Weapon Durability Rules

Basic weapons will have tiers of grades ranging from Exceptional to Ruined. Base rules outlined in DnD Players Handbook are at standard quality. Weapons will degrade in quality when an enemy strikes a critical hit and you decide to use your weapon to reduce the critical hit to a standard attack. In addition, each grade will have different properties and an associated gold cost to upgrade/repair.   Having someone in the party with a smithing skill can reduce the upgrade costs if they decide to not accept the labor associated labor costs (50%).   Cost multipliers are normalized to Standard gear.  

Tier List

  • Exceptional - x4 cost multiplier, can absorb 3 critical hits before degrading to next level below, take standard damage roll and roll it twice and take the higher value
  • Reliable - x2 cost multiplier, can absorb 2 critical hits before degrading to next level below, no additional properties
  • Standard - x1 cost multiplier, can absorb 1 critical hit before degrading to next level below, no additional properties
  • Damaged - x1/2 cost multiplier, can absorb 1 critical hit before degrading to next level below, take standard damage roll and roll it twice and take the lower value
  • Faulty - x1/4 cost multiplier, can absorb 1 critical hit before degrading to next level below, take standard damage roll and roll it twice and take the lower value, on a critical miss on an attack roll, roll 1d4 damage to yourself
  • Ruined - x1/20 cost multiplier, considered useless, take standard damage roll and roll it twice and take the lower value, all attack rolls are at a disadvantage and with a critical miss on an attack roll, roll 1d4 damage to yourself


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