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The Final Words of Tiny Macey

Your inquires into Sharn are a mess. The infrastructure is shot, and communications are down throughout the city. Don Jon, however, goes out of his way to assist. He finds the following voice message, though he is vague about where it came from. The voice on it is shaky, broken… and the quality is rough, being played through multiple devices to reach your ears so far away. Even with all that, the voice is clearly "Tiny" Maycey's. Here is the message:

The demon’s name is Graz'zt.
These are likely my last words, so please hear them all. The demon is disguised as a halfling from the Talenta plains… he may have started with a different name but stopped pretending some time before. He now rules all of Eberron from the top of his palace in Skyward. The 60 are his devoted slaves. The land itself has warped. The entire area is perverted… the people shift from carnality to violence without warning. Going there is madness and death… though not always in that order…
Graz’zt has broken the second of the Great Seals. I think his plan is to rip open the barrier… there’s a barrier!... separating his home from ours. Time is running out. I know forces are gathering to stop him, but there isn’t enough time.
A being of evil found me. A devil. Devan. He gave me a way to slow Graz’zt down. Buy everyone else time. I knew he was evil. He made no secret of it. I refused him… but he warned me that doing so would kill thousands. Then the blast… I should have known… he may be an evil bastard, but he’s a horrifyingly honest one.
When the blast hit Devan appeared again. He saved me. Saved Fran. No payment required, he said. But if I didn’t agree to help him now he wouldn’t appear again. So many dead… Fran begged me not to, but this was my fault. If I’d made a deal with the devil before I could have stopped this.
I have to take a package into Skyward. All the way in. My mind won’t make it. I don’t think I want it to. But Devan promised- a signed contract- that delivering this thing would be devastating to this bastard. Graz’zt. He offered to include Fran’s protection in our deal, but she refused. She already hates me for doing this. I can’t include her in any more evil… there was already gallons of blood on my hands before these things showed up. I won’t dirty her any more than I already have.
These are my last words. Gods help whoever comes after. I pray that others come. Forgive me for failing. Forgive me, Fran, for not being better. Please. Stop Graz’zt. Someone. Anyone. Make this stop.

(DM note- Paxional is a halfling word for Peace)


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