Cabin 15

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Purpose / Function

Used typically for the transport of VIP's on the Lightning Rail on the Five Kingdoms Express.   During the reconstruction efforts, all available cabins were used to transport individuals and only a selected few got the honor of riding in this cabin.


Victorian style, steampunk, everything spells out opulence and excess. Sweet smells are pumped into the cabin, sound for external sources is minimized, everything is in immaculate condition.


Sliding mahogany doors to the cabin.


The cabin is considered a national treasure at this point and is worth more than its construction cost to the nation of Breland.


There have been rumors that whatever line has cabin 15 on their line that eventually someone steals an object from the cabin car. As such the ornate opulence of the car has actually diminished since its original opening.


Only the finest and rarest materials were used in the construction of this car. Celebrated crafters from around Breland were tasked to submit their best work to be placed within this cabin and only the winners of a contest were able to know that their work was inside.


Minimal defenses as this car was designed around luxury over function. This cabin car has wide open windows that are razor thin to maximize light transmissibility. At the same time, there is 4 barriers of glass/walls that were designed to minimize external acoustics to provide that luxury feel.


This cabin car completed manufacturing on 9 Sypheros 994YK during the ending of the full moon Sypheros in where Sypheros is the closest to Eberron in the year. Requisition for cabin 15 was done by House Orien in celebration of the Boldrei's Feast as a token of opulence for the party and a homage to the day of mourning in where so many lives were lost eight months ago. As such, the extravagance and expense of the car tripled the cost of any other luxury cabin car to date.


Generally speaking, very few can afford the Lightning Rail, let alone a cabin that is designed for the upper class or for special dignitaries. This would be considered a rare once in a lifetime experience for anyone below nobility and should be considered honored at the fact of seeing the lodging let alone spending any time in it.
Environmental Effects
Internally the cabin is kept at exactly 21C, 40% humidity, 1013.25 hPa, 78% Nitrogen, and 21% Oxygen. The rest of the compound percentages were engineered to be the "best" clean air and is currently a trade secret.
Compartment of Vehicle


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