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Meanwhile, at the remains of a bridge outside Rhukaan Draal…

Lhevk’rhu Azaakt's stomach rumbled. The smell of roasted flesh was making her hungry. She and her team were standing guard over the scene at Kandun Bridge. Someone had killed Lirm and his "bridge maintenance squad" then burned it down for good measure. Azaakt wanted to just throw the mess into the river and get on with building a new bridge but Lirm's father wanted a proper investigation. And what the Lhevket wanted the Lhevket got. She spoke her mind to the half-orc inspecting the bodies "I told Lirm that one of these days somebody was going to put him in his place for his banditry games. I just didn't think it would be so excessive. Kid was stupid but didn't deserve this."   Jubel didn't look up at her but raised a hand and gestured for silence. Azaakt sighed and made the rounds to check on her subordinates. Dragonmarked were such stuck up pricks. Jubel went from body to body examining them closely and occasionally pulling out a gadget that looked like a mess of stone and wires. Whatever he did with it made the Dragonmark on his left arm pulse in and out of focus. It was disorienting to watch. After he was done with the corpses he paced the grounds looking at the signs of struggle in the dirt and grass, finally he looked over the remains of the bridge and crossed the temporary bridge to the other side to finish his inspection.   Finally, it felt like hours, Jubel walked up to Azaakt. The half-orc looked pleased as he puffed on the cigar between his tusks. "Lhevk’rhu, please convey to Lhevket Claanvits that I will take his job. He can expect a guild contract from my team tomorrow. In the meantime I want you to have your men canvas The Gathering Stone and Rhuukan Draal for any information about the perpetrators. We're looking for a group of 5 with horses. One archer, female, roughly human sized. One arcane spellcaster, male, roughly human sized. One nature magic user, female, elven or half-elven. One artificer, male, gnome or halfling. And one crossbowman, male, roughly human sized."   Azaakt felt a thrill that the bounty hunter had forgotten something important. "What about their attack animal? Several of the bodies were mauled."   Jubel nodded, "You are correct, that was the nature magic user. The elf changed into a beast to fight and then changed back afterward. There were no signs of the beast entering or leaving the battlefield and the elf's footprints are nowhere to be found when the beast is fighting."   Azaakt's pride turned to frustration at having been shown up. She tried to keep herself professional. "Is there anything else you need?"   Jubel took a long drag from his cigar. "Actually yes. I don't know about you but I'm famished. What is your favorite eating house in Rhuukan Draal so I can treat you to dinner?"   The hobgoblin felt her face flush. She wasn't prepared for his offer but now that she considered it he was handsome in a brutish sort of way. And perhaps not as stuck up as most of the Dragonmarked she'd met. "Charred has the best cuts of meat in town. They aren't cheap though."   "Not a problem Lhevk’rhu, I can expense this to the Lhevket as a business meeting even though I don't plan to talk much business."


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