Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap

The lodestone lightning elemental trap consists of a way in where trace amounts of lodestone help attract and steer a lightning strike rife with young lightning elementals. Upon impact of the lightning strike, the young elementals see the enticing lodestone and get trapped in a specialized container that fuses shut from the lightning strike.   The traps are relatively easy to install and set up, but can be prone to failures or poor configurations making them dangerous to use in populated areas. It is recommended to install these as far from a population as possible and choose the highest elevation in sight.


Great at capturing lightning elementals that would be challenging to collect otherwise.   Misuse is common with this product as a poorly set trap can cause a lightning elemental to break off and strike a nearby object causing extensive damage. Often is used as a form of assassination due to the complexities and dangerous of lightning storms.


Primary facility is done in Sharn where the population of Breland is the highest and tradesman are plentiful. There is a guarded manufacturing facility within the Cogs of Sharn. Details about its manufacturing is undisclosed to maximize the profits of the Dragon marked House Cannith.

Social Impact

The ability to easily catch lightning elementals has made the Lightning Rail a possibility. A large amount of elementals need to be collected on a routine basis in order to expand the rail and to replace any elementals that happened to escape their bounds from the Conductor Stone.
Rumors of Zelcer Fourflare family designed the original prototype and as such has some special background of the functionality of the device that allowed him to do some of the recent improvements on the trap in order to make it more user friendly.
Access & Availability
Access to these traps is typically provided for anyone working on the Lightning Rail. Public use is restricted due to the dangers involved of improperly setting up a trap.
The schematics of the device are closely guarded. A lot of the devices on the trap are considered false items to mislead individuals from reverse engineering the trap.   What is known that it requires at least 5 containers of Lodestone that are powdered form. It is presumed that these are stragetically placed to help guide the lightning elemental into a specialized container that keeps it alive and stuck in position.
Unknown of the exact date, but it was around 808YK. House Orien worked with elemental binders of Zilargo to device a way to quickly bound a large amount of elementals to propel cargo and passengers to connect the cities of Flamekeep and Fairhaven.

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