Leveling System

Rules for leveling up during this campaign.   All characters will be starting at level 1 in this campaign.   To reach the next level will be based on the number of sessions. For instance going to level 2 will take 2 sessions to reach, 3 more sessions for 3 and this process continues to level 6 in where the number of sessions will be locked to ensure that there is always some level of progression.
Leveling Up - Oh YA!
  • Level 1: Base
  • Level 2: 2 Sessions
  • Level 3: 3 Sessions
  • Level 4: 4 Sessions
  • Level 5: 5 Sessions
  • Level 6: 6 Sessions
  • Level 7: 6 Sessions
  • ...
  • Level 30: 6 Sessions


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