BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Raw notes for sessions 48 & 49

Last Week:
  • Toox asked Sora Teraza ‘What would you want your sister to know?’ Karias tried to help, but she got mad. Showed the building.
  • Teraza shows the tree in exchange for Ripper’s brainpan
  • Spells for protection:
  • • Scroll of Intellect Fortress (Lvl 6)
  • o 2 scrolls
  • • Potion of Protection from Good and Evil (Lvl 1)
  • o 6 potions
  This Week:
  • • Wand of Banishment (10 rounds concentration- demon makes the save and it fails)
  • • Ruby Dagger- Toox saw it, sensed the evil, and is looking for a way to protect themselves from it (asking for gloves from Merrix)
  • • Toox to Hurda: How do you not go crazy working with Xorcylic?
  • o Hurda has worms that go in the base of the skull. It does kill some of the people…. Hurda suggests they think of it as a last resort.
  • o Toox asks Hurda- any other suggestions? Hurda- Overwhelming force, clear objectives, simplicity, don’t get too attached to surviving this.
  • • Ripper- Can I get my people?
  • o Concern is alerting Grazz’t
  • o Ripper has Celosia ask Hazel if they can get his companions…
  •  10pm, Hazel will lock the gate area and prep the stuff for Ripper
  •  125gp for the usage
  • • Karias contacts Devan
  • o Devan scrys in the mountain to find him, that hurts. Says to meet him outside.
  • o The whole party goes
  • o Devan casts Zone of Truth and says…
  •  All I want is to get rid of the demon. (Mostly true)
  •  Never been in this spot, don’t like it (True)
  •  Option 1: Only what you asked, you gotta steal something (from the House in the Talenta Plains- medicine that will leave a kid hurting {Firefly Train Job}.
  • • Ice trades a bit of his essence for knowledge
  •  Option 2: You can have me as an ally, but when this is over I get to leave unmolested. You cannot take actions against me or indirectly. To do otherwise will carry grave consequences. He can’t take anything with him but Graz’zt, himself, and what’s in the bag.
  • • He really wants the Ruby Dagger. It’s powerful. The party won’t give it to him, but if the dagger is stuck inside Graz’zt, then that counts.
  • • House Deneith
  • o Be willing to charge into Skyward
  •  Yes, but we’re stretched thin. 2d10 soldiers.
  • • House Tarkanan
  • o Oliver Darkdraft
  •  Assassins to help attack- foot soldiers
  • • Not really what we do, but we can give 2 assassins to guard an entrance/exit
  • • House Orien
  • o Wands of Banishment & people to use them
  •  1d6 (3) people with wands of banishment
  • o Celosia and Ripper go, pick up stuff, and now there’s 4 ferns
  • • Bolar Darkhorn
  • o Daask foot soldiers
  •  Since Sora Mayena, 15 soldiers.
  • • House Ghallanda
  • o House refugees
  •  Sure. NO SOLDIERS.
  • • House Jorasco
  • o Healers
  •  Sure. We’ll be with House Ghallanda.
  • • Professor ir’Zana
  • o Book on dimensional seals and eldritch machines
  • o She gets Prof. Bosco
  •  The dimensional seal in Sarlona and Mournlands are giving off arcane signals being used for triangulation.
  •  Looking for other dimensional seals. No more expected in Khorvarre, but checking the Eldeen Reaches again.
  •  The portal in the Mournlands is still working, but travel through it would kill almost anyone.
  • • Gashkalla
  • o How to kill demons?
  •  Radiant damage, overwhelming force, simplicity. Assume they’re smarter than you.
  • o Would the dagger hurt the demon?
  •  Absolutely! Gimmie.
  • • Merrix
  • o Item to handle the dagger safely?
  •  Uhhh… maybe? Is it sentient? Maybe. Is it an artifact? Maybe. Bring it to me and I’ll see what I can do.
  •  Merrix gives Toox fireproof gloves
  • o Al needs to create Holy Oil
  • • Egg
  • o Either plan F or plan A.5
  • • Adventurers of Aliare
  • o Join Us!
  • • Dagger
  • o In a bag of holding it’s okay.
  • o Holding it requires making checks
  • o Cut once and stopping gets really fucking hard.


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