Dead Strife Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dead Strife

Cardinal (a.k.a. The Shadow Knight)

Cardinal was trained from a young age to understand and study the skies from aboard the airships of his house. And from among them his peers he was unique in his interest in swordsmanship, and in tales of knights from far off lands and the Warforged Warriors covered in steel. One day through some manner of events either accidental or conspired to, the ship he was on crashed, and he was the only survivor. This was due in no small part to the power of a sliver of steel steeped in shadow and the sudden awakening of Cardinal's dragon mark of storms. Cardinal was then rescued from this wreckage by an adventuring knight. The knight nursed the boy back to health, and gave him a code to live by. Cardinal learned of the Paladin oaths, ethics, and code from the knight, and after some time... witnessed his death. Cardinal swore the paladin oath of vengeance, and in an act befitting his oath: hunted his master's killer down and slew the murderer. The shadow-steeped sliver of steel that protected Cardinal from death long ago sprang to life as he dealt the final blow, and a burst of radiant fire and deepest shadow vaporized the murderer. Cardinal took up his master's helm and armor and eventually reconnected to his lost house as their Agent. Cardinal speaks little else of the story, including his true name, his affiliation with his former master, the murderer who killed him, and the accident that caused the crash of the ship he was on as boy. Cardinal is a knight shrouded in mystery. His strangely colored sword and his refusal to remove his helmet have had rumors paint Cardinal as a wide variety of characters from villain to edgy weirdo. And while the story of Cardinal may be deeper, the rumors and myths about him are always the cause of far more contrived melodrama.
Chaotic Good

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