Bow’s End Tavern Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Bow’s End Tavern

The tavern is a squat but comfortable-looking building, its gleaming wooden exterior carved in overlapping Strixhaven star motifs. The interior is dim and cozy (if loud), featuring rich mahogany floors and well-worn furniture of oak and black leather. Live musical acts often set up on the tavern’s patio, including performing groups made up of students, faculty, and staff alike.
Bow's End Tavern Base Map Image

Opening Hours

Opens 6:00 p.m.
Closes 11:00 p.m. on class nights
2:00 a.m. on weekends   Bow’s End Tavern Menu
Food or Beverage Cost
Water Free
Coffee, cola, or tea 1 cp
Premium fare 4 cp
Caster’s stew 2 sp
Curtie’s special 2 sp


  • Bow's End Tavern


Tulk “The Bulk” Tusktooth  


Curtie Axechucker

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