Eberron Dragonshard

Eberron dragonshards are unique magical crystals that can be found throughout the world of Eberron. These precious gems are formed from the essence of the powerful dragons that once roamed the land. They come in a variety of colors, including blue, red, green, and even pink.   The pink Eberron dragonshard is a particularly rare variety. It is egg-shaped, with a smooth, polished surface that glitters in the light. The pink coloration is believed to be due to the presence of a magical energy that is unique to this type of dragonshard.   These dragonshards are prized for their magical properties and are often used in the creation of powerful magical items, such as weapons and armor. They can also be used to enhance spells and create powerful magical effects.   Despite their rarity, pink Eberron dragonshards can be found throughout the lands of Eberron. They are often mined from deep within the earth, where they are protected by powerful magical wards and ancient guardians. Adventurers and treasure hunters often risk life and limb to obtain these precious gems, and they are highly prized by collectors and magical craftsmen alike.


Material Characteristics

They are usually smooth and polished, with a glassy texture, and are often shaped like a small gemstone. The shape of the dragonshard can vary widely, with some being oblong or oval and others being more irregular in shape.   One of the most distinctive physical characteristics of Eberron dragonshards is their internal structure. They are filled with intricate, swirling patterns that resemble the sinuous curves of a dragon's body. These patterns are unique to each individual dragonshard and are believed to be related to the dragon that originally created it.   In addition to their unique appearance, Eberron dragonshards are also known for their hardness and durability. They are resistant to most forms of physical damage and can be used to create weapons, armor, and other items of exceptional quality.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Eberron dragonshards have several unique properties that make them valuable in the world of Eberron:   Focus: Dragonshards can be used as a focus for magical spells, allowing the caster to channel their magic more effectively.   Binding: Dragonshards can be used to bind elementals or other powerful creatures, forcing them to do the bidding of the wielder.   Power Amplification: When used in conjunction with other magical items, dragonshards can amplify their power and make them more effective.   Spell Matrix: Dragonshards can be etched with magical runes, creating a spell matrix that can be activated by a skilled caster.   Prophecy: Dragonshards are sometimes used in divination rituals, as they are believed to hold the memories and experiences of the dragons that created them. They can provide insights into the past, present, and future.


Dragonshards are often used as components in the creation of magical items and constructs. They are also sometimes used in the creation of dragonmark tattoos, which grant their bearer magical abilities. Additionally, dragonshards can be infused with elemental energy to create elemental bound items.

Geology & Geography

Eberron dragonshards can be found in a variety of locations throughout the world, including:   Khyber's Caverns: These underground caverns are home to some of the most valuable dragonshards, and are typically only accessible to experienced adventurers.   The Mournland: The ruins of Cyre are scattered with dragonshards, but entering the Mournland is dangerous due to the magical fallout from the Day of Mourning.   The Shadow Marches: The Shadow Marches are home to a variety of dragonshards, including those with earth and water affinities.   The Eldeen Reaches: This region is known for its abundance of air and fire dragonshards.   The Talenta Plains: This region is home to a large number of lightning dragonshards.   The Demon Wastes: These dangerous lands are home to a variety of unique dragonshards with powerful properties, but they are typically only accessible to the bravest and most experienced adventurers.   Xen'drik: This unexplored continent is rumored to be home to some of the most powerful and valuable dragonshards, but few have ventured there and returned to tell the tale.

Origin & Source

The origins of Eberron dragonshards are shrouded in mystery and the subject of much speculation among scholars and researchers. The most commonly accepted theory is that they are shards of the shattered essence of the dragons that once roamed the world of Eberron. Another theory posits that they are a natural product of the world's magical energies, imbued with the raw essence of the dragon's breath. Yet another theory suggests that they are remnants of the power of the Progenitor Dragons, the powerful beings said to have shaped the world itself in the earliest days of creation.   Regardless of their origins, Eberron dragonshards are a powerful and valuable resource, prized by magic users and artificers for their unique properties and the vast array of applications to which they can be put.

Life & Expiration

Eberron dragonshards are known to be incredibly durable and can last for centuries without any signs of degradation. However, the exact lifespan of a dragonshard can depend on various factors such as its quality, the conditions it is stored in, and how it is used. In general, dragonshards are considered to be a valuable and long-lasting resource in the world of Eberron.

History & Usage


Eberron dragonshards have a long and mysterious history in the world of Eberron. According to legend, they are fragments of the shattered progenitor dragon Siberys, who was destroyed during the creation of the world. These shards are believed to contain immense magical power and have been prized by both arcane researchers and artificers for their ability to enhance magical devices and spells.   The shards were first discovered by the goblinoid tribes that once inhabited Khorvaire, the continent on which most of the Eberron campaign setting takes place. The goblinoids used the shards as powerful talismans and imbued them with magical energy through blood magic rituals. As other races began to explore the continent, they also discovered the power of the shards and began to use them in their own magical devices.   During the Last War, which ravaged Khorvaire for a century, the use of dragonshards became even more widespread as both sides sought to gain an edge through the use of magic. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold, but the use of dragonshards continued to spread throughout the world.   Today, dragonshards are used in a wide variety of magical devices and spells, and are prized for their unique properties and versatility. They are commonly found throughout Eberron, and are mined from deposits in the earth or recovered from ancient ruins and other sites of magical power.


Dragonshards have been known and used for their magical properties for thousands of years. It is likely that the discovery of dragonshards is tied to the creation of the world itself, as they are believed to be fragments of the draconic Prophecy, a mysterious force that shapes the fate of the world.

Everyday use

Eberron dragonshards are used in a variety of technologies throughout the world of Eberron. Some examples include:   Creation Forge: Used to create Warforged, an artificial lifeform.   Elemental Bindings: Used to control and harness the power of the Elemental Planes.   Siberys Dragonshard Focus: A component used in arcane spellcasting.   Dragonshard Focus: Used in creation of magical items.   Dragonshard Harmonics: Used in creating advanced communication devices.   Dragonshard Plating: Used to enhance armor and weapons.   Dragonshard Fuel: Used in airships to provide buoyancy and propulsion.   Overall, Eberron dragonshards are a versatile and valuable resource in the world of Eberron, playing an important role in the development and advancement of technology.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Eberron dragonshards hold significant cultural and historical importance in the world of Eberron. They are considered to be the essence of the world itself and are believed to be connected to the legendary dragons that once roamed the land.   The shards are often used in magical rituals and are thought to have mystical powers. They have been used in various forms of art and architecture, and some cultures even incorporate them into their religious practices.   In addition, the dragonshards have played a significant role in the history of Eberron. They were used to create the warforged, a race of sentient golems that were used as soldiers during the Last War. The shards have also been used to power airships and other advanced technologies.   Overall, the Eberron dragonshards are a symbol of the world's magical essence and represent the rich cultural history of the world.

Industrial Use

Eberron dragonshards are widely used in the industrial processes of the Eberron world due to their unique properties. Here are some of the common industrial uses of Eberron dragonshards:   Artifice: Eberron dragonshards are used extensively in artifice, which is the creation of magical items. These shards serve as a crucial component in the creation of magical items such as wands, staves, and other magical devices.   Cannith creation: Cannith creation is a process that involves the use of dragonshards to create magical constructs such as warforged soldiers. The shards are imbued with magical energy, which is then used to power the constructs.   Elemental binding: Eberron dragonshards are used in elemental binding, which involves binding elementals to serve as a source of power for machines and other devices. The shards are used to bind the elemental spirits, which can then be harnessed to power various machines.   Transportation: Dragonshards are also used in transportation, particularly in airships. The shards are used to create the elemental rings that provide lift to the airships.   Healing: Eberron dragonshards are also used in the healing arts. The shards are used to imbue healing magic into potions and other medical supplies, which can then be used to treat injuries and illnesses.   Overall, Eberron dragonshards are a valuable resource in the Eberron world, and their unique properties make them a crucial component in many industrial processes.


They are often used in their natural state for various magical and technological purposes, such as powering arcane devices, creating dragonmarked heirloom items, or crafting magical weapons and armor. However, skilled artisans and enchanters can shape and manipulate the raw shards using magic and other techniques, allowing them to create more complex structures and devices with the shards.

Manufacturing & Products

Eberron dragonshards are not manufactured but rather occur naturally within the world of Eberron. They are typically mined or harvested from specific areas where they can be found. Once harvested, they are often sold to be used in various applications, such as technology or magic, or simply as valuable trade items. However, they do not undergo any additional manufacturing processes beyond extraction from their natural state.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

There are several byproducts that can be obtained during the refining process of Eberron dragonshards. These include:   Dragonshard Dust: a fine powder that can be used as a component in magical spells or mixed with other materials to create special alloys.   Dragonshard Residue: a sticky substance left over after refining the shards. It has adhesive properties and can be used as a binding agent.   Dragonshard Shavings: small fragments of the shards that break off during the refining process. They can be melted down and used in the creation of smaller items, such as jewelry or decorative pieces.   Dragonshard Slag: a waste material that is produced during the refining process. It is often discarded, but some craftsmen have found ways to repurpose it, such as using it as a building material for non-magical structures.   Overall, these byproducts are often valued for their magical properties and are sought after by many craftsmen and magic-users.


Eberron dragonshards are generally safe to handle and use, but there are some potential hazards associated with them. One potential hazard is that the shards can be sharp and jagged, posing a risk of injury if mishandled. Additionally, the refining process for dragonshards can produce toxic byproducts, which must be handled and disposed of carefully to avoid harm to people or the environment. Finally, improperly using or overusing dragonshards can lead to magical overload and unpredictable results, making it important to use caution and expertise when working with them

Environmental Impact

The harvesting of Eberron dragonshards can have an impact on the world. The process of extraction and refinement can cause environmental damage, particularly to the areas where the shards are found. Additionally, the use of dragonshards in technology and magic can have both positive and negative effects on society, leading to power struggles and conflicts over resources. The overuse or misuse of dragonshards can also have unforeseen consequences, such as the creation of unstable magical devices or the unintentional release of dangerous energies. Therefore, it is important to carefully manage the harvesting, use, and disposal of Eberron dragonshards to minimize their impact on the world.

Reusability & Recycling

Eberron dragonshards are typically considered a finite resource, as they are not naturally renewable. However, they can be reused or repurposed in various ways, depending on their condition and the needs of those using them. For example, if a dragonshard has been used to power a magical device, it may be possible to extract some of its residual energy for use in another application. Additionally, broken or damaged dragonshards may be melted down or otherwise processed to recover some of their constituent materials, such as khyber crystals or dragonshard dust. However, these processes are generally difficult and costly, so it is more common for dragonshards to be used until they are depleted, and then discarded or otherwise retired.


Trade & Market

Eberron dragonshards are commonly traded as a commodity in markets throughout the world of Eberron. They are often bought and sold in their raw form, but can also be refined into various shapes and sizes for specific purposes. The most common trade hubs for dragonshards include Sharn, Stormreach, and Korth. Many trading houses specialize in dragonshard transactions and have developed their own techniques for evaluating the quality and worth of individual shards. Some dragonshards are also traded through illegal channels, leading to black markets and underground trade networks.


Eberron dragonshards are typically stored in secure containers made of materials such as stone, metal, or ceramic to prevent damage or accidental activation. They may also be stored in specially designed receptacles that can channel or harness their energy for various purposes. The storage containers are often kept in secure, temperature-controlled facilities with restricted access to prevent theft or misuse.

Law & Regulation

There are laws and regulations related to Eberron dragonshards, as they are highly valuable and potentially dangerous. The House Cannith, a powerful dragonmarked house, controls much of the Eberron dragonshard trade and production, and they have set up regulations to ensure the safe handling and use of the shards.   In addition, different nations and factions in Eberron may have their own laws and regulations related to the use and trade of dragonshards, and some may restrict their use or even outlaw it altogether. The possession of dragonshards may also be regulated or controlled, as they are often used in powerful magical artifacts and weapons.   Furthermore, there may be laws and regulations related to the mining and extraction of dragonshards, as the process can be dangerous and may have environmental impacts. Some areas may be off-limits for mining or may require permits or approval from local authorities.
Variable based on size
Do not have a distinct smell. They are made of crystal and do not emit any type of odor.
There is no information on what they taste like
blue, red, green, pink.
Common State
raw, unrefined state
Related Locations


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