BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Graham White

Sir Graham White

A Lawful Good Human Paladin. He's perhaps a bit too trusting of what people tell him.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Short Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light olive

Liar Town

We met with the portal council and everything seemed like it was going really well. Everyone seemed to be in an unusually good mood. But then it's like someone made a major fopaux because all of a sudden for no reason at all people got upset that we didn't follow proper procedure. It was of course pointed out that we didn't have a procedure in place on how to deal with prisoners. Thankfully, we got everything worked out and they rewarded our good work with additional equipment. I was able to get my hands on something I used to have. A helm of teleportation. Such items are incredibly useful when stalking prey. They really freak out when they think they've lost you and you suddenly appear in front of them. Great times and a substantial tactical advantage.   We then arrived at one of the most disturbing places yet. Everything seemed friendly and normal at first. The town has an annual search for a scepter that was lost 300 years ago, down in an old mithril mine that has since been overrun with dangerous creatures. It seems most teams decide to travel light so that they can run away from such dangerous creatures. But our team knows how to take on dangerous threats head on and so that's what we did.   Mist once more proved to be an exceptional scout. She found and disarmed some exceptionally dangerous traps and we effortlessly dispatched a deadly shapeshifter that had cunningly disguised itself as a dagger. Mist then found a secret tunnel that lead us directly to the resting place of the scepter, which was surrounded by a magical circle. We defeated the circle and acquired the scepter and that's when everything went mad. It's like we were warped into some kind of twisted version of the world we were just in. The scepter was fake and everyone acted like it was just some kind of sick game they do every year. Thankfully, my companions and I just played along until we could get out of that madhouse of a moon. We did manage to leave with some magic items which will hopefully satisfy the council. I wouldn't blame them for being angry with us.

The Festival of the Stars

We arrived in a new town where we learned that the portals we create damage the area where they open. It seems that on this occasion we damaged some extremely valuable cabbages. They didn't look special to me, but maybe cabbages are rare on this moon. In any case, the local guard took us in for questioning. This town appears to be in the habit of executing lawbreakers since their jail cells are ill-equipped for long-term incarceration. We met one such death row inmate by the name of Madrox a black-eyed elf that claimed to be some kind of sailor.   We spoke with the captain of the town and were able to clear up the situation as well as pay appropriate reparations. I was able to at least sell some of the salty salt that we acquired on the last island we visited. We visited the library but Nora said there wasn't anything worthwhile there. I saw a book I thought might be helpful, something about Children who have tails that come from fairies. It sounded strange but I guess it's not that uncommon a condition.   So, we went back an talked some more to Madrox, he seemed very knowledgeable about portals. Unfortunately, it seems he was caught murdering someone and didn't have the sense to avoid witnesses or a secret identity. I guess it's a good thing I no longer engage in those kinds of activities. Anyway, we spoke with the captain of the town and he told us very specifically that he couldn't release Madrox under very certain circumstances. We let Madrox know and I was very sad that he wasn't able to join us. But right after we left I guess Madrox talked with the captain and they came to an understanding and he was cleared of all charges. thankfully he was able to catch up with us and we all went back home. I can't imagine how pleased the council is going to be.

The Burning Ring of Fire

We were supposed to go on another trip but the portal opened to someplace that we didn't have the proper hot weather gear for. There was a concern that fire people might come out of the portal so they closed it and we didn't go through. I'm glad that my push to have a better idea of what's on the other side has been fruitful. So, we had a bit of off time till the next portal.   I had a conversation with my expedition group about what I do on my off time. Nora was surprised (though I'm not sure why) that I was tutoring someone. She was so surprised that she wanted to meet one of my students, namely Brianna. I think Brianna is a good choice as I've worked with her multiple times and from what she tells me our sessions have as she's said "my time spent here worthwhile". I'm glad that I've had such a positive impact on her academic studies. Anyway, Nora, Mist, and Zeke came with me to meet Brianna. I spotted her in the cafeteria but lost sight of her when I spotted some other friends. I introduced my expedition group to the Crystalstrike sisters Tasha and Tina as well as, Fiona Netherhunter, Timothy Fernvale, Sarah Lionhand, Penny Alpencrest, Brick Proudwound, Amanda Elfgazer, and Turok Tuskdraft. But sadly Nora and Mist weren't able to hang out with us for very long as they had to use the restroom. I'm sorry they weren't able to meet with Brianna, maybe some other time.   That night some alarms went off and there was an emergency in the gate room. I should see about getting some armor I can get into quicker in case this becomes a regular occurrence. We arrived and I don't exactly understand what happened but there was screaming and lava started to pour out of the gate. I remembered one of the technicians mention something about how everyone should be clear of the gate when it's opening or closing and so I grabbed a table and started slapping the lava out of the way so that someone could close the gate. Some bad people showed up but they wanted to hug the lava for some reason. We captured one of them for interrogation.   Eventually, they were able to get the gate closed and after putting out the table I put it back where I'd gotten it. There was a brief discussion and then I assisted Geoffrey Boulderdown in the interrogation of the prisoner. This prisoner was fairly easy to break. I guess civilian spies aren't as hardy as wartime spies. We managed to get all the information we could. I was impressed with how much Goeffery was able to extract from the man before he expired. We probably could of gotten more but we were told not to bring him back to life for more questioning. Which was a shame because they are often more pliable after the first death. I'm glad mist stayed, though I am beginning to suspect that she's also spent some time on the battlefield but probably as part of a reconnaissance team. Since she seems to be no stranger to death but isn't quite as battle-hardened as you'd expect someone to be with front-line experience.

Beach Day

This trip was very interesting. It looks like our planning is paying off. We arrived at a small island and after securing the perimeter we gathered samples of the local plant and animal life to bring back with us. It feels weird to not bring back samples of things we find at any place we go to. Zeke harvested salt which makes sense given how valuable salt was from the last place. It's good to take opportunities like this to bulk up our supplies for trade on other moons.   For some reason when we got back the council was confused as to why we'd spent so much effort gathering things. I guess some one recognized it's value since we didn't get to keep the things, instead they were sent off for additional research. oh well, the council has proven they don't think things through the way I do so I will have to continue to use all my brainpower and set a good example for them. Hopefully, they'll start doing things smarter.

Trading by the Sea

We've begun helping the people of this place rebuild. I've made a number of suggestions on how they might dissuade future attacks. But they seemed hesitant to do so, which I don't understand. I worry that they will be attacked again in the future and that because our group won't be present to defend it they will lose more than just a blanket and a few apples. But I've done what I can, I helped train some of their guards in tactics I learned in the war. They seemed appreciative for me to show them these techniques.   They do have an interesting spice here. It's a sort of salt that brings out the essence of flavor in food it is placed upon. We were also able to procure a number of magical trinkets as per our standing orders. Nora also seemed quite excited to have found some old books. I guess it makes sense. The fairy tales in this land are probably completely different from the ones back home. Maybe she's thinking we can make copies of those books and sell them on the next world. I don't know that I would of ever thought about selling books before. Though I'm wondering how she's going to make copies of it without using materials from ebberon.

The Shark Reborn

Our travels to Ebberon's moons continue. This last one reminded me of home, or at least of my time in the army. We arrived in a village that was under attack by bandits. The portal distributed us in a strategic manner on to the battlefield. I guess this is what they mean when they say you are haunted by your past, as it deposited me in the water. Thankfully, I had just recently bought a cloak that would aid in such situations. Allowing me to glide through the ocean like a shark. I mainly focused on panicking the attackers in order to not only get them to flee, but for them to abandon any thoughts of attacking the village in the future.   While I did this, my companions dealt with the enemy that was on land. It seems Zeke got his first kill finally. I just hope that he didn't enjoy it too much, lest he risk following a path similar to my own. He's been very quiet. I've tried talking to him but it doesn't seem to be helping. I've thought about getting some dream lily for him since I know it can help in situations like this. But Victor Wolfe warned me about it. I didn't exactly understand what he meant, but I get the jist that some people don't react well to it. So, if Zeke can come out the other side of this without it's use it's probably for the best.

Rock Retrieval

This week was quite productive. I was able to get back onto my tutoring schedule with Brienna. Though it took a bit and when I found her she acted like she was seeing a ghost. She couldn't believe I was still alive. I was able to reassure her that everything went fine on our last trip and that it wasn't anything that I or the rest of my Indio team couldn't handle. I also showed her my outfit as I thought she might be interested. Though she focused on the wrong outfits I think. She seemed to really like the stealth clothing and formal wear. We ended up spending so much time talking about what had happened that I think we forgot to go over her study materials again.   Zeke approached me with an interesting idea. He suggested that we go back and finish off the undead that we fought at the last place. While I do believe this is something we should do. I fear we are under-equipped for such an expedition right now. We would need more powerful weapons and better control over the portal. Returning for a few hours to crack some more skulls I fear won't be enough. We would need to go there and establish a base of operations in order to ensure the evil presence has been cleansed. Plus, it's going to take time to convince the council such an endeavor is necessary.   This last place we went was like something out of a dream. Giant rocks filled with magic stones and baby dragons fell from the sky. Of course we didn't know what they were at first. Mist kept watch from the sky while the rest of us investigated. It was kind of weird though, the crystal rocks wanted to mash together with the dragon rocks and both rocks would get excited when they were close to mashing together. I explained this to the others but it's like they couldn't understand. sometimes I feel like I'm the smartest person in the group.   Anyway, Nora wanted to do all kinds of weird things to the rocks to figure out what they were. But I realized that if we just put all the dragon rocks together and all the crystal rocks together away from the dragon rocks then everything would be safe.   From what I understand dragons are rare and the crystals were magic. So I thought the council would want both. One of the dragons attached and turned into an adult. Dragons are so much weirder than I thought they were. The others did recognize the type of dragon we were dealing with though. They are called Hyper-active Dragons. I guess because they get so excited as babies. But as I said, one of them hatched and Nora told it to go away and it did, mist even confirmed that it went away. It was quite impressive.   She did have a useful insight though. She realized that the crystal we broke free could be used to figure out which group of rocks were dragon rocks by how excited it got.   So we brought home as many of the rocks as we could. But I guess the portal room was too loud for the eggs. We had to be really quiet for some reason and push them back through the portal. Boulderdown was understandably upset that we couldn't keep the dragons and also said something about us not being able to go back again? It doesn't make sense to me since I was told we could always go back to the last place we went. Maybe someone lost the map that tells us how to get there?   I don't know. They really are disorganized, they can't even keep track of the magic map that tells the portal where we are going. I swear they would lose track of their own heads if they weren't attached to their bodies. We were paid for retrieving the crystals as thankfully they also realized that the rocks inside were magical.

A Terrible End

As I suspected the woman we found was not charlie but a member of his team by the name of Alrohyn Gomurath. We did what we could to keep her alive as we made our way to the exit. Though even the doors of this cursed place attacked us. Ulfgar was able to guide us to the place where the portal was to open. I believe that the final chamber contained the corpses of charlie and the rest of his team. The dark magic of that chamber was.... the same as that which I fought so many years ago. It brought a flood of memories back to me. Thankfully I was able to draw upon the strength of the light and push through the darkness.   Sadly I think the sight was too much for Alrohyn and she attacked us out of madness. Thankfully we were able to restrain her before she caused too much harm to herself or others. What happened afterward was a bit of a blur. The doctor gave us something to help us sleep. Though they seemed confused about how long we were gone. That or we slept for much longer. I'm still not entirely clear on it.   We did speak with the council though and I was finally able to make them understand that they need to put forth basic support like we would give our scouts in the war. I've been helping the portal team develop better scouting methods. I also acquired an outfit that can adapt to every possible environment we may find ourselves in. I don't know why it was so hard for the council to understand that we need these things in order to be successful. I was able to pickup a similar outfit for Zeke. I've explained the benefits of such gear to the others but they seem hesitant to similarly equip themselves. Maybe they just don't know where to go to purchase clothing like this.

Lost Corridors

The last expedition has shown me that the leadership of the expedition is incompetent. They go on and on about political intrigue being the cause but to be honest I just don't see it. They are a bunch of children standing around a cloudy lake paying others to see what's at the bottom, without considering that it might be wet, or that it might be dangerous to send someone in that can't swim. I need to assume that they don't know what they're talking about. For example, on this most recent expedition, I was told not to bother with trade goods. This is crazy to me, for all I know our people have been arrested for wearing the wrong color hat and a simple fine is required for their release. A fine that could have been easily paid if we'd brought our trade goods with us.   Oh yeah, that's something else. It seems that this location is one that a previous team went to and went missing. Thanks to the competent contributions made by Zeke and Nora it's now possible to return to previous locations. It was probably something as simple as taking notes about where the portal turns and just making those same turns. Even the way we're finding out what's going on is bizarre. Zeke and I spoke with some technicians by the names of Janet aka Jemma and Kyle aka Keith. They warned us that the next location we were heading to was incredibly dangerous. They also told us not to tell anyone we'd spoken with them. I promised that I would not tell anyone about our conversation and before they left I again reassured Jemma and Keith they would be fine.   Anyway, we were sent through the portal seeking charlie's team. The place we entered was much like that damned temple I visited.... before my cleansing. Thankfully, the creatures present in this place only seemed to hunger for our flesh. But it even had one of those statue trap things but this one breathed fire. I'd completely forgotten about them until it went off. Though as badly as we were all torn up I realize just how much strength was stolen from me. But that was the past and that was a dark power that lived in me. As Wolfe explained the light may grow slower, but its strength is much greater. We were able to find one member of Charlie's team, a fish woman. from what she's told us though, the rest of her team as well as Charlie himself are probably dead. To be honest they were probably the lucky ones. I've seen firsthand what this kind of torment can do to a person, from the perspective of the tormenter....

The Frozen Council

The only inhabitant we met was an angry troll. We exerted our strength to show dominance as I've been taught to do so with such creatures but I think we might have gone a bit too far as we ended up vanquishing the foe. I guess I'll need to learn to use a bit more restraint. Nora asked if we should behead the thing. It seemed a bit extreme to me but it was a simple enough task to carry out. Mist explored the skies and said she saw some kind of ice dragon bird thing. I don't know a lot about dragons except that they are rare and so I made a note that we should inform the council that we discovered such a rare creature in this frozen landscape. We returned home and the doctor was very concerned for our health. But after sufficient examinations, we were released to our debriefing. The council members were a bit nicer this time, I think perhaps our reputation is improving. I found it a bit strange that they focused so much on how our trading went when we couldn't find anyone to trade with. I brought up the equipment issue to them, but I don't know if they realize how much their lack of preparedness has affected our ability to explore. I'm going to be doing some shopping with mist to identify appropriate clothing and gear for various environments. At the very least we will need a good pair of boots. I remember one of my sergeants from the war telling us that if you take care of your feet then everything else will take care of itself. So, I will definitely need to get a good set of boots for each of us.   I had a strange encounter with Brienna shortly after I got back. She asked me all kinds of questions about my most recent trip to Xendrik. She kept on doing this weird thing with her fingers when she said the name, like she was making raptor claws or something. I don't think there are dinosaurs in Xendrik, but I think it's best not to correct her on this point since I don't want to give away anything that I shouldn't. I was careful not to give her any critical details. I just told her about the blizzard, the ice house we made, the frozen lake, the snow cats we tracked, the troll, the troll's cave, and the weird dragon thing that mist saw. She seemed really pleased with how we dealt with the troll so maybe we did handle things correctly. I don't even remember going over the material for Bosco's class, but I guess we must of because Brienna enthusiastically.... um, thanked me for helping her so much with her classwork.   Side Note: I had a really strange dream last night. I dreamed I was a captive with several others. We'd been captured by some strange fish people. A group of elves showed up to rescue us they had a plan that involved convincing the fish people that the place was haunted. Things seemed to be going pretty well but then one of the fish people broke through the elven line and killed me before I could defend myself.

Cold.... So Cold

We had an additional meeting where we met with more council members. These folks were much nicer and considerably more reasonable. They apologized for not being present at our previous meeting. We talked to them about our last expedition and it was overall a more enjoyable experience. I hope going forward more of our council meetings will be like this one.   I knew it! I freaking knew it! I asked about special clothing and we were told that everywhere we went we would be fine in our normal attire. But on our second trip out we ended up finding ourselves trapped someplace really flat where it's raining snow and frozen water. I'm glad that I finally passed remedial cantrips. This prestidigitation spell I learned was really helpful, I don't know why they don't start with it. Anyway, thanks to Mist's know-how and Ulfgar's construction experience allowed us to construct a basic structure to protect us from the weather. Nora and Mist gathered firewood while Ulfgar, Zeke, and I made final adjustments to the structure. After an uncomfortable night's rest, we set out the following morning to find someplace that would be a bit more comfortable. We discovered a hard lake, but there wasn't anyone living near it so we proceeded toward a valley Mist had spotted earlier. Hopefully, the locals will be friendly. ------------------------------------------------- Mightily blown down by the freezing wind she Is forced upon that, which the frost has rimmed undefeated she Soon gathers her strength and will Building a home That protects all, from death's cold chill ------------------------------------------------- Noble girl with great magical might doth Obtain what is needed while the wind does bite she simply Rakes her fingers through the air bringing fuel for All fires and warm blankets with care ------------------------------------------------- Ultimate master of stone and ice quite Limberly shaping the water so nice into frozen Forms that are quite precise   Grinning he turns death into life with A simple motion of his fingers, a twist of the knife bringing a Resolute end, to winter's cold strife ------------------------------------------------- Ziggurat of hope and eternal faith he Ever lights the way through death's frozen wraith sparking a Kindness that flows, through us all so that we'll Eternally work together, through nature's brutal call -------------------------------------------------

Heads, Goblins, and Councils

We met with the mayor and his councilmen and showed them the decapitated head of the old bandit leader. They initially got upset about the display until we calmly explained the situation. Once they understood exactly what had happened they calmed down and agreed to meet with the new bandit leader. We then pooled our money to purchase trade goods that we would be able to use on our next trip. We then mediated at a neutral location and everything went exceptionally well. We then returned back home where we spoke with the expedition leaders. They were displeased that we've broken some of their stipulations, namely that we should not leave anything behind from Sharn. I admit that I didn't even consider that our money would count as such an item. Especially when the locals readily accepted it and didn't even consider it to be foreign coinage. Moving forward this won't be an issue. I found a book on religious ceremonies and a lot of it makes so much sense. I don't understand why they teach magic in such a complicated way here when really it's shaped by your belief. --------------------------------------------------------------- Messenger swift, and goblin friend she Impishly returns with them on the wind once home She speaks the truth when asked and then delightfully Tallies the score unabashed --------------------------------------------------------------- Nimble translator and student of lore she Organizes the facts that came before she then Rightly speaks with veracity and intent about all the Articles that arrived broken and bent --------------------------------------------------------------- Zeolitic priest and encouraging friend he Ever finds a way to transcend through the Knaggy details that ever do come As we fully Explain what we have done

Goblin Diplomacy

We rested at the base camp because it was closer than the bandit hideout. But after an uneventful rest, we met with the bandits as planned. These country goblins are quite rough around the edges and are probably where the stories come from. This is exciting I hope to find versions of my people whether they be primitive, modern, or future. Anyway, after we discussed at length with the bandits we captured we came to an arrangement with them. We would back them in a bid to overthrow the leadership of the bandit group and in exchange, they would turn a new leaf and become honest tradesmen. In this way, the town would no longer deal with bandit attacks thereby fulfilling the contract we took. Everything went exactly according to plan. We acted as champions for the one we were backing and killed the current chieftains champion. There was then a transfer of power as peaceful as could be expected amongst such rough folk. Now we are making our way back to town with a diplomat chosen by the new chief along with the head of the old chief which I've piked using the Thompson shiv technique. ------------------------------------------------- Merrily giggling while wheeling about she Injures those from which evil sprouts then she Sighs, asking "what's the plan?" until in her Thoughts, all dangers she's outran ------------------------------------------------- Nieve in life but rich in talent she Oh so tries to be noble and valiant her knees Really knock while the battle rages on n'she burns to Ashes, evil's foul spawn ------------------------------------------------- Underground speaker of the goblin tongue he Lends out daggers to the young knowing that For him, the weapons are flung. for he grants Great pain to those crossing his might killing and purging them All from his sight for this is truly the Repulsive enemy's plight ------------------------------------------------- Zirconium man with a heart of gold he Ever strengthens friendships by ten and fivefold for he Kindly wishes peace, amongst even the most foul hoping to light Eternally, the darkness where they prowl ------------------------------------------------- >>>>>Side note: Language is a real problem out here, Nora has a magic trick to understand their words and I think I know how it's done. I'm not sure what the point is of all the circles and lines and such. Seems to me that the whole thing could be streamlined by just doing a few key gestures and tossing a bit of soot and salt up in the air while investing some magical power into it. The pictures are probably just a teaching aide or something.

Bandit Forest

Traveled to our first stop. It was a lovely forest village named Safehaven in the domain of Goffrey. We happened upon some locals that were being attacked by bandits. We had a bit of a disagreement with them but we were able to resolve the conflict without killing everyone. We then met with Lady Geteen in town while the others did some shopping. Afterward, we met with Mayor Renald who gave us information to deal with their bandit problem. The others think that Renald will give us........ the items we are after once we deal with the bandits.   It seems I may be falling back into old habits, as one of my companions pulled me aside to confirm that we were not going to just kill all of the bandits and that instead, we should work to reach an accord with them and the townspeople. I hope we can come to such terms, but I'm skeptical that such lawbreakers as these will be so reasonable. Even so, we did meet with some of the bandits and got a couple of them to agree to come back to camp with us. We're hoping that they will assist us in negotiations.   I got to know my companions a bit better on this trip:   --------------------------------------------------------------------- Masterful climber of the tallest trees she's In and out like a wayward breeze ready to See that justice is found when talks do Tremble and fully break down -------------------------------------------------------------- Stand up soldier with a voice of brass he Also grades to see if we'll pass he's a Learned tracker of horses and men we confidently, have Very little doubt that we'll win   And of course, his faith is strong knowing That naught a misstep is wrong willing to Orate when others attack and say the Right thing even when they fight back I am proud and Elated, to call him a brother of our pack -------------------------------------------------------------------- Underhill master of lightning and fire he'll Light you up when invoked is his ire but truly Fear not, for he can be quite calm in fact, he'll Gladly let you live without qualm truly he doesn't seek Animosity with others for in his mind, even Ruffians can be brothers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zenful and calm he seeks to make friends with Eternal kindness that flows and transcends even when Killing arrows, at him are aimed he strides forward Easily without fear or blame ---------------------------------------------------------------------   >>>>>Side note: When we return home I need to see if a spell or book or something could be put together to deal with language issues. I didn't realize that when we traveled to these foreign lands, that not everyone here would speak common. Also, remember to take Mist to go by Grakmaw's Green Goods on campus when we get back. It seems she's never had a honeybun before and his are some of the most delightful baked goods I've had on campus.   >>>>>>>>>>Side Side note: Remember to reschedule tutoring sessions with Brienna during future excursions. Hopefully, her notes from Bosco's class this week won't be too confusing. Everyone tells me his classes are Sooo, confusing. I'm surprised no one else offers tutoring for his classes.

Making New Friends

Met some new people today that will be fellow colleagues in a new endeavor I'm calling operation Silverbrand.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice girl from the halls of study seeking Obscure knowledge even if she gets bloody tearful she Resists the horrors that burn forever moving forward And hoping to learn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mighty quiet girl all styled in grey with Infrequent words, that fill some with dismay but she Sincerely cares for mia's mousey head and is captivated Totally by walls and beds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zenful holy boy with a comforting presence with Eloquent words filled with kindness and forbearance though I Kind of feel that something is wrong as if he'd Entered a place where he didn't belong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>Side Note: The details of the operation I must keep secret for confusing reasons. But it's more than I hoped for.

Graham's Tenants of Faith

Graham was taught by Victor Wolf. Publically Victor is a religious leader of the Path of Light. However, he is secretly a Shadow Watcher. A splinter sect that believes evil must be fought, that sources of darkness that poison communities can and should be ruthlessly eliminated. Graham is one of his recent projects. Victor sees Graham as a moldable implement that can be used against the forces of darkness. Since Graham isn't a kalashtar, Victor has plausible deniability if things go wrong. Victor heard about the portal project but lacked sufficient details to know what exactly is going on. He has a spy in the university posing as a student whose current job is to direct Graham toward said project and relay information back. She's convinced Graham to be her tutor in order to make regular contact without it seeming strange.   Graham believes the following statements and tries to follow them as best as he can  
  • We live in an age of darkness: We must find the path that leads to the light.
  • Act with compassion and courage: Each noble act is a step on the path.
  • Hone your body and your mind: You are the tool you will use to change reality.
  • Destroy the seeds of evil: It is not enough to merely defeat an enemy in battle. Your victory must be so overwhelming that your enemies’ will to fight is shattered forever. A blade can end a life. Fear can end an empire.
  • Do not allow evil to gain a foothold: Once you have conquered, tolerate no dissent. Your word is law. Those who obey it shall be favored. Those who defy it shall be punished as an example to all who might follow.
  • The light is your strength: You shall rule until a stronger one arises. Then you must grow mightier and meet the challenge, or fall to your own ruin.

A Musical Journey through Graham's Life and Adventures

A musical Journey through Graham White's Life and Adventures


  1. Growing up: Graham White had a rough childhood constantly being picked on and bullied for being smaller than the other kids. At the age of 18 he decided he’d had enough. He trained and dedicated himself to learning the art of combat to exact revenge on his tormentors, both past and future.
    [Crawling by Linkin Park]
  2. Joining the Army: He ran with rough crowds and when the war broke out, he jumped at the opportunity to legally kill people for Breland.
    [Hootsforce by Glory Hammer]
  3. Becoming a member of the shock troops: He eventually found himself in one of the shock troop units. On one of the group’s raids, he found himself in the possession of a greatsword with a black crystalline blade and an obsidian hilt with a shark design upon it. He doesn’t remember how exactly he came to have the thing, but he soon became known as the urban shark. The war brought him to new heights of brutality that made it so that even his own allies were nervous to be around him.
    [The Bloody Verdict of Verden by Sir Christopher Lee]
  4. The war ending and seeking a purpose: This rift meant that when the war ended no one checked on him or even worried about what happened to him. This left him with a gnawing emptiness that he sought to fill with the only thing he knew, brutality. The growing emptiness caused him to seek out greater dangers in hopes that he might feel… something.
    [Down with the Sickness by Distrubed]
  5. Seeking Power to fill the void: For the next three years he left behind a trail of death and carnage being forced to keep moving to more remote locations, lest the consequences of his actions catch up with him. He still had a burning hatred for bullies and would often silence them with his blade.
    [Universe on Fire by Glory Hammer]
  6. Fighting the thing he shouldn't have fought: He eventually heard rumors of an ancient crypt that held a helm of incredible power. He broke into the tomb but what he found there was more than he bargained for. He never did find the helm, but he did find a powerful dark entity that drained away a large portion of his life before he was able to escape.
    [End of all hope by Nightwish]
  7. Deciding to change his life: Battered and beaten his whole life came crashing down upon him and he prayed for some way to turn away from his dark path, before passing out from his wounds.
    [Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park]
  8. Being Mentored: When Graham came to, he found himself tended by an elderly Kalashtar. The man identified himself as Victor Wolf, a cleric of the light. He told Graham that his quori spirit had led him to the place where he found Graham. It was through mediation and writing that Graham learned to expel the evil within himself, causing his black blade to crumble to dust.
    [Pompeii by Bastille]
  9. Devoting his life to the Path of Light: It was through the help and guidance of his new mentor that he learned the true nature of the blade. Graham is a descendant of a race of humans called Soul Blades. These warriors are able to forge a bond with a weapon and those weapons become a reflection of the warrior’s true self.
    [Starlight Brigade by TWRP]
  10. Learning all he can from the village: Graham lived in the village for a year after which he felt he had learned all he could and had finally achieved peace with the destruction of his old blade.
    [Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim]
  11. Taking a train to Sharn: So he traveled to Morgrave University with a letter of recommendation from his mentor. Graham hoped to learn more about his heritage. Graham was a model student and soon became a teaching assistant to a professor of history.
    [Last Train to Paradise by KDrew]
  12. Academic Life in Morgrave University: Graham is often confused by the behavior of some of the other students though. Some female students will request that he tutor them and then fail to show up with any study materials. What’s more, they start asking him strange questions like if he has a boyfriend/girlfriend and If they could be his friend. Needless to say, he’s friends with many students though he’s not sure why some of them randomly get upset with him and accuse him of performing with instruments. This is really strange since he doesn’t even own any instruments, much less perform with them.
    [All Star by Smashmouth]
  13. Finding out about the portal: Graham heard whispers about the portal. Nothing specific, but enough to make him curious, and he angled for a spot.
    [Ready to Go by Republica]

  14. Campaign Events

  15. Becoming a member of Team Indigo: Graham finally got on a team that will be going through the portal he heard about. Though he's not sure why he's suddenly been accepted but he's glad for the opportunity.
    [The Land of Unicorns by Glory Hammer]
  16. See (Making New Friends)
  17. First Mission and debriefing: Things went a bit wrong, but ultimately the group was highly successful at most of the things they were sent to do. Also, he learned a lot more about goblins.
    [Goblins' Song by Spellblast]
  18. See (Bandit Forest / Goblin Diplomacy / Heads, Goblins, and Councils)
  19. Second Mission and debriefing: After a chilling adventure Graham comes to realize that the group sending him and his friends on these missions plans very poorly. The ice troll will for him be a continual reminder the group needs to take it upon themselves to plan things better so that more time can be spent exploring and less time simply trying to survive.
    [Ice Troll by Harp Twins]
  20. See (Cold.... So Cold / The Frozen Council)
  21. Rescue Mission:Because Graham and his purplish blue team has been thriving they are given the important task of attempting to recover a team that was previously thought lost, Charlie's Team. The group was taken into a very dark and dangerous location. But in the end they were able to recover the last living member of charlie's team. Greatly impressing the council with their speed and effectiveness.
    [Winged Hussars by Sabaton]
  22. See (Lost Corridors / A Terrible End)
  23. The Dream Job: Graham's team traveled to a paradise world where magic crystals and dragon eggs literally fell from the sky. Unfortunately, they were only able to gather about a dozen or so surprise rocks and some of them had to be sent back because the portal room was unable to safely contain them all. Graham would like to go back, having been unable to locate any nearby towns. This seemed like the kind of place graham's people may have come from.
    [We want a rock by They Might Be Giants]
  24. See (Rock Retrieval )
  25. Memories of War: Graham's team travels through the portal to a port town that was under attack by raiders. The group decimated the raiders and sent the remaining few packing. They then took time helping the town rebuild. Nora made an important discovery in the form of books on portals that will allow the group to leapfrog in knowledge.
    [I am Murloc by Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain]
  26. See (The Shark Reborn, Trading by the Sea, )
  27. Salt Island: Graham's team travels through the portal to an island in the middle of the ocean. Exploring around his team discovers that this place is extra salty. Most of the team makes plans to return to this place as it may prove to be an ideal location for a second base of operations.
    [The Island of Wonders by Peter Crowley]
  28. See (Beach Day)
  29. The Lava Portal: Graham's team returned home and strangely the discussion turned to Graham's academic accomplishments, specifically that he'd been tutoring a number of students. Nora seemed particularly interested in Brianna who had borrowed Graham's copy of the book on portals. Later there was attempted sabotage of the portal by opening it to a lava moon. Thankfully this plot was foiled due to the timely actions of graham's group.
    [Ring of Fire (Party Rock Remix) by Sunny Heart]
  30. See (The Burning Ring of Fire)
  31. The Starcrossed Elf: Graham's team arrives in a town nearly killing some people and destroying a merchant's cart. After smoothing things out with the local guard the group decides to "acquire" a new team member. A convicted murderer by the name of Madrox.
    [Road to the Faire (The Celtic Book of Days) by David Arkenstone]
  32. See (The Festival of the Stars)
  33. The False Scepter: After installing Madrox as a member of the portal team, the group heads to their next location. A town where an annual festival is going on where teams attempt to find a lost scepter. After finding the scepter the group learns that the hunt is sham put on for the benefit of the town's children.
    [Fibber Island by They Might Be Giants]
  34. See (Liar Town)


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