do some further research... I feel like there is something I am missing.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within my research I get the feeling that we are in some ways in the middle of a war between Drooam and The Dragonmark Houses. We need to be prepared to present respect, strength , honesty, and be upfront with information. Be ready to take a punch. Those who are hurt in service are revered.   Feldspar indicated something similar about Looking them in the eye, speak plain, no pleasantry. Hurda's view of us is important. The Daughters also enjoy practical use of innate abilities.   He also told us to stop looking for Clint. Feldspar confirmed that Clint is dead and would prefer for him to stay missing. Feldspar reeked of anger and was very uncomfortable with what he had done. He also said that Hurda was going to as us to stop between here and the Great Crag to help village along the way. Feldspar and Ninarin are heading into Breland where he is very wanted.   After they left, the bill was brought, billed to the Last Tower by Feldspar and the Z'nir guard came to collect him but instead ended up collecting as much of the dinner that was left. We were left with a message for us to meet with Hurda tomorrow.   Once the guards left, I shared my findings with the rest. I was concerned that we hadn't heard anything back from our messages sent over a week ago. Tarryn had a brilliant thought to try and use his House Orien contacts to get a message through. I suggest us sending to Professor ir'Zana who is an ally to us and it gets sent on Simon's behalf since he is also a Professor at Morgrave University. We ask for her to verify Tarryn and my family are safe. We all headed down to have the message sent when we noticed that the Kennels were having a party claiming defeat of Xor'chylic because of Rossys Fernmouse's release. They are idiots and I feel like I need to shower in case the stupidity is contagious.   We get to House Sivis, send the message, and return to the inn, but on the way back Tarryn decides to headback to House Sivis for some reason. I had a feeling that he was going to be late back to the inn when he told me not to wait up for him. So I set a little trap to wake me up when someone opened our bedroom door. Tarryn slept in House Sivis to wait for the answer. I love him so much. I know that he was concerned about his family too, but he was also concerned about me and my concern for my family as well. The response came at 6am, confirming both families are fine. Professor ir'Zana had two separate groups visually confirm the family members were healthy and safe, though they did so from a distance to keep them from coming to possible harm from whatever action the demon they are hunting might take. So he arrived with the response a little after 6am and I made sure he slept comfortably as I'm sure the benches at House Sivis aren't the best to sleep on.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We met with Hurda who asked us to offer aid to the small hamlet of Yiklark. To make haste, Tarryn and I take turns driving to speed up out progress. We really should have rested when the other was driving as we were both exhausted when we got to Yiklark. Along the way, we noticed some sort of path following alongside the road that we would see flashes of lights dart along every so often. These turn out to be Quicklings (Fae Creatures related to blinkdogs) the Daughters found a way to boost the quicklings to use as messengers in Drooam.   We arrive in Yiklark, met with Doth in the morning, had breakfast... some bland.... but Ice, Simon, Toox, and myself went local. It was very spicy and a bit strong, but I was able to keep it down after a bunch of slamming and smashing and eating with the hands.   I was exhausted by then myself and Doth told us where to go to set up a tower for Tarryn to sleep and the wagon to be protected. Then I took the "coffee" Simon had offered earlier so that I would not be exhausted during our search for the monsters. The farms around here grow a plant that is made into powder to help in the breakdown of Khyber Crystals. We were waylaid by a farmer who used to be a Z'nir guard in back in the day. He did tell us that this area has one season left before new ground is found for the growth.   We ventured into the forest near the farms and, by that time, I was not feeling exhausted and felt like I could see everything! I was unable to be surprised. The rest is almost a sort of blur. There was this Corpse Flower that attacked us with zombies and smelled awful. Then there was a second one. We fought them and defeated them. I was able to get a good drawing of what they looked like and then I got really tired and then blacked out. I only know second hand what happened while I was passed out for a day and a half. When I came to, I was in the back of the Edhellen, strapped to one of the beds with Simon there. It was a very odd feeling and I would not like to repeat the use of that "coffee" again.   We have met fellow travelers at a camp area, a Tabaxi merchant and his Loxodon guards. I told them the story of our investigation of the bombing of Little Graywall giving as much credit to Feldspar and Ninarin as I could. The Merchant told us that there is a merchant guild set up to provide goods throughout Drooam and that they are concerned about House Orien. It is good we did not tell him that was who Tarryn worked for. The merchant also said that the Daughters of Sora kell are playing against the Dragonmark Houses and that the houses are coming to make some sort of move in Drooam. Also that we were expected at the Great Crag.   I am off to sleep without Tarryn as he is taking the first watch and I'm not sure the beds in the Edhellen are made for more than one at a time. He was worried about me when I wasn't waking up. I heard he was even worried to the point that Tarryn questioned Simon regarding that coffee. It is going to hurt so much when Tarryn and I will have to part ways even if it is only temporary.

Day 21 - Back to Normal and Poker
28th of Therendor in the year 999 YK

I feel so much better than I have in a long time. This morning I woke up apparently wrapped in Tarryn’s arms. I remember telling him how happy I was and then fell asleep wrapped in my emotions and remember feeling safe, warm, and loved. That must have been when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I have to be honest with myself; I am in love with Tarryn Rowntree. I think that is a secret I’ll keep to myself for now.   He did tell me some things about how the Edhellen is safe in the vaults of House Kundarak with only him and Brenden can access the wagon. Also, that there is big uproar with all the houses causing concern where Tarryn has resigned himself not knowing what will happen. He also thinks that it is time we were back on the road and I agree. We need to get to The Great Crag and get home soon.   I promised Tarryn I would take it easy today, so that I what I'm going to do. I spent the day reviewing my previous journal entries, getting provisions for the trip including some variety of the local ale making sure I didn't get anything that would hurt those of us that are humans. I also used the Mirror of the Past to try and gain more knowledge about Matthew - the prisoner we took to question about the Mark Cult. These are the images that I got when focusing on the mirror:   1) A young boy playing with his mother. They are outside in a pasture, large mountains loom in the background. It looks like the Graywall Mountains, but you can't be sure. 2) A man in his mid 30s, scarred inside and out. He is sitting in a tavern with what look to be a few other veterans. There are empty mugs on the table, and all of them look angry. 3) A young man, no more than 22, running across a battlefield. A blast of magic lands nearby, and it sends him flying into an outcropping. He looks to be the only survivor in the immediate vicinity.   With all of the trauma, worry, battle, and sadness, I thought we as a group needed something to do to just relax and bond a bit. Best thing I know for that is..... gambling. So, I organized a card night with the party and everyone decided to play except Toox and Simon. Simon just watched and I didn't even see Toox to invite her! She was alright, just dealing with things on her own. (Will add the outcome details after the Tuesday Game) .   And since I started my day on a high note, I wanted to end my day on a high note. Sooooo.... I challenged Tarryn to another game of cards.... with our clothing on the line instead of money. Oh, it was quite fun and well.... we both came out winners.

Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting
27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK

(24/3/999) I just woke up after having been passed out for 2 hours. Met with Xor'chylic and we talked. So tired... cannot focus for very long, but must say that I am glad to have served my party as well as I did and I deserve this rest. It is not everyday you have the "pleasure" to speak with an Illithid. --------------------------------------------------------------- (25/3/999)   I have had a full days rest at this point and will expend a little energy in order to get as much down as I can remember from yesterday. We started with coming down for Lunch really as it was closer to noon. Tarryn went to check on the wagon while I sat at the table to write my journal from the day before. I had some "morning" ale and continued my journaling until Tarryn came back inside to ask me to air out the wagon and make some decision about the prisoner that some forgot about. So I closed my journal, went outside and spoke to Uz - one of the Z'nir Guards protecting the wagon. They were very professional and would not receive any refreshment while on duty. I do wish he had told me what they favored as I would love to send them a thank you gift for the duty they have done.   Had them and Ripper take the prisoner out of the wagon, made sure he was fed. Ripper made a goodberry and the guards made the prisoner eat it, perhaps a bit too rough, but he was being definiant. I them cleaned the Edhellen which she needed desperately. Smelt like the dead had buried themselves in the back. Then I came back in, pulled out my journal to continue my writing. It was about then when everyone else not Ripper or Tarryn showed up for food. Ice was just tired, but Simon and Toox both seemed like they had gone to a party, licked the floor at the afterparty and then decided to wrestle a skunk for the after afterparty. I'm going to have to start charging a cleaning and health services fee with the number of times I had to use prestidigitation and minor healing for the stinking smells and the hangovers. Seriously, it did start to feel like I was being taken advantage of after the sixth time I was asked to cast to clean folks up. I even used it on that bit of an ass Feldspar... once. The second time he had to do it himself. Also confirmed that the letter provided the night before was a declaration the bearer's of this letter has done a service to Xor'chylic and is to be shown every courtesy. I also learned that Hult's god is Akilah - The bright goddess of fire. Don't think I have that symbol. Simon ordered breakfast for the table and we ate and talked.   We then discussed what to do with the prisoner when Feldspar offered to go find out stuff from him. We all, but Hult went out, watched Feldspar hit the prisoner with a stick a couple of times before apparently casting a zone of truth. He then went back inside for us to question the prisoner. His name is Matthew. He is 23 years of age and was inducted into the Mark cult about 3 months ago after he and several of his friends were invited to a meal. He was a Beland Soldier int he 101st Infantry Unit, but does not seem to be from Sharn as he has no idea about places in Sharn such as Morgrave University or Tavick's Landing. He is from a place where it is believed that Monsters are taking their jobs and homes. That humans are being displaced. The meal was in a large room with many people. There are 128 in his faction of the cult, but not all have earned the mark. Matthew has the mark carved into him. He has never met the demon that he calls God and only "worship" by acts of service. He knew most of the 128 before the meal. Indicated that Rossi was not a follower but was a sympathizer and gave them the respect that they deserved. He confirmed that the mark was performed with a red stoned knife. This factions leader was one of those we bested in battle.   Looks like Tarryn his here with my breakfast and I am getting so tired once again. I will continue after some food and some more sleep. I am exhausted and soon you will know why.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (26/3/999)   Well, I feel better today, but still so very exhausted. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion, but at least I can speak and think a little more clearly.   After questioning Matthew, we all went back inside until we were summoned to our meeting with Xor'chylic. Hurda came to escort us and took my seat on the wagon. I do not like riding in the back of the wagon with everyone else. It feels too enclosed once you have spent the past 2 weeks riding upfront. We left all of our weapons in the wagon, was escorted to a meeting room, provided water, and then were called in one at a time to be interviewed by the Illithid. I was chosen to go first and was led to a large, gothic office where there was a clerk and Xor'chylic. I was explained the process and that if I answered truthfully, I would be fine. Being someone with the gift of telepathy, I felt comfortable to provide my answers mentally as more of a courtesy than speaking my answers outloud. It was like a warm brain freeze or an itch, but I have taken just as much damage from that conversation as I did the ill feelings near Little Graywall when I passed by with my human appearance. This is not trying to undermine his power, but to confirm that I am perhaps more resilient in these matters than others in my party. I answer two questions honestly. The first question was Do you have any allegiance with the Dragonmark Houses. My answer was I have a mild relationship with House Orien. Second question was Do you plan to cause harm to Droaam, The Great Crag, Graywall, or The Daughters of Sora Kell. My answer was absolutely no. I was regarded for a moment and then dismissed. The others game in one after another in differing states of pain, confusion, glee, illness, bruises, and some blood spattered ears and noses.   It was at this point that I healed all those who needed to be healed, made sure everyone who needed water, whether for rinsing out vomit or cleaning themselves a little. It was at this point that we were led to another meeting room that seemed to be more of a classroom type set up where we were informed that the wagon and all of its contents were given back to their previous owners. That must be some relief to Tarryn and by extension House Orien. It was here that we were explained that the questioning before was being done as if we were children and that, to show us no insult, we would now be given the opportunity to ask Xor'chylic any questions that we wished, but we must do so outloud and that he would not hold back his effects on us. We could leave at anytime that we wished, but it comes at great risk the longer you are subjected. Hult, Feldspar, Ninarin, and, to my great relief, Tarryn did not participate. There could be nothing that Tarryn needed to ask the Illithid and I am quite proud that he knows his limitations and is unashamed. It takes someone of confidence and strength of character to do what is right for themselve. I think I'm falling in love with him. Oh gosh, I hope I don't look like Simon. What am I saying? Who cares if I look besotted at Tarryn. Live like there is no tomorrow.   So, left in the room was Ice, Ripper, Toox, myself, and, OF COURSE, Simon. I will list the questions and answers as a list and indicate at what point individuals left.   How many humans have communicated mentally with an Illithid? Answer: None Why was there the switch from the Great Crag with the Dragonmark Houses regarding trade? When the Daughters were begging for it? Answer: The Daughters of Sora Kell were not begging to work with the Houses, they were baiting the Houses. Who is the demon pretending to be a god? Answer: Not certain, but believe the demon is not from this world. How does the mark cult recruit? Answer: Conversion is performed using hate and fools. How many members are in the mark cult? Answer: more than 700 and less than 1000 (Simon and Toox leave about now as we have taken physical damage, are exhausted, and felt like I was losing my vitality) What sort of danger is Sharn in? Answer: There is so much. What sort of danger is Sharn in from the Demon? Answer: We are not sure, but we know that the demon is there. Where should we go to stop this Demon? Answer: Sharn, but you cannot go there yet. Is there a way to neutralize the mark? Answer: Believe that cutting the mark will disrupt the control. How does the demon compare to the demons that the Heroes of Ghaash'Kala defeated? Answer: (This was the most painful question) Demon arrived in Cyre - now the Mournlands. Those demons came through a rip in the fabric of reality. The demon in Sharn came in through the same rip. Was briefly located in the north before moving to Sharn. Fascinating to see a demon that is more of a planner than one that wreaks havoc. Other realms have demons that behave in a more controlled manner. (I passed out at this point)   I will ask Ice and Ripper if they had been able to asked any further questions?   I shall stop today as my hand is starting to cramp and my eyes to burn. Some sleep this afternoon is necessary so that I can listen to Tarryn better than I did yesterday. I'm very lucky. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 27/3/999   I am now on Day 3 of bed rest and will probably need to take it easier tomorrow, but at least I can get out of bed and be more myself. Tarryn has been so kind to take care of me. He has a good reading voice and I'll eat anything he brings me.... even mushrooms... yuck. After the past few days, I am now sure that I will be tested more to help rid our world of this intruder. Tarryn has his House responsibilities and I'm sure will continue with us to The Great Crag, but something tells me that we will have to part soon as there is a war coming that is worse than before. All I hope for is that if we all succeed in saving our home, that my family is safe and that Tarryn and I will come back together at the end of this terror. If I help save the world... I think that would be a great reward.  

Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever
23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK

There has been so much that has happened that it is hard to believe this all took place in one day. I'll try and document what I can before our afternoon appointment today for I am sure that my journal tonight will have more to tell.   I woke up next to Tarryn and smiled remembering about the letter and his positive response to it. This is no longer a fling but has grown into a little something more and I feel more and more myself when I am with him. After getting up and packing, I asked my beau about the preparedness for negotiating with The Great Crag. I was surprised when he indicated that he didn't think House Orien knew what they were doing and were just taking a chance to make some money and help our group as well. Hazel d'Orien specifically for our keeping her alive and serving her well. I wonder when it would be appropriate for me to send her a thank you note for introducing me to Tarryn. I'm also wonder if I could be of use to House Orien with my skills as I think I want to make a change from working for the Tyrants. And this has little to do with Tarryn, but it doesn't hurt that he and I are involved. I'll try to help the best I can as I have an invested interest in this trip.   We got on the road again, leaving the shack of Tiranil Amastacia on our way to The Great Crag. First, we came to a small town still on the Breland side of the world called Tilford. We took a lunch break there and tried to gather more information before we got to Graywall and crossed into Drooam. Toox apparently learned about a dire tiger that stays around the Hostel in the town and was warned to not be around in a week when it will probably need to feed again. Ripper found out that the citadel outpost there are very much looking for Feldspar Merrlin and tell of a venom troll that has been terrorizing caravans coming from the mountains. Toox and Ripper seemed to want to go deal with the troll, but since it is in the opposite path than we are going and is not menacing the town, I persuaded them that we have more pressing matters and could try and deal with it on the way back if the Citadel couldn't do their jobs in keeping the town safe. While I was there, I went to check out the local shops and found two that were noteworthy: Munsters R Us and Arcadia Glass. Munsters R Us is owned by a pug who only buys monster parts. There is no selling here and he is protective of his collection. He indicated that his special interest is in a manticore stinger. Arcadia Glass is a most impressive shop that specializes in glass figurines ranging from the innocent to those with an adult intimacy. I think these would sell well in Sharn and the owner and artist Tyrfyr is a lovely half-elven woman who may need help getting her wares outside of this town. I provided her with my name "Rochelle Solunar" and will put her into contact with House Orien if we can get this trade route set up to at least Tilford. We all got back to Simon and Tarryn who were enjoying lunch while we are away. I was surprised they didn't think we might want some, but I will not turn into that kind of partner who will pout when I'm not thought about. Toox and I went to get some of the dish Simon recommended: Dark Mantle Souffle. It was delicious and I enjoyed it as we headed out of Tilford. Just outside of Tilford, however, we came across the strangest sight; kobolds passed out drunk in tall tree branches. We interacted with them to determine they were celebrating with not-dwarven ale and so we left them to recover and headed to Graywall.   We arrive at the Breland checkpoint outside of Graywall and some Citadel guards wanted to inspect the Edhellen, but as a group effort we concoct a story on the fly about a VIP in the back, and convince the guards they should not force their way in. The guards agree, and just ask if we had seen a couple of folks, a group of around 100 kobolds, or Feldspar Merrlin. The group confirms we haven't seen any of them and are set free. We drive into the city of Graywall seeing how orderly the streets are with lines and markings. Also, the layout of the town certainly seems distinct; orderly bland buildings on the Breland side, but on the Drooam side, there is differing architecture which I believe were brought about by the different monstrous race cultural influence. We immediately headed to the House building for Tarryn to check in with his contact Brenden of House Orien. Brenden indicates that Tarryn has a long list of paperwork to work on and will be lost in paper for at least the rest of the day if not tomorrow as well. The Edhellen is placed under lock and key at the House Kundarak vault with a guard from House Deneith while we are in Graywall.   After leaving Tarryn with Brenden, we are ushered into a meeting room, where we are greeted by Rossys Fernmouse, the head of House Ghallanda in Graywall and runs the Golden Dragon Inn. She has workers bring in dish after dish and drink after drink for refreshments. She also says she will have rooms ready for us when we are done here knowing we will be weary. We also meet both the most odious man that I had to flirt with to get information and the guy I would seriously flirt with if I weren’t in a relationship with such a wonderful man already. Sergeant Clint of House Denieth is an arrogant, racist, idiot of a man and so easily manipulated into giving us whatever information he could (which isn’t much). He is so arrogant that he offered to pay us 800 gold if we dealt with Feldspar Merrlin or 400 gold (from his own pocket) if we could prove Feldspar was innocent. He believes that Feldspar is responsible for the bombing that occurred a few days ago in Little Graywall and Sergeant Clint wants us to find the culprit. After the jerk left, a representative from House Tharashk who was with Clint before, came back in to tell us what is really going on here. Luka Sharman of House Tharashk is an affable, charming, open-minded, and handsome human man who doesn't think Feldspar is responsible for the bombing (I agree it seems out of character from what I know of Feldspar), but believes he knows something. He also offered to pay us the other 400 gold for proving Feldspar was not responsible. He assigned Tark, one of the Tharashk house, to help us in our investigation.   Once we are done with our meetings, I let Tarryn know we are leaving and heading to the inn to get settled... and I was so bold that I kissed him on the cheek before leaving him to go back to his paperwork. I offered to help, but Brenden indicated that there was nothing I really could assist with as this was House Orien business. We settled into our rooms at the inn, but we were not to stay there for long as Simon needed to check in with contact Hurda who is located at The Last Tower in the Throne. We check in our weapons with the nice check in Ogre who does a wonderful job with his colors once we arrived at the Last Tower. We met with Hurda, the gorgeous medusa who works for Xor'chylic. She explains that the party will not be allowed to travel to The Great Crag until the bombing situation is resolved. As part of this and that we will be meeting with The Daughters of Sora Kell, we must first be interviewed by Xor'chylic. We are instructed that we will be asked two questions: Do you know anything about the attack on Little Graywall? and Do you intend any actions that will harm Droaam, Graywall, The Daughters of Sora Kell, or The Great Crag? We are also warned to not use our rings of enhanced mindlink in The Last Tower. To avoid accidental use, I removed my ring and will do so when we return. Hurda indicates that she will send word to our inn once an appointment has been set. We collect our weapons and then return to the inn to recoup a bit before beginning our investigations. We are also put in contact with Hult who wishes to join in our investigation. Tark is called back to his House and I wish him well.   We returned to the inn and began planning and doing a bit of investigation before we left to look around. I made sure with Rossi that Tarryn and Brenden would be delivered dinner as they were still fervently working. Hult did a Divination spell in order to gain knowledge of where we would find out the most information regarding the culprit for the bombing. He was given full moon directly overhead, a turned over trash crate, and a sign with a broken sword. Once getting a clearer picture of the sign, I used my Mirror of the Past to gain more information about the broken sword sign. I got the images of the sign hanging on a red building, a tree, the sign again in the dark, and an ogre bumping his head on the sign at midday. The red building is indicative of the buildings in the part of Graywall called Bloodstone, so we at least knew where to begin the search for the Broken Sword. While we are divining and using the mirror, Toox went to follow up on a local business (brothel). Toox learned about the group known as the Purists who are believed to be responsible for the bombing. While we were leaving to head to send our messages, Toox decides to “talk” to human mage twins who are eating nearby. I couldn’t let her go alone, but I said not a word as they seemed to not wish to be interrupted. We believe they have something to do with the Purists.   Before we head to Bloodstone to do a little shopping and scouting for the Broken Sword, we find that there is a House Sivis station here in Graywall and some of us send correspondence back home. I sent a letter to my mom and to my employers hoping to hear some news about Sharn as I am worried with all the symbol information we have found since the start of our journey. After sending the messages, I stopped in on Brenden and Tarryn to check in and I had a question for Brenden about the Great Crag and the plans for setting up trade relations. I am glad I did for is explained the mountains of paperwork. Apparently, for years after the war the Droaamites were desperate to establish trade relations with other nations and Houses. They had some small successes, but not many. Then, around six months ago, The Great Crag started making it more difficult for outsiders to do business in Droaam, just as the houses were beginning to see the profit. Now, Houses have to jump through endless bureaucratic hoops in order to do business, and the competition is getting more challenging.   I, of course, said hello to Tarryn, let him know they would be bringing him and Brenden dinner, that we were going to go shopping, and that I looked forward to seeing him later. He said he’d see me later and called me Honey. It was the sweetest sound, and I lost my calmness and shivered and blushed and smiled. I’m not sure he noticed the effect, but I said to myself that I was going to show him just how sweet I could be next we were alone together. At that point, I didn’t realize just how long that would be.   The four of us traveled to Bloodstone and went shopping and looking for the Broken Sword. I was able to find gifts for Simon and Tarryn: Simon I bought a belt of ogre spices labeled in giant and I bought Tarryn a Heward’s spice pouch as I know he enjoys cooking and has complained about lack of spices while on the trip. I hope he…. I mean… they like it. We also are able to get a great deal on magical daggers. I got one called a Needle of Mending. I figure it would be good to have someone else also be able to cast mending on the Edhellen should she need it. I thought I’d let Tarryn use it for now. Hult used his charm and money to also get us information of where the Broken Sword was located. It is at the end of an alleyway that one cannot sneak down as there is no cover of to speak. Toox and Ripper stay to check it out while Hult and myself head back to the inn.   I made the mistake of trying to go by Little Graywall and my human appearance riled the hate up as we walked by. I had to have Hult help me walk through as the emotion washed over me causing me a sharp pain from all the hate being aimed my way. Once we were all at the inn again, we discussed out next move. We gear up, go back to the Broken Sword, find Feldspar and Ninarin who are in disguise, and learn that the Purists and some smugglers are after Feldspar. Toox gives Feldspar a message from someone named Dox that “You owe Dox 50 gold” which sent Feldspar into a grumbling agitated rant about the situation and explains the situation. The Purists and the smugglers are both looking to kill him. However, he is not responsible for the attack. So, he plans on turning the smugglers he stole the gear from on the Purists, let them kill each other off, and slip away in the fight. None of this works.   We end up in a battle of three factions until the smugglers learn that the Purists are responsible for the bombing, and we end up defeating the Purists and the smugglers concede and help take care of more Purists. Ripper displayed some strange power when a fallen enemy stood back up and fought on our side. I’m beginning to believe that Ripper is not as neutral of a being as I once thought. Near the end of the fight, the Znir Pact arrived to take the Purists in custody and were escorted back to The Throne. Other guards provided us with a letter that I have yet to open, provided Feldspar with a letter as well, and then escorted the six of us to the bridge.   When the seven of us got to the apex of the bridge, we were ambushed by those terrible twit twins. They showed up flying and immediately targeted Ninarin with a hold person and a fireball. I was able to counterspell the hold person, but the fireball still got us. Then it got worse. This wandslinger for hire from Sharn known as Arges flies up and joins the fight also targeting Ninarin trying to cause her to walk off the bridge into the lava flow. Luckily, Toox was able to lasso Ninarin and keep her from completing her quiet walk off the bridge. Between all of us, Feldspar, Ninarin, Toox, Ripper, Hult, Ice and myself, we are able to keep the party healed, take down the twins, break Arges concentration on Ninarin and he shows his wisdom by escaping before we could take him down, and take out some Purist underlings with the assistance of a special friend of Feldspar called Dox. Dox though is not careful and is taken hostage for a moment before Ripper is able to save Dox. Dox is then another spot of danger during the fray when speeding onto the bridge is the Edhellen with Tarryn and Simon on board, sliding the wagon to a halt, Simon jumping out and does the bravest and most stupid thing imaginable. He pulls a blunderbuss, shooting Dox’s new capture point blank, but the weapon backfires as well throwing Simon backwards harming him. I was luckily able to heal both Dox and Simon and we were able to take a capture and put him in the wagon before the next step of the strange night occurred.   It was after we secured the captive, a small army show up on either side of the bridge: Sergeant Clint and House Deneith soldiers from the Kennels and Xor’chylic, Hurda, and more Z’nir guards from The Throne. Xor’chylic takes over declaring the Edhellen and all contents belong to Droaam leaving Clint without a leg to stand on and a terrible headache. I feel sorry for him and hope he is able to recover. Then Xor’chylic controls the Deneith soldiers to stop the purists from escaping the Inn especially Rossys Fernmouse. We are requested to assist and travel quickly with the wagon back to the Inn and I was able to hold Rossy allowing the others to tie her up and Feldspar muted her. I pitied her, but her behavior and rudeness could not be borne. If she truly assisted these awful people, she needed to be stopped, but I’m not sure her fate was fair.   Once Xor’chylic and Hurda arrived, they went through the crowd that was detained by the Deneith soldiers and determined those who were innocent, provided funds and allowed them to leave to find shelter at another Inn. And then the Illithid preceded to deal with those who were not deemed innocent. After witnessing the horror of watching a man suffer and then fall over dead from just being gazed at by the Illithid, I could not stay and watch what was happening. The fear alone was overpowering. Simon, Tarryn, Ninarin, and me excused ourselves to an alleyway away from what was happening. I don’t know how the rest were able to stay and watch. Ninarin provided each of us a leaf to help dull the discomfort. In order to distract from what was going on out front, I decided to give Simon and Tarryn the presents I had purchased for them earlier. It might not have been the best time, but it seemed to help take focus from the horrors happening not too far away. Ninarin is a fascinating individual and has the sweetest voice that was very calming as she explained some of the herbs from the kit I bought Simon. Simon was completely lost in affection towards Ninarin as she spoke. He is besotted and I don’t blame him. She is the type of woman I’d go for if I weren’t already spoken for. There was comfort of being there with just the four of us there, me leaning against Tarryn, listening to Simon’s tale and Ninarin’s knowledge of herbs. I think Simon is going to have to tell his tale to me one more time though. There are points in it that I can’t remember, but Arges absolutely was sent from Sharn by the purist’s “master”. I hope that we will be able to get responses back from House Sivis.   After some time, we were requested back around where we found Rossys Fernmouse having been turned into a statue presumably by the Medusa. That is a fate that I would only wish on those most deserving of it. I’m unsure if I agree that the halfling deserved what happened to her, but I will be thankful it was not someone I cared about. We are informed that we will be summoned for our meeting with the Illithid in the afternoon.   With the exhaustion creeping in on top of the emotional taxing, we follow Hult to an Inn he regularly stays and obtain rooms. Ripper agreed to stay with the wagon and the prisoner at the request of Tarryn needing a real bed after the events of the day. It cost him 10gp though as Ripper needed to summon his familiar once again as she was banished having taken too much damage in the fireball. He sends her with Tarryn to keep contact should something happen with the wagon. I went up to the room, dropped everything, undressed, and just crawled into bed barely staying awake for Tarryn to show up and plop on the bed. It took no time to fall asleep and I am very thankful that I don’t dream because I don’t like the idea of reliving that scene. Got a great sleep, found out Z’nir guards were sent to guard the wagon allowing us to have a slightly lazy morning. Once I shooed the weasel away from the room again, I finally got to show Tarryn just how sweet I was to support his calling me honey.   This was the longest day ever and we are not out of the woods yet.   If this is to be my last journal entry because my brain gets eaten, let me end with some words for those I love and care for.   Mom – I love you and hope that you take all of the money that I have in the bank and move. Make sure Kana gets trained for something better than I have. I have a contact at Morgrave University who may be able to help with advice. Her name is Professor Makeda ir’Zana and is the professor of Ancient Arcane studies.   Kana – Listen to mom and keep her safe. I am relying on you to do that and on you making her proud. I love you.   Professor Makeda ir’Zana – I know that this might be a large ask, but if you could help in anyway with my brother’s education for advice or whatever you can do, I would grateful. I hope that our help in the past will at least earn a little favor on your part. Thank you.   Hazel d’Orien – Thank you for your support during this trip. Thank you for introducing me to Tarryn and, of course if you are reading this, I wish that I had been successful in helping House Orien with the trade route. Please reach out to Tyrfyr at Arcadia Glass in Tilford. She spoke with “Rochelle Solunar” in hopes of setting up trade to sell her wares in Sharn.   (These were in the secret notes: Celosia is writing this while at the breakfast table which is unusual for her as she usually does her journaling in her room and usually alone or with just Tarryn around. When she gets to the end of the journal entry, she cannot help but have a couple of tears fall onto the page staining it with tears. )

Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK

This morning started with a number of uncertainties: Can we defeat the Wyvern? Can we recover the body of Tiranil? Will I come back to see Tarryn again? The gods I hope so! I do not want our time together to end, especially like this and I never get to see him. So, I did the most selfish, cowardly, and vulnerable thing I could do. I wrote him a letter asking him to not read it until we were gone. I couldn't deal with any negative response to it before possibly going to my demise. In the letter, I confessed his importance to me and how I wanted him to know that importance in case I failed to return. And I signed my name to it! And then I left to have breakfast and then for Toox, Ripper and myself to find and handle the wyvern.   We headed into the woods, Toox and I riding on a floating disk while Ripper transformed into a panther and pulled us through the wilderness. I'm glad that Ripper knows his way around the woods, because I would have been little help. After a few hours, we found our way to the clearing where we believed the wyvern to be. We came upon Delphyne laying in the clearing having made a nest around the swaddled body of Tiranil. She was in so much mental pain, like she was already in her worst nightmare. All of my worry turned to sadness being able to sense the melancholy and pain. We decided to make it as quick as possible: I cast a spell to cause her to experience her worst nightmare. I figured she was already there and so my spell might be enough to end her suffering. Ripper cast a spell that seemed to make the wyvern wither and decay and Toox made a swift hit with her weapon to let Delphyne rest. It was not enjoyable, but it was necessary. I will have to commemorate her story in song and art.   We were able to recover the body of Tiranil finding that a Gentle Repose had already been placed on the body. I am not the proudest of what we did next, but it was the safest and most practical. I emptied my bag of holding of everything and we placed the body in my bag of holding. Toox stored my stuff in one of her bags, but I was not going to entrust this special cargo to anyone but myself at that moment. It was too precious to the future of our world.   We buried the body of Delphyne with the assistance of trees that Ripper asked to help. We should have brought shovels from the wagon. Then we headed another 3 hours back deciding that just shy of where we had made camp, we would take the body out of the bag of holding and transport it the short distance via another floating disk to make sure there was no offense. Tarryn and Simon seemed happy to see us and Tarryn had made some dinner outside as by the time we arrived, all of the towers would have been gone.   After eating the wonderful stew that Tarryn had prepared, I set up the towers once more for the night and proceeded to get ready for bed as we were going to head out the next morning towards Graywall. It was then that the moment I had been dreading happened. Tarryn took me aside to talk to me about the letter. I had hoped he might not have seen it and it was blowing in the field somewhere when the towers disappeared. But no, that is not what happened. I'm somewhat unsure if this really happened or I'll wake up in the morning with it having just been a sort of dream.   Tarryn talked effusively about how he felt and about his own worries. He spoke with such emotion, it washed over me filling me with such positivity that I could hardly believe it. He confessed how he worries about what the future will bring, and when our paths might part, but he's grateful for every moment until then. I cannot stress how wonderful it was to hear him express himself without restraint about me and our moments. He doesn't have to worry about our paths parting being that we both live and work out of Sharn and who knows, maybe it is time for a career change for me. I'm sure House Orien could use someone with my skill sets to help strengthen their trade routes and relationships.   As happy as Tarryn and my present and possible future makes me, the finally peaceful image of Delphyne haunts me and leaves me with a bittersweetness. I look forward to sleeping and letting the day process for me. But first, I certainly need a bath.

Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK

This morning, I have a slight sense of foreboding, but it stems more from what we are about to do (going to find a Wyvern and put it out of it's misery) than what I have experienced recently. With so much going on lately, I find myself doubting my own abilities, my own strengths, and I really have no reason to do that. I'm a very intelligent, wise, persuasive, and likeable individual and I perhaps hold myself more accountable than I should. Certainly more than others hold me accountable. And I judge myself when I don't live up to my own ideals, case in point, last night after hurting myself for testing that ring before at least trying to identify it. I wallowed in my own self worth and doubts, consoling myself with mead, wine, and leftovers from our frankly wonderful meal.   And then this man, this honest to goodness, practical, caring, supporting, adorable man, comes in, listens to me beat myself up for having feelings and not being perfect and then proceeds to suddenly put my current moment in life into perspective. To top it off, he is also not lying to me. Believe me, I checked. I'm not used to having someone be so honest with me that was not family. I really do like it. I really do like having him to balance my mind and calm my emotions. I am starting to be scared of the moment it goes away, but I shouldn't think like that. And this next statement is probably at my rawest point; do I deserve such support and care? Tarryn seems to think so and so I should take his advice and give myself some grace.   So, I, Celosia Sehno of Sharn, do solemnly swear that I will stop putting unnecessary pressure on myself. I will act in a way to do what is right and what is necessary within my own convictions and will stop doubting my own self worth to be loved and cared for by someone wholly unrelated to me.   Signed and dated: Celosia Sehno - Therendor 22nd, 999.

Day 13 & 14 - Book and Banquet
21st of Therendor in the year 999 YK

It is clear that we will be here a couple of days longer due to the transcription of the book "A Collection of the Life and Times of One Tiranil Amastacia, Volume 8, Part 57" by Professor Simon Twoorb. The knowledge wrapped up in this journal shines a light on something that has been lurking in the back of my head. The Conspiracy Shed Wall has outlined theories that Tiranil believed based on his foray into the Mournlands and then his several several years of research and putting pieces together. My city is in danger and should Sharn fall to this demon, the rest of Khorvaire and who knows where else would be in danger. As Simon copies the information, myself and Toox use the Mirror of the Past in the study to see what the past can tell us about the Mark.   The images are of course cryptic in nature, but give some information in the hopes of providing more answers or leads. The images support the theory that Sharn is where the demon cult is working and may have taken over one of the groups that operate in the city. The Daask and the Boromar Clan are highly suspicious and House Tarkanan maybe involved. We will have to do more digging when we get back home. I should use the Mirror on the dagger as well, but I can wait until we are ready to pursue that vein. It is noteworthy that Toox believes she recognizes the location in the mirror as Middle Tavick's Landing and I will look more into what is in the area that might tie to what we have found. She also seems to remember seeing the dagger somewhere and I hope it comes to her soon. The foreboding, savagery, and hellscape presented in the images are hard to interpret, but I hope more will be revealed the more information we find and help we can get.   While I have a moment between getting the pages from Simon, I took the opportunity to make a copy of The Ballad of the Greendale Seven composed by Feldspar Merrlin. The lyrics are a bit baudy and rude to the local authorities, but all good Lower Dura residents like to "stick it to the man". I've made my notch in the scroll case lid and put it away with the intention to keep the tradition alive. Wonder if the Great Crag has heard the tale.   ------------------------------------------------------------   The next morning, I set up the three tier tower again and continue with cross referencing with the journal pages with the Conspiracy wall. I am going to have to re-read these journal entries over and over to see what information I can glean from the pages. This is so much bigger than me and I hope that I can rise to the occasion. That we all can, because it is hard to know who to trust. and we must keep this information quiet about the journal . I fear that it might only bring us into more danger with the rarity of its contents.   Tarryn and Ripper have completed modifications on the Edhellen which I'm sure will be reversible and should be removed before we come back to Ardev just in case there are Orien "spies" around. I hope the road ahead doesn't warrant us to use the ballista, but it is nice that we have it just the same. Ripper has also gathered information from his woodland friends (Druids, am I right?) to try and locate the Wyvern and Toox was able to confirm the area of question with the telescope in the observatory.   Nearing the end of Simon's transcription, Tarryn went out into the woodland area and was able to hunt a deer for dinner. He really is a man of many talents and made a banquet for us all to enjoy. I am amazed at his skill in the kitchen and he seems happy to have a proper kitchen to cook in regardless of his grumblings about his options for pots and knives and the like. I will have to focus a bit more on what his needs are for a kitchen since I'm no cook and just focused on the basics, but I will endeavor to focus on the style of pots he needs and to make the knives sharper. Whatever I can do to make him happy and to keep him making such good meals.   Once Simon was done, we all sat down at the table and, before we could eat, Simon filled us in on his thoughts and stated, in a condescending tone to us all, that the most important thing now is that book and getting it to the elves of Aerenal. I held my tongue, but felt like I was not enjoying my food as much as I would like to be. When it was shared that Toox and Ripper were able to reasonably locate the Wyvern, Simon pushed the fact that we should recover the body of Tiranil Amastacia and try to get him back to the Aerenal elves as they may be able to bring him back to life. This would be a great thing for us to do for the benefit of all of Eberron, even if he hated my home city of Sharn. We ate and drank and discussed our theories. It was decided that Ripper, Toox, and myself would set off in the morning to track the Wyvern and put it out of its misery, but before that we decided to test some objects we have gotten at the Lotto Grotto in Ardev.   I'm not sure why I did not just identify the ring with my spell, but I believe it is because I let Simon get under my skin and it clouded my judgement. Turns out that the ring of mending I got is more like a ring of taking life to mend. It hurt me for at least a quarter of my health with a pain that streaked down my spine. I'll see if Tarryn will look at it just to make sure there isn't like some sort of scarring or after affect.   I hope the morning brings some closure....

Day 12 - Planning and Plotting
19th of Therendor 999 YK

After a rough day yesterday, I was determined to bring the group together, talk about what happened yesterday and see if we could come up with a plan on how to deal with attacks on the road, who handles what, and ways to make the wagon safer for those inside and more dangerous for those attacking us outside. I also wanted to get the lay of the land and see if we can get an idea of what lays ahead into the unknown area. I went downstairs to the carriage room to find Tarryn already working on the Edhellen. We said our good mornings, talked, kissed, and then he taught me how the Edhellen works and how to repair it in the case that I need to due a mending quickly. Afterwards, I conjured up a three story 30 ft tall tower with a kitchen/dining, study and observatory.   I gathered everyone together and we started our meeting. Tarryn took that moment to apologize for his actions the day before and, as I expected, the others forgave him. I then pulled out a map I had made of the area and did a recap of yesterday's encounters. Due to the oddities we ran into, I felt that we needed to come together and make a plan. Ideas for securing harnesses on the inside for those riding inside the wagon should it take another tumble. Also, Ripper suggested the affixing of a ballista on the top and, with the help of Tarryn and Ripper's fey friends, he was able to get the materials and build the weapon. I had also instructed Toox to use the observatory to see what she could locate around the area, with the help of Simon , she was able to document the secondary road we saw yesterday, a small town that wasn't on the map, and the location of the crazy mage's shack. Since it was still fairly early in the day after all our activity, Ripper, Toox, and myself went to check out the shack.   The shack was well hidden from the road and we would have traveled right passed it if Toox had not spotted it with the telescope. Ripper cast his floating disk and then changed into a black bear taking Toox and I on a sled ride to help get us there faster. We came across the road to the shack, up the trail, found a natural trap, then and unnatural trap and a wall of force. This place was secured in such a way that I almost said we should go. I wasn't sure if I wanted to risk my life… now that I have something more to fight for.... We ended up climbing over the wall of force and slowly traipsing along a path to the shack that was apparently littered with teleportation circles. We some how made it to the roof of the shack and inside, but there was one more trap waiting for us. The three of us were teleported to a floating steam room, but we didn't take long for us to get out between our combined skills and Toox had a little luck not losing an eye.   Once we teleported back to the shack, we were able to turn the traps off and found that this mage had some connection to the cult we had run ins with about a month ago. We thought we had taken care of the marked cult when we cleared out some magic users from a hidden lair. This was the place we found the jewelry chest in that we left with Doc in Settlement. I wonder how Lute is doing. I will have to write him and share with him the Greendale Seven tale. This mage was more than crazy..... he was mad with a capital M. There are so many notes and connections, pictograms and writings that it will take four of us several hours to gather and catalog as not to lose the derailed train of thought. Ripper went to collect Tarryn and Simon, who had stayed behind and Toox and I stayed to get started. Between Ripper, Toox, Simon, and myself, we have gathered and cataloged the information, but we haven't been able to really go through it. Tarryn so generously hunted and provided dinner for us as the rest of us focused on our task at hand.   I set up two 2-story towers for the night, Tarryn parked the wagon in its place and I bathed, washed my hair, and then bid everyone a good night before going off to bed. Once in the bedroom, I brushed out my hair and braided it like I did during the war when there was the expectation of a battle ahead. It helps focus the mind with the precision of the plait and functionally keep my hair away from my face so that my vision is harder to impair and any head gear always fits better. I do not know what tomorrow will bring, but I know at least this time, we will be ready for it.

Personal Journal - The Kiss
Morning of the 19th of Therendor 999 YK

After yesterday, I woke up not sure of what the day was to bring. The one thing I knew was that I had to step up and be a leader. We needed to pull together and make a plan. I was not surprised that when I woke up, Tarryn was not there; I could hear him downstairs tending to the wagon. I got up, did my morning stretches and songs, cleaned up a little and made my way down to see him. He seemed in a much better mental state than last night and greeted me warmly, but I could see the guilt all over his face. We talked and I reassured him that the others would understand and that it was not solely his fault that we had a wagon accident. We talked a little about how we were affected and he seems now to realize what a pain it can be for me as an empath. To feel everyone's negative emotions throughout the day and then the accident that triggered even more negative emotions. I wasn't sure how many more days like that that I could keep it together before I had a breakdown. He so very genuinely said for me to let him know what he could do to help.... and I took a chance even though I stand by the logic of how I arrived at it. See, in a large group of people outside of a event, people feel so many different things, so they kind of cancel each other out for me. I can still feel those who are physically close to me or even feel someone I have an emotional connection with better, but it is easier to tune them out. But to have five of us on a less than ten foot long wagon, all whom I have been around for a bit all experiencing slightly different strong negative emotions one after the other and once all at the same time on top of my own uneasiness and fear...... that is a recipe for disaster if prolonged. Therefore, I figure a really powerful positive emotion would help counter it all. Also, I'm very attracted to him, not just physically, but on an emotional and goal oriented level. We certainly have a kinship in regards to our background and upbringing. So, I said that one way he could help me is once a day to take me into his arms and kiss me as if there is no tomorrow, if he wanted to of course. And he did, immediately. No hesitation, no question. It is probably the second time that I have seen him be so confident. I think my heart is in great danger of being stolen, though, lets be honest.... I'll probably just give it to him.

Day 11 – Trip to the Great Crag
18th of Therendor in the year 999YK

Where to begin but the beginning. This morning started out so wonderful waking up beside Tarryn after our touching evening. Bathing together and... well he is such a good man. Gentle and a little timid to the newness of whatever is happening between us. Anyways, it was very special to wake up with him there.   But then things started going oddly. First, a stranger named Hollis delivered a note that was apparently given to him by some goblins to give to us from Ice. Hollis the firbolg seemed like a nice sort, but he did not know anything about Ice or anything about his situation. He did tell us that he is also traveling to the Great Crag. So, we may see him there. The note read like a four-year-old would have written saying there was a big fight. He had to go fight people and that he was definitely not kidnapped, and he signed it Big Hairy Guy. The note seemed legit, though the signing it Big Hairy Guy does not seem right. So, I used my magic mirror to see if I could find out anything about Ice’s situation and got a few cryptic images from his past.   One, Ice in the middle of the Great War cleaving through a human enemy. Two, Ice laid out in the back of the Edhellen in pain. Three, Ice wandering looking lost in the streets of Sharn. Four, Ice as a very young baby laying in a crib.   We went to check his room. All of his things were scattered around like a scuffle had occurred and he left his prized stuffed pink unicorn. Nee to talk to him about just leaving his stuff for us to carry and keep for him. He might not get that unicorn back.   Before leaving Ardev, I sent a message to Breeza to get another ring for telepathy commissioned with the hopes to have it for maybe a new traveling member aka Tarryn or whenever we have special guests we are working with in the future. I hope he sticks around once we get home again.   Note to self: Toox hates teenage magical students. They are lucky she is not evil.   I am unsure about this trip once we left Ardev. I was frozen in place at the strangest sight: a nine-year-old boy leading on a string a Pit Fiend. A twenty-foot-tall Pit Fiend emanating such evil I was almost sick. Tarryn and I were pretty shaken about it, but Toox talked to the boy finding out that the boy was just taking the family cow for a walk. The boy thinks it is a COW!! I am unsure what to think butI might be off milk while we are here. Simon suggested that it must be a cow with an illusion on it, but I know a bit about magic, and it had to be a very skilled caster to make me feel that level of evil an to have footprints of fire and sulfur smells. I had t o drink some fruity wine to recover a bit. I also felt a sense of revenge or anger coming from Ripper. I worry about Tarryn though, I could feel his discomfort along with my own.   About noon, we came to a fork in the road with merchants waiting, debating on which way to go. There was a sign pointing to the left saying to go this way indicating a rough road that seemed recently constructed and the there was the regular road off to the right. One of the gents arguing who seemed a bit cowardly said he had taken the left road already and it was safe, just longer. He was speaking his truth, and no one was taking bets on the argument the men were having. The crowd also indicated that this was not a new thing either. Roads keep popping up here and there with little warning and that this particular road had been there about two weeks at this point. Tarryn did not want to take the Edhellen down the left road as it was very rough, and the wagon is not built for off-roading. So, to the right we went!   Around five is when things got worse. A crazed man riding on the back of a wyvern flew at us yelling at us to get off of his land. We understood this to be the main road and tried to yell back at him that fact. Tarryn kicked the wagon into a higher speed trying to get us further down the road when the man cast an ice storm at us catching Toox and Ripper, though only Ripper got hurt. It was at this point that something in Tarryn snapped and, instead of allowing me to assist with the mage, he asks me in a not quite questioning tone if I can drive the Edhellen. Then he pulls out his bow and starts shooting at the man. Once again, I am driving in combat with a vehicle that no one has taught me to drive holding our lives in my hands. Toox and one of Ripper’s friends also shot at the mage while I am freaking out inside trying to keep us going forward. That is when the mage casts another ice storm just in front of us causing me to take the wagon off the road to avoid the storm, but I got hit with ice from the spell and lost control of the vehicle causing it to flip and throwing all on the outside free, but Simon was still inside the wagon. I immediately cast Mass Healing Word to heal anyone who was hurt like I was. Toox was able to land and shoot the mage who had come close to gloat not realizing that Toox was going to kill him. The wyvern seemed lost without a rider and flew off, though I think Ripper did something to it to make it go away. The Edhellen was damaged and on its side while Tarryn was beside himself saying frantically to get it upright. With a stroke of genius, Ripper used an entangle spell and speak with plants to get the wagon upright in less than 20 seconds. Tarryn was quick to point out an area of the damage that I was able to mend keeping it from exploding. Once we were out of immediate danger, Toox finds that Simon is unconscious and there is blood everywhere inside. I quickly heal him and am afraid that he would have been dead had I had not done the Mass Healing Word.   With our spirits low and tensions high, we decided to camp for the night. I created two two-story towers, one with a bunk bedroom for Toox, Ripper, and especially Simon and the bathroom and the other with the carriage room and a bedroom for myself and Tarryn. Comfort and rest are what we need tonight. After singing for Simon and Ripper, I went back down to sit against “my tower” and draw a little since I think Tarryn needs a little more time to regroup. It was about that time of me pulling out my sketchbook and starting on a drawing, that Toox just appeared out of nowhere and came over to me. She sat down and I could feel the turmoil within her. The remorse and confusion, but I continued my sketching and pretended that nothing seemed out of sort. She asked me about my drawings, and I explained that I don’t dream, not like most. I do not go to the land of dreams when I sleep. That instead I sort of relive the life of my symbiotic spirit and so I try and draw about the things I see. It gives me a closeness to that spirit since I cannot really communicate directly. It isn’t like a possession, just like having a stronger conscious than others. It was then that the conversation changed and, for the first time ever, Toox showed a bit of her soul to me. She asked how I could be so calm or collected after everything that had happened and wanted me to tell her how she could do that herself. Toox doesn’t seem to face her fears and instead pushes them down or covers them up. I did what I always do, put my walls up around me, speak obvious truths, provide what I think someone wants to hear, and advise like I’m some sort of mind doctor. This went on for several minutes, me using my skills of deception to hide my truth, performing to her to keep myself calm and controlled all the while she is being honest to me. I just couldn’t do it anymore and dropped my walls a little. With all the work we have done together and the many times that she has protected me, and I have had her back, we weren’t really friends. Other than Mom and Kana, I really don’t have friends. Tarryn is different though he is my friend and more to me than just a friend. I figured that if I’m opening myself to Tarryn at a romantic level... then I should be able to open myself up to Toox as a friend. I’m not heartless and I know it wasn’t easy for her. So, I stopped hiding and told her what I do to cope. How I write it all down as soon as I can feelings and all. So that when I’ve dealt with the strong feelings, I can read what I wrote and try to piece it together, to take action on what I can actually affect. And how something I want is what my parents had. That love and happiness and, even though I’m terrified, I’m opening myself up to that with Tarryn. I would have had to do so at some point in my life, so why not do it now when I’ve met an actual good man who I find attractive. It was at that point that I had to put my walls back up a little. I probably said too much, but I let Toox know that she could come talk to me anytime and I’d be there to listen and support the best I can. She just needs to figure out what she wants and what will work for her to sort through it all.   I have taken care of Simon and Ripper with singing restful music to help them heal. I left Tarryn to cope in his way as he laid on top of the wagon while I talked to Toox and tried to keep it together. Then after the hour was up, I coaxed him to bed and provided restful music for him and waited for him to sleep. Once I knew that he was safe, I have come to be alone with my thoughts and to let go of my own feelings. It is a little strange that I also now sit with the Edhellen in my own little corner to cope by writing this all down.   I do not like to travel in places I have not been. I am thankful to have met Tarryn Rowntree, but now I am worried about what I have gotten myself in to. He needs me now, I know. They all need me now more than I thought. Simon died briefly, Tarryn lost his damn mind a little today, Toox is in turmoil, and Ripper seems filled with anger and vengeance. People got hurt and it could have been so much worse. Tarryn has to teach me how to drive the Edhellen. He has to let me help him fix it and to learn how it works a bit to do so on my own if it comes to that. I want to help him, not just for my own safety, but for everyone else as well. I will help him, and I will keep these secrets no matter what. He will not get into any trouble for teaching me. My job through the Tyrants was not to learn about the Edhellen or its secrets and I am good at keeping secrets. Caring for someone is scary, but it can also be beautiful. He better be worth it!


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