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Session 4: Into the Cogs

General Summary

The party reports back to the Daask. Dovrug Thunderclap congratulates them, and encourages them to follow up on the symbol.
The group checks in with Breeza. She hasn't seen the symbol, but wants to do some research.
Tunruk and Celosia check the library at Morgrave University. Symbol isn't found anywhere, and didn't exist before this.
Back at The Cracked Mirror , Breeza finds it related to a group in The Cogs . They go investigate.
In the Cogs they find Idealism, a Tiefling merchant running what could almost be called a bar. They ask about the symbol, and get directed an hour northeast
Traveling northeast they come across several corpses of various humanoid races. All share the same symbol carved into their skin, and most show signs of having killed themselves- one in particular looks to have slit his own throat.
Drawing closer to what appears to be a small settlement, the group find a dismembered Warforged . Ripper is decidedly uncomfortable. While trying to understand what has happened, the party is confronted by a large group of Warforged...
Report Date
05 May 2020
Primary Location


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