Dolly Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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A magical doll created by Felryn as a revenge prank against Blessing  for writing The True History of Gnomes. Unfortunately during the creation process a Chasme demon from Shavarath possessed her. The doll was very hungry and Blessing fed her a stray cat. Disgusted by the event he tried to take the doll to Felryn who was drinking in a gnome bar. Inside he was accosted by an angry patron who threw her drink in his face. In the scuffle Dolly bit into the gnome woman's arm and Blessing was arrested.   Dolly reappeared in Blessing's jail cell and ultimately resulted in exorcists from The King's Wands being called in. Upset at being banished, Dolly tried to take Blessing with her back to Shavarath but he resisted her clutches by invoking The Silver Flame.


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