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Personal Journal of Major Beren Helmsworth

Zarantyr 5, 994

  It is with heavy heart I depart for the eastern front once again. Jovi didn't understand why I couldn't stay and started crying. He's too old for that but I couldn't bring myself to scold him. Soranda cried too but that is expected from girls. Saal gave me a stoic salute and said he would see me at the front once he finished boot camp.   Narcy gifted me a new journal for this deployment. The pastel blue cover and illusory rose are a bit feminine and I asked her if this was truly appropriate for a Major in the Brelish army. She said it was a private item to remind me of home and family. I think she meant it was supposed to remind me of her but wouldn't say it. I thanked her and promised I would write in it every day.  

Zarantyr 6, 994

  We had our deployment briefing in Wroat today. I'm exhausted.  

Zarantyr 6, 994

  I boarded the Lightning Rail for Vathirond this morning. Thanks to my promotion I get to ride in a first class this trip. I made sure to visit some of the enlisted men in standard though. It's good for morale to be seen among the rank and file. Rumors of the Warforged Colossi have been spreading. The Cyran super-weapon they're calling it. Nobody asked me about it but I'm sure some of them wanted to, I could see it in their eyes. They covered the Colossi at briefing yesterday. Yes, they do exist and they're very powerful. However, they are slow and easy to see coming considering they're reported to be over a hundred feet tall. For now we're supposed to retreat rather than engage them directly. Command said they were working on the problem.   I suppose we could hold one off with Argonth but it could never handle dozen Colossi.  

Zarantyr 7, 994

  I sent a parcel of Fireroot whiskey to Commander Colworn , the officer in charge of Saal's boot camp. I told him to make sure Saal gets assigned to Drum Keep. The Aundair front has been quiet for years. I know Saal will hate it but I've seen too many boys die to let my son be sent out here.  

Zarantyr 8, 994

  It's slow going to the front. The roads are muddy from fresh snow. I'm lucky to ride in a coach, I'm sure the men walking have soaked and freezing feet.  

Zarantyr 9, 994

  I arrived at my post today and relieved Major Ebinor. He briefed me on the situation and introduced me to my command staff. I gave a speech to the men before dinner, kept it short so they wouldn't resent me making them starve any longer than they had to.   * * *  

Zarantyr 25, 994

  Letters from home arrived today. Jovi got in a few fights at school after I left but has calmed down now. Glad to hear he has spirit in him. Soranda is dating yet another new boy. Narcy says this is typical of teenage girls but I worry having her father gone so often is making her too fickle.  

Zarantyr 26, 994

  My prosthetic leg seized up today. Magewright Norn got it fixed quickly. She does good work.   * * *  

Olarune 5, 994

  Strange orders came in today. They say a squad from the Citadel will be arriving soon on a secret mission. I'm to support them in whatever way they need but also keep their presence a secret. Usually when they send commandos it's a thrill for the men to meet them. Why the secrecy, do they think we have a spy amongst us?   * * *  

Olarune 13, 994

  The Citadel squad arrived after dark. I had Lt. Bakker escort them and their cart. Normally going into enemy territory meant travelling light. The orders they carried disallowed me from inspecting the cargo.   We met in private and they are not like any Citadel agents I've encountered before. I know commandos are a little rougher than typical soldiers but these ones were bad company. One was a tiefling that had a tattoo on his neck but up close I could see it was actually a Dragonmark. I didn't think they could manifest them.   After giving them a status briefing I asked what I could do for them. The leader said I could provide supplies, shelter, and stay out of their way. At my scowl the halfling laughed and told me "cheer up gramps, we're here to solve your colossus problem!" If they can deliver on that promise I'll happily bear any rudeness.  

Olarune 14, 994

  The Citadel squad left before dawn. Lt. Bakker confirmed that normally tieflings don't have dragonmarks and it must have been an aberrant. He said he'd seen a mark on the half-elf leader's wrist as well but that it wasn't the mark of Detection or Storms. At least two aberrant dragonmarks in a group of five. Bad company indeed, what are the Citadel thinking playing with fire like that?   * * *  

Olarune 19, 994

  Our scouts indicate that a Cyran force is massing several miles to the northeast. I expect we shall meet them on the field of battle in the morning. I've instructed that double rations of chocolate and spirits be distributed tonight to improve morale among the enlisted men. The officers and I shall doubtless be preoccupied with strategic planning until well after dusk.


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