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Session 38.5: Saying Goodbye

General Summary

This captures the following conversations with NPCs as the party prepares to leave The Great Crag. It also includes items received on their way out.

Ulara d'Jorasco
You, once again, receive a summons from Ulara d’Jorasco. And, once again, you arrive to find her flanked by other House heads. But there the similarities end. Where before you were escorted to a room designed (however poorly) to project the power of Dragonmarked House, here you are surrounded by bodies and blood. Where before Ulara was poise and grace, here she can only be described as a mess. She is still dressed in the nightgown she wore when the attack occurred. Blood and gore have stained it to the point of being almost unrecognizable. Ulara herself has deep bags under her eyes and moves with dogged determination. As you approach, she pauses long enough to take a deep drink of a dark brown liquid- Celosia’s reaction confirm it’s contents. The two other empty cups nearby are concerning to say the least. Even as she speaks with you, she never stops healing. There is a mix, though. Wherever possible she uses bandages and antiseptic. She uses the magical healing rarely, and only as much as absolutely required. Other healers- Breland and Droaam both- move around her with practiced precision. She delivers orders even as she speaks with you and heals. Pointing out she has pushed herself beyond any safe metric feels insulting. She, of all creatures in Khorvaire, knows the consequences.
Merrix d’Cannith and Daric d'Velderan survey the scene from the side while talking quietly amongst themselves. Upon noticing your arrival, the step over to join Ulara. Ulara pauses as you approach and gives you a haggard smile. “Thank you for coming. I hope you can understand why leaving here is not an option for me at this time.” With that, Ulara returns to her work, speaking with you all as she does so.
“I want you to know that, as far as the heads of the Houses are concerned, you all are heroes. Dr. Twoorb tells me the cultural norms of Droaam require you all to take on this chase, and that the Daughters themselves are extremely grateful, but I don’t understand it all..” she trails off for a moment, staring into the middle distance between patients.
“I still haven’t wrapped my head around the betrayal. I’ve known Yoren over a century. Healing and hospitality go hand in hand, and while I never shared his obsession with profits I certainly didn’t complain as he filled both our coffers. When he insisted on this foolish trip, I thought it was about pride and money. Burning down the inn scared all of us, and when he pushed for me to lead the Houses I was flattered- flattered!” Ulara takes a moment to calm down, focusing on applying pressure to a wound. “This is our fault. I can’t say that as publicly as I’d like, but it’s the truth. And I will not allow the other heads to forget it. Speaking of which,” Ulara gestures toward Merrix and Daric. “We cannot reward you without it being seen as a grave insult, or so I’m told, but we can equip you for the journey ahead. So, equip you we will. The airship is almost repaired and will be as equipped as we can make it. I’d prefer to send you with a full contingent of soldiers, but… well…” Ulara gestures to the groaning men and women of all races overflowing the room.
  “But I can provide you with gear and provisions. Merrix and Daric here offered to assist you all with the specifics. Merrix also has had a hand in the ship’s repairs. I’ll leave all that to them.” There is a pause long enough to make you start to think it was a dismissal, but instead Ulara finishes with her patient and turns her full attention to you all.
“Two promises. First, this will not turn into war. We will not let it. The Daughters are angry, and the politics are beyond tricky, but we will not allow this demon to drag us into the war he so desperately wants. Second, when you’re ready to face this demon please know you have our support. I have played these games long enough to know- as I’m sure you do as well- moving openly before you’re prepared will only end in failure. So, please continue in your work, and know when the time comes you will have my full support, and the support of as many other Houses as I can bring to bear.” With a final smile and a small nod, Ulara turns back to her work.

Merrix d'Cannith and Daric d'Velderan
You meet with Merrix and Daric back in Little Dura. There they lead you into a small storeroom under extremely heavy guard. “We’ll keep it brief,” says Daric, once you are alone in the storeroom. “We all know what happened. Merrix and I are just as responsible for not thinking about the ships as any of you. But, as has been explained to us repeatedly, accepting that responsibility catapults the entire continent into war. My pride has been responsible for too many deaths over the years, I won’t allow it to cost any more. Not where I have anything to say about it. But, once you finish off Benne and are ready to take on the demon, wherever it is, come find us. Our Houses will bring as much force as we can.”
During his explanation you notice Merrix is uncharacteristically quiet. He nods once when Daric finishes, but there is none of his trademark fidgeting or interruptions. His shoulders are slumped dejectedly, and his eyes seem haunted. Daric glances only once at Merrix before continuing.
“As Ulara said, we can still provide gear to assist you in the hunt. We’ve pulled weapons and items we thought would be most useful and would like to upgrade some of your existing gear as well. If it’s not to your liking, however, let us know and we can make some changes.”
The party receives all the equipment except the potions.

Hazel d'Orien
Unlike the other leaders you’ve met, Hazel d’Orien does not seem tired or depressed. Fierce determination rolls off her in waves, and the air around her is one of uncompromising efficiency. Messengers and advisors bring in reports, delivered without preamble, receive new instructions, and leave with haste. You stand toward the back of the room, waiting patiently. It is one of Hazel’s advisors who notices you first. They point out your presence to Hazel. Her eyes dart toward you momentarily, and she nods. You wait for another minute, perhaps, as she gives additional instructions to a few lieutenants, then gestures for you to join her in an adjacent room. Here there is quiet. A pitcher of cold water and cups sits on a table, a few chairs dot the small room. Hazel goes immediately to pour herself a cup and invites you to do the same. She takes a deep drink, and a deep breath, before speaking.
“I’m so sorry about Hult. When I heard the news…” she trails off, her looking away. “And Melody, too. She shouldn’t have been fighting. She was so determined to be a part of the story…” a small sob escapes her, but she sets her jaw and continues.
“My father is still badly hurt. They think he’ll live. I’ve been to visit him, but there just isn’t time… we’ll be on the road not long after you all. The Edhellen, under considerable international guard, will be heading back to Sharn. Simon and Tarryn will be on it. Hurda and a contingent of the Znir Pact will be traveling with them as well.”
“Have you heard the Daughters’ demands? They want to be recognized as a sovereign nation. That’s it. After that, the Houses are welcome to come ply their trade as best they can… though I think the House heads now realize that will not be as simple as they first thought.” Hazel’s smile is thin and does not reach her eyes. “But you know what I find ironic? This demon’s attack, designed as it was to cause war, is probably the only thing in all of Eberron to actually make their demands possible. Breland has no way to escape their responsibility, and Ulara is making damn certain the Houses support the Daughters’ demand. Assuming you succeed we’ll have a peace that would have been impossible before.” Hazel’s smile manages to reach her eyes this time.
She turns her full attention on you now. “You know, of course, that you have the full support of House Orien. And I will do absolutely everything in my power to ensure Simon and Tarryn make it safely home. Please don’t worry about them. Just focus on one thing.”
A white-hot rage flares in Hazel’s eyes.
“Kill Benne Rowich.”Hazel d'Orien

  Esravash d'Lyrandar
With the short time until your departure, the meeting with Esravash d'Lyrandar seemed rather important. Her house owns the airships, after all. But getting that meeting was more complicated than it seemed. The first trick came in just finding her. She wasn’t in Little Dura, nor was she in any of the makeshift medical tents that dot the mountain. You eventually find her on the dock. Well, above the dock. Esravash stood on a small piece of soarwood high in the air examining a piece of one of the airship’s hulls. A bit of attached machinery gave her platform mobility, and she called orders and received reports as she maneuvered around the airship currently occupying her attention. Eventually one of her assistants pointed out your arrival. She glanced down, nodded, then returned to her work. It was a slightly frustrating ten minutes before she finally landed.
Esravash steps off her platform and considers you all. She is definitely the youngest of the House leaders and, despite the circumstances, carries herself with a natural grace and beauty. She still carried the bags under her eyes that had become commonplace. Her outfit- pajamas with an apron thrown over them- was covered in grease. Blood stains and splatter were visible on the long sleeves and pants underneath, and a nasty bruise was visible through a bit of torn sleeve. There were minor cuts on the right side of her face, and a chunk of her hair was scorched.
She also looked absolutely pissed.
“I never wanted any of this,” she said without preamble. “Bringing an airship here was a stupid idea, and I told them that over and over again. They’ve got hundreds of harpies. How is a boat going to ‘establish dominance’? I swear on every dragon, if that asshole Yoren wasn’t dead I’d kill him myself. And then he wanted to bring six of them?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get enough soarwood to build an airship? How long it takes? And now ONE GOT STOLEN?”
Esravash snatches a wrench from her apron and lifts an arm as if to throw it, but pauses. She takes a slow breath, and then turns back to you all.
“So. Couple things. One- my crew have strict orders to always cooperate fully with hijackers. Nothing is worth a broken airship. We can always track it down and get back. Benne knew that. Honestly, if she hadn’t damaged the other ships…” (another long slow breath) “…I really wouldn’t care. But between mass murder and damaged airships even I can’t argue going after them.” Her tone makes it extremely difficult to tell which of the causes weighed heavier. You suppose it doesn’t make much of a difference. “Two- This isn’t your ship. We have two captains on board. They’ll handle the flying and the day to day. If they feel like you can be useful then you can be trained to help out, but aside from actual combat an airship doesn’t need a lot of people to operate. There’ll definitely be plenty of room for you all. The two captains will operate in shifts so you can go non-stop. Find Benne and toss her ass overboard. But please don’t wreck my boat. Either of them. You manage that and I’ll owe you one. You sink my airships and you best consider a career in the Mournland.”
“Three- We’re close to done here. The ship Benne stole was the best of the fleet. It’s fast and well armed. I don’t know how many people she took with her, but she’s definitely got at least 3 or 4 of my staff. Like I said- they’ll fully cooperate with Benne as far as the ship is concerned, and likely ignore anything else. If you can spare their lives I’d consider it a bonus. Regardless, we’ll be ready to go within the hour. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to get my second best ship ready to go.” Esravash mumbles under her breath as she turns away from you, remounting her platform and yelling for updates.

Chervian d'Ghallanda
As you start to make your way back to your rooms you are somewhat surprised to see Chervian d'Ghallanda waiting for you. Chervian looks exhausted, even by current standards, and her eyes are puffy from crying. Perhaps you feel a brief pang of guilt for your hand in her father’s death, but there is obviously no place for that now. “I’d like to speak with you,” Chervian says plainly. You reevaluate your assessment. There is grief and exhaustion, sure, but more than anything there is an iron determination. “I’m sorry for my father’s deeds. I don’t offer excuses, and I will forever blame myself for not realizing what was happening sooner. But that’s the past. My House has a lot of sins to pay for, and I intend to start now. A member of my team managed to place a device on Benne’s ship as she slipped away. It will lead you to her, allow her to track her location anywhere on Khorivare. I am sending him with you all to help in the effort. He’ll meet you on deck when you’re ready,” she pauses a moment, clearly with more on her mind.
“I want to kill her myself,” she says. “I had no desire to run this House. I have other interests- things more important than politics and expansion. But death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.” Chervian pauses, looking rueful. “I really am sorry for all the trouble. You all have free room and board at any of our establishments for life- though I’ll understand if you don’t take me up on it. If there is anything I can do, though… I know Benne isn’t the end of this. I want to see it through. Well… I should go. Thanks.”

It is only after a long list of delays you find yourselves finally ready to board the Sun Chaser. The absence of anyone from The Crag has been conspicuous, but you’ve been told it is a cultural necessity. You are somewhat surprised, then, by Order waiting for you on the dock. She is alone, and her demeanor is all business, but the small smile playing on her lips suggests warmth.
“Offering you any support in your quest for vengeance would be an insult and take away from your victory. You killing Benne Rowich is how you clear your ledger. So, to be clear, I am not here to disrespect you all. You’re still banned from the Great Crag, and you still carry all of your dishonor. This,” Order lifts an old tattered pouch that clinks with the sound of glass vials. “is separate. Sora Teraza declared these items be delivered to you all, and the other Daughters decided they could be given independently.” Order hands over the pouch while supporting it from the bottom. It appears barely able to hold the small weight inside. As you take the item Order stands tall and declares:
“By order of the Daughters of Sora Kell, you and yours are hearby banished for your failure from The Great Crag and expected to leave Droaam with all haste. If you cannot achieve vengeance, may you die trying.” With that, Order pointedly turns her back to you, and walks away without a glance behind her. You don’t think you’ve ever had someone wish for your death with such warmth before.

Rewards Granted

Immovable Rod, Wand of the Warmage +2 (lose current wand), Potion of Stone Giant Strength Crystal Rapier, Vicious Shortbow (lose current shortbow), Potion of Invisibility Dwarven Plate, Flame Tongue Greatsword (lose current sword), Potion of Flying Dragon Wing Light Crossbow (Radiant), Iron Bands of Billaro, Potion of Gaseous Form
Report Date
30 Nov 2021
Primary Location


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