Reassigned in Eberron | World Anvil
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Zakakaz stood at attention in Commander Colworn's tent. He reported as instructed and the human had raised his hand in a "wait a moment" gesture. That was 20 minutes ago.   The desk was well organized but there was a small pile of books stacked haphazardly in the corner. Zakakaz couldn't take his eyes off them, the corners jutting out at random. They were all military volumes, Chronicles of the Last War Vol 2, History of Arcane Siege Weapons, A Treatise on Elven Tactics, and so on. When the Commander turned around to file some papers in his cabinet, Zakakaz quickly straightened the books until they were orderly and symmetrical. Colworn spoke with his back still turned, venom in his words, "Unit Two-Four-Zero. What did I tell you about touching my personal effects?"   Zakakaz winced internally, he'd taken the bait again. "You told me not to do it sir."   The Commander spun around slowly with a small grin on his face. Kithri had described it as malicious in one of her dinner table rants. "I'll be writing you up for insubordination again."   "Yes sir."   "Fortunately it will be the last time. You are no longer my problem." Colworn handed an envelope to Zakakaz. "Unicorn Squad has been reassigned. Pack your things and get out of my camp before dawn."   ***   He found Jamais  and Kithri at the campfire sharing ale with Haldon and other instructors. Jamais was putting on an illusionary re-enactment of an incident with the recruits from that morning. Badger Squad had managed to all get stuck in the pipe during sewer infiltration training. Apparently the expressions on their faces were very funny because the crowd around the fire were roaring with laughter. Zakakaz didn't get it.   The warforged took a seat next to Kithri and the gnome leaned over and whispered. "You ok, what did the Commander Ratface want?"   "I am fine. We need to discuss it as a squad. You should not disrespect Commander Colworn even if he is not present. It hurts discipline and morale."   "His facial hair hurts morale!" Kithri stuck her tongue out, a rude gesture Zakakaz noted, and then elbowed Jamais to get her attention. The three of them walked a ways away from the fire.   "What going on Zakakaz?" Jamais drawled, her accent more pronounced when she was in her cups.   "We are being reassigned. Commander wants us out of here by dawn."   The human's pale eyes stared blankly like she was trying to process the news. Meanwhile Kithri stomped her feet in anger, kicking up puffs of dust. "What?! That's like 10 hours notice at best! That self-important, racist, son of a rust monster. I swear I'm going to leave surprise parting gift for him." She started muttering about how building an automaton to shave Colworn's mustache off in his sleep.   Meanwhile Jamais seemed to have caught up. "So where are we headed?" Zakakaz handed her the letter and she read it while she slowly swayed.   "Where the fuck is Arythawn Keep?"   ***   The almost-repaired fortress smelled of tar. Unless the wind blew in from the Mournland in which case it smelled like ozone. Unicorn Squad stood at attention before the same dwarf who helped place Zakakaz in the King's Swords almost three years ago. He had been promoted since then and was now Captain Strols.   "At ease. Zakakaz, good to see you again. How have the Swords been treating you?"   "I cannot complain sir."   One of the Captain's bushy eyebrows raised. Zakakaz knew that indicated something but he couldn't remember what. "That's a polite way to dodge the question. According to your service record you've done a few domestic errands then got stuck on training duty for the last year and a half. And there are regular complaints filed by your commanding officer."   Kithri piped up with heat in her voice. "Colworn had it in for Zakakaz! He hates warforged and used any excuse to punish him!" Zakakaz braced himself for Kithri to get in trouble again for defending him but was surprised when the dwarf laughed heartily.   "Calm down Kithri! Based on the triviality of the complaints I suspected that was the case. Anyway, I hope your squad is ready for some proper field work because I have a much more important job for you. We're going to find the Lord of Blades."


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