First-Year Courses Document in Eberron | World Anvil
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First-Year Courses

General Studies Courses

A Is For Ankheg: A Complete Guide On

26 Classic Monsters. (Required) Associated Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival Taught by Professor Verelda Lang, a dryad who only teaches General Studies courses about magical flora and fauna. The reward for completing this course is identical to the rewards from the Magical Physiologies class this one replaces. During the incident with mascots in the Party At The Rose Stage adventure I would recommend having one of the wands summon a Chimera instead of making a mascot amalgamation with the same stats. Ideas for lessons include "B is for Basilisk, C is for Chimera" and so forth. Students will spend time in the Biblioplex researching creatures for homework.

Basking In the Glow: Basic Magical Auras

  Associated Skills: Arcana, Investigation, Perception This class is led by a vedalken named Orvlo. In this class they teach students about the patterns left behind by different schools of magic and encourages them to look for those patterns in the higher level spells they'll eventually go on to learn. As a reward for passing this class students are taught to cast Detect Magic.

Flame of Knowledge: Lessons From the Founders

Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Insight Instructor Lianna Flametongue teaches this class as a special offering. She instructs students on the history of Strixhaven and passes on the valuable lessons left behind by the Founder Dragons. The reward for passing this class is the Dragon's Breath spell.

Speaking the Same Language: Overviewof Magical Notation

Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Insight, This course is taught by Xyla Langnig*, a relatively young female gnome, a dust speaker, and one of the newest Lorehold Professors of Order. Xyla teaches students about common symbols and notations used by mages from all walks of life when writing about spells. The reward for passing this class is the Comprehend Languages spell.

Keep It Secret, Keep it Safe: ProtectingThings Behind Locked Doors

Associated Skills: Arcana, Deception, Intimidation Fain, Silverquill Professor of Shadow, not only knows how to get ahold of certain things but also maintains a vast knowledge on keeping those precious things safe. Fain keeps a distance from most students so as to not let down his guard or draw suspicion. But he might come to favor individuals who are repeat customers or who display sneaky or sketchy tendencies. Students who pass this class learn the Arcane Lock spell. Fain looks favorably on students who attempt to cheat on exams and the DC for cheating should be lowered for those exams.  

Lorehold Courses

Digging Up the Past: Introduction to Archaeomancy (Required for Lorehold)

Associated Skills: Insight, History, Religion As an introductory course to the college this class is taught by Lorehold's deans, Augusta Tullus and Plargg. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion but a few things should be stressed to players. This course contains a large number of students, it is lecture-based with no time for questions and answers, and it is very confusing due to the dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students will learn what Lorehold is all about through an exploration of various methods of record-keeping and exploration tactics. As an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail.  

Hindsight: Examining and Identifying Historical Arcane Artifacts

Associated Rolls: History, Investigation, Various Tools Students might be initially confused about the location of this class as it is one of the few that doesn't take place in a lecture hall or classroom. Instead this class takes place in the workshop of Osgir, the Reconstructor, a Lorehold professor of order. These classes can be frequently interrupted by messengers or students bringing him new finds. Osgir welcomes the interruptions as it gives him a new artifact to show his students. Osgir's love for artifacts of all kinds is plainly apparent and he has historically been moved to give extra credit to students who bring him new artifacts. Students who pass Osgir's class are rewarded with the Identify spell.

Everything Old is New Again: Methods of Archaeological Preservation

Associated Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, One of the only courses taught by Losheel, a female Loxodon and Lorehold professor of chaos. Students in this class more often than not are greeted in class by a golem who uses a historical artifact to display Losheel's likeness which then goes into a pre-recorded lesson. The golems tend to be made from ancient parts and can get stuck quite easily, allowing students who participate and pass the class to easily learn the Heat Metal spell as they attempt to repair the automatons.

Falling Into Ruin: Guidelines on Successful Exploration of Historical Sites

Associated Skills: Athletics, History, Sleight of Hand This class is taught by the dashingly handsome Marrick Deepfinder, a male halfling and a Lorehold professor of chaos. In his introductory class Marrick teaches students to be dumb enough to head into ruins but smart enough to know when to get out and any who pass learn how to cast Expeditious Retreat.

Write That Down!: Basics of Complete Historical Recordkeeping

Associated Skills: History, Investigation, Perception Riri Brighteye, a female Owlin and Lorehold professor of order, teaches students in this introductory class that relevance is in the eye of the reader and as such the only homework she assigns is to maintain a thorough diary every single day. She stresses not to include private details in the diaries as she reads them at the end of term but to otherwise include even the most mundane notes so that historians can choose their own relevant information from the many long pages. While this initial course leans more towards the principle of Chaos it serves as the foundation for her more advanced courses that examine details of ancient civilizations that are often overlooked. The reward for passing this class is the Borrowed Knowledge spell.

Prismari Courses

Fashionably Late: History of Magic andArt (Required for Prismari)

Associated Skills: History, Perception, Performance This introductory course is taught by the Prismari deans, Uvilda Mistcoiler and Nassari. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, but a few things should be stressed to players. This course contains a large number of students, it is lecture- based with no time for questions and answers, and it is very confusing due to the dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students will learn what Prismari is all about through an exploration of historic art, both masterpieces and chaotic pop-up exhibits. As an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail.

Playing With Fire: Channeling Fire

During Passionate Performances Associated Rolls: Athletics, Performance, Various Tools Ignaria "Iggy" Kahafi, a female summer eladrin, works with students starting down the path of expression. Iggy teaches students how to let off steam during dance and musical performances. Homework in this class is usually with an assigned partner with one student critiquing the other. As a high-intensity and emotional class this gives DMs the ability to add lots of fun socialization or tension between students. The exam of this class is done as a performance in front of Iggy and the other students. Iggy is a demanding professor who expects her students to give homework and exams their all and DCs for homework and exams should be higher than average for an introductory course. Those who pass the class learn the Burning Hands spell.

Eye of the Storm: Fundamentals of Tempest Art

Associated Rolls: Strength Saves, Performance, Various Tools In this introductory class Professor Rock teaches students how to turn movement or sound into a force that will quite literally blow people away. He is far less demanding than Iggy and DCs for homework (if he even assigns any) and exams for this class should be lower than average for an introductory course. Students who pass learn the Gust of Wind spell.

Flying Colors: Introduction to Opusmancy

Associated Rolls: Arcana, Performance, Spell Attacks In this class students learn to channel their emotions, not to let them all out at once. In channeling different emotions students can access different elements and can turn those elements into different colored orbs that they can then arc across the sky. Professor Veyran teaches this therapeutic nighttime class. Veyran hardly ever assigns homework due to the class being at night and students potentially already missing out on extracurriculars or jobs. Students who pass this class learn the Chromatic Orb spell.  

Art of War: Techniques Used in Combat and Dance

Associated Rolls: Athletics, Acrobatics, Dexterity Saves In this class students are taught by Instructor Arkin, a male orc, the basics of moving effectively. By controlling their bodies students can move faster and can avoid being touched by enemies they're close to. Due to the high value Arkin places on cooperation the homework in this class is almost always either partner or group exercises, giving DMs a great chance for players to socialize with student NPCs. Students who pass this class learn the Kinetic Jaunt spell.

Quandrix Courses

Connecting the Dots: Beginning Computational Magic (Required for Quandrix)

Associated Rolls: Arcana, Intelligence, Nature, This introductory course is taught by the Quandrix deans, Kianne and Imbraham. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, but a few things should be stressed to players. This course contains a large number of students, it is lecture-based with no time for questions and answers, and it is very confusing due to the dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students will learn what Quandrix is all about by delving into complicated and unsolvable theories and then seeing how tweaking equations can enhance magic and create a more comfortable daily life. As an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail.

Birds of a Feather: Introduction to Recognition of Natural Patterns

Associated Skills: Insight, Nature, Perception Taught by the ursine professor, Ruxa, this class teaches students how to find math and equations in the natural world, focusing on natural mathematical phenomena such as the golden ratio. Ruxa's classes are full of information and tips on picking up the fundamentals and those who manage to pay close attention may pick up some small details that grant them inspiration on exams. Students who pass learn the Feather Fall spell.

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition: Introduction to Forms and Fractals

Associated Rolls: Insight, Intelligence, Nature Professor Deekah shares her love of math and fractology in this introductory class. Students learn to conjure their own living theorems in class and as homework use the theorems to compute complex equations. Grades are given not on complete answers but on how quickly the theorems are able to solve the equations. Passing this class teaches students how to cast Vortex Warp to use fractals to move themselves or others through space.

Growing Pains: How Larger Numbers Can Cause More Injury

Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution Saves, Intelligence This course often feels as heavy as the subject matter it covers. Renald, a reborn professor, does not tend to inspire his students during lectures that can feel as though they drone on and on. Students who can stay awake through the lecture and who can understand the bizarre principles behind abstraction are treated with a beginning glimpse of the abilities that can shape reality. Students who end up passing are able to cast Magnify Gravity.

Don't Hate, Cultivate: Augmenting for Beginners

Associated Rolls: Athletics, Nature, Survival This introductory class is another one taught by Ruxa. In it, students learn more about using augmenting magic to enhance or dwindle themselves and others. Students are put through physically taxing exercises in class in larger or smaller sizes or emphasize the importance of knowing when to use different properties of augmenting magic. The exam is a booklet of questions about hypothetical situations quizzing students on which aspect of augmenting they would use. The exam is taken in isolation, during which students are suddenly faced with one of the situations described in the booklet (which in actuality is Professor Rixy's illusion magic at work). Students must choose whether to enlarge or shrink themselves to pass. Those who do gain mastery over the spell Enlarge/Reduce.

Silverquill Courses

Mightier Than the Sword: Beginning Inkomancy (Required for Silverquill)

Associated Rolls: Charisma Saves, Persuasion, Spell Attacks This introductory course is taught by the Silverquill deans, Shaile Talonrook and Embrose Lu. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, but a few things should be stressed to players. This course contains a large number of students, it is lecture-based with no time for questions and answers, and it is very confusing due to the dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students will learn what Silverquill is all about by witnessing firsthand the power of prose and the protection offered by projection. As an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail.

Slam Poetry, Devastating Your Enemies with Magical Insults

Associated Rolls: Intimidation, Persuasion, Spell Attacks Professor Breena is practically unrivaled when it comes to choosing the most damaging words and phrases, a fact her students learn in this course. Homework may involve brainstorming insults and ruthless remarks. The exam itself has students attempt to attack Breena herself with their words. Passing students learn the Dissonant Whispers spell.  

Cutting Remarks: Turning Words Into Weapons

Associated Rolls: Athletics, Intimidation, Melee Attacks (Dexterity or Strength Based) On this surface this class is taught by Dean Embrose due to his prowess as a Shadewing. However he only chooses to teach first-years as a means of scoping talented individuals he identifies as possessing potential in order to sculpt them into exceptionally powerful mages. Dean Embrose is one of the toughest professors at Strixhaven and the DC for homework and exams should be higher than average for introductory courses. Dean Embrose happily offers assistance during office hours to those he deems worthy but neglects his other students until they manage to prove themselves. Those lucky enough to pass learn to use Shadow Blade.

A Kind Word: Introduction to the Magic of Compliments

Associated Rolls: Arcana, Medicine, Persuasion Many Silverquill students opt to take this class just to get to meet Smart Mouth, a male kenku who remembers every sound and phrase he's ever heard. In this class students learn the power of Silvertongues and how to aid those around them. As with all of Smart Mouth's classes, exams are oral and homework is often read aloud. As this introductory class is about lifting people up the DC for homework and exams is lower than average for an introductory course. Students gain the knowledge to use Healing Word upon passing the class.

A Way with Words: Introduction to Oratory Techniques

Associated Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion While most Deans only teach their required introductory course and at most one other class, Dean Talonrook's love of oration has her teaching two classes on the subject. In this introductory course students read about various techniques in oration which the Dean then puts on display during the next class period. The exams in the class require students to give a speech on any subject they wish, so long as they employ the required techniques in their speech. Students who pass the course become masters of the Silvery Barbs spell.

Witherbloom Courses

Putting Down Roots: Arcano-botany for Beginners (Required forWitherbloom)

Associated Skills: Arcana, Medicine, Nature This introductory course is taught by the Witherbloom deans, Lisette and Valentin. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, but a few things should be stressed to players. This course contains a large number of students, it is lecture-based with no time for questions and answers, and it is very confusing due to the dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students will learn what Witherbloom is all about by learning how to respect and embrace nature and how to harness the abundant life energies found in nature for personal power. As an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail.

S.T.E.M: Soothe, Talk, Evaluate, Mend: Leafbinding for Beginners

Associated Rolls: Alchemy Tools, Medicine, Persuasion Many first-year Witherbloom students become passionate about medicine after taking this course with Dean Lisette. The renowned healer teaches introductory healing techniques including not only how to heal the wound but how to help the injured mentally cope with the shock of being injured. Lisette's techniques teach students how to calm down the patient, how to talk to them to keep their minds off of the pain, evaluate the wound to determine how best to heal it, and then take the appropriate measures to mend the wound. At the end of the course, upon passing, students learn the Cure Wounds spell.

Getting Bogged Down: Principles of Boughcalling

Associated Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Persuasion Professor Kojil the Tamer and his scurrid familiar Tall Ear are beloved staples of Witherbloom. Students who take this introductory course learn how to summon spirits from recently deceased creatures with the understanding that, for Witherbloom students, death is not the end but merely a new beginning. Students start by summoning smaller spirits such as mice and scurrids and work their way up to larger and more complex creatures. Those who pass the class gain the ability to Summon Beast.

A Thorn in One's Side: The Danger ofMisidentified Spell Components

Associated Skills: Nature, Perception, Survival Willowdusk started teaching this class nearly a century ago after finding one too many corpses of individuals who harvested a dangerous and misidentified spell component. In this class Willowdusk takes students on patrol with her and points out the small, difficult to miss details that separate perfectly benign ingredients from far more dangerous ones. Exams require students to correctly identify a set number of samples. Those who pass learn how to use some of these dangerous components in new ways. Students learn either Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, or Hail of Thorns based on their preference.

Weeding Out the Weak: Introductionto Blight Magic

Associated Rolls: Alchemy Tools, Constitution Saves, Spell Attacks Venoc Plaguescale has little patience for students, especially new students. To those who wish to learn the secrets of being a Banelock and how to drain life and wither nature he says "prove it". In this class Venoc does some "hands on" teaching where he throws blight magic at students in an effort to make them drop the class. Those who struggle through and make the effort to carry on learning are rewarded with the Ray of Enfeeblement spell and Venoc's reluctant respect.

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