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Session 12: Sidesteps and Misdirection

General Summary

Trapped between two groups, the party decides to work toward getting Dimia Commonbrook and her guards to attack the group coming in through the hole blown into the basement. They first hide in a storeroom and mostly let the fight play out on it's own. Ripper  stays in the hallway to gently focus the guards attention on a second storeroom, where he claims to have locked Gwenlaven ir'Tain . The guards fight, but find themselves in danger of being overrun. Dimia calls for Ripper to help, and he offers some assistance by fully immobilizing one of the attackers. Celosia , upon hearing the call, informs the party. Ice and Oliver Darkdraft join the fray, and the combined efforts overwhelm the attackers.

The guards, with help, are victorious. However, one of their own is killed in the battle. Enraged, she does not hesitate to chop the arm off of the immobilized attacker, and begins to choke him when he doesn't offer information on Gwen's disappearance. Her fellow soldiers calm her down, and she turns her attention to Ripper. Ripper points her toward the locked storeroom, and she believes him. With a few strong kicks she breaks down the door, and the guards begin searching the room. Oliver takes advantage of the distraction to disappear. Not finding Gwen, Dimia demands answers. Ripper manages to convince her he heard sounds similar to teleporting. She is still extremely suspicious, but takes the prisoner and her fallen soldier and leaves. On her way out, though, she warns Ripper very clearly there will be consequences if he turns out to be lying. Ice takes the opportunity to loot the remaining attackers.

After the guards leave, the party retrives Gwen and Natacha Glumdrink from their hiding place, and together they exit through the tunnel. They find Oliver waiting. He has found the other end of the tunnel, and made sure the coast is clear. He explains he is here to take Gwen with him, and Gwen makes it clear she wants to go. The party agrees. Oliver gives Celosia a letter for Gwen's parents, signed by Thora Tarkanan , who he claims is the leader of the house. The party heads home for a well deserved rest.

The next morning the party heads to the home of Gaven ir'Tain and Anmar ir'Tain . They explain Gwen had run away, and while they had met with her and confirmed she was safe, they were unable to bring her home. They hand over the letter. The parents, dumbfounded, pay the balance of the price along with an extra 200 gold for discretion. They then ask the party to leave. On the way out, Toox grabs a few featherfall tokens. 

The party now has some downtime to engage in extra activities.

Rewards Granted

From the attackers:
Potion of Climbing
Bag of holding
325 gold

From the ir'Trains:
1200 gold (bank note)
3 Featherfall tokens
Report Date
29 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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