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Session 7: Murder House

General Summary

House Trip 1
  • Toox trips a trap in front of jewelry display
  • Toox opens the jewelry case (4 rings, 2 necklaces, 1 bracelet) (Nonmagical treasure is valued at 140gp)
  • One necklace is worthless (Toox throws it away, Ripper takes it)
  • 1 ring is a Ring of Healing (2 charges, 2d4+2, Toox is wearing it)
  • 1 ring is cursed (Celosia has it in her bag)
  •   The group takes damage, realizes the place is trapped, and steps outside to find a safe place to rest for the night. They return the next morning.     House Trip 2
    • Foyer is reset, including the jewelry in the case
    • Party discovered detection spells are being repressed, but being to explore rooms
    • Office area- Tunruk takes all paperwork in a bag of holding
    • Tunruk then accidentally sets off a Glyph of Warding (fire), which hits all PCs.
    • Party begins to carefully investigate. Toox finds a small kickplate hidden beside the door which deactivates the traps. After careful confirmation, the party goes up the stairs into the main room.
    • The main room has two large marble staircases leading into a kind of research lab. There is a spell table, a divination table, a bloody alter with dead bodies on and around it (see below), and a large "concrete" throne giving off a significantly evil aura. There is also an almost after image of a portal in the corner of the room. It could be described as being "powered down", though there is no indication as to how to power it.
    • 6 bodies, 6 races- Drow , Dragonborn , Tiefling , Shifter (Swiftstrider), Changling , and a Gnoll, with sloppily cut Symbol on their torsos
    • The party burns the altar, which goes up quickly, and drops the throne off the stairwell onto the spell table, destroying both
    • It appears the area was being used by two different individuals- an amateur using extremely basic magic at the divination and spell tables, and a much more malicious force associated with the altar and the throne
    • After clearing the main room, the party search the remainder of the building. Toox takes 2 bottles of wine, and finds rope to give to Ripper and Celosia. Celosia takes the crystal ball. They also take the replenished jewelry out of the case- 3 cursed necklaces, currently with Toox.
    • Unable to determine how the jewelry case was refilled between visits, the party opts to take the entire jewelry case (strapped on top of the 3 dead bodies on the floating disk)
    • Also, they find a room with 3 identical treasure chests. One contained a pair of manacles and a pair of loafers, the other a Ring of Protection and a Wand Sheath, and the last was a mimic that tried to eat Toox.
    • After killing the mimic, the party heads back to the town.

    Rewards Granted

    • Jewelry worth 140 gold
    • 1 Ring of Healing (2 charges, 2d4+2)
    • Assorted paperwork (party has reviewed about 50% of it)
    • 1 cursed ring
    • 3 cursed necklaces
    • pair of manacles
    • pair of loafers
    • Jewelry case
    • Crystal ball
    • 2 bottles of wine
    • 2 50 ft. lengths of hempen rope
    • 1 wand sheath
    • 1 ring of protection
    Report Date
    21 Jul 2020
    Primary Location


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