New Cyre Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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New Cyre

New Cyre is a town in eastern Breland and the new home of the refugees of the ruined nation of Cyran Expeditionary Force . The town began as a refugee camp in the ruins of a small farming village and is now quite large its population sits at around 5000.   Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn , Queen Dannel’s oldest surviving heir, acts as nominal leader and representative of the town.   New Cyre is split into three separate “districts” Old Galore, The Tangles and Cloth town. Old Galore is the wealthiest and “oldest” part of New Cyre built of a combination of the old homes from the farming village (the origin of the name) and the more impressive, initial permanent structures built.   The Tangles is made up of the newer homes and buildings that were created as the settlement grew. The majority of these were House Cannith prefabs but as people have made alterations and in many cases built there own houses along side these the alleys and roads have turned into somewhat of a maze for those unfamiliar to them. The people occupying the tangles have tried their best to recapture the culture of Cyre and theatres and galleries are surprisingly common for a relatively small community.   Cloth Town is the name given to the area which houses those who haven’t yet managed to find a permanent home in New Cyre. The area is an odd mix of tents and temporary structures.   Source
Founding Date
994 YK
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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