Session 19: Fire and Madness Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 19: Fire and Madness

General Summary

Sypheros 15

A new tax policy in Cauldron requires the party to pay a 5 gp "Adventurer's License" fee. While waiting in line to complain to the city officials, they meet several merchants who are required to pay back-taxes, with the increased tax rate, for the entirety of the year to date. They also meet Zachary Aslaxin II, son of a local nobleman, and member of another adventuring party. Zachary agrees to accompany the party on their quest to rescue Zenith Splintershield, as he is a fellow follower of the Sovereign Dol Dorn.   Tim hires a "canary tail" to follow the mayor for two weeks to find out what his routine is.   Detlev hires a propagandist Level 3 for 3 weeks ( to "spread demands for transparency in city finances and how the new taxes are being used, and also pushing for increased democracy in legislature".   With Zachary's experience as a ranger in the wilderness around Cauldron, the party travels swiftly to Crazy Jared's residence...  

Sypheros 18

As the party makes camp just a few hours away from their destination, a flash of red light and billowing smoke fills the sky. Rushing up a mountain path, they find a thatch hut in flames, and a young red dragon circling in the sky. "Crazy Jared" rallies the party "to save Anduria". His rousing poetry inspires the heroes as they battle the dragon. Utilizing magical consumables to deal elemental cold damage, the dragon takes a considerable amount of damage, and lands to unleash its fury on Detlev and Tim.   The dragon's final breath is a firey one. Detlev clings to life, barely. Tim is less fortunate, and perishes in the flames.   Gwen and Zachary revive Detlev, and converse with Jared, who imparts some local lore and words of wisdom. The party convinces him to leave the mountains and move to Newthrone, where he'll be safe from dragon attacks.  

Sypheros 21

Back in Cauldron, Jenya Urikas uses clerical magic to preserve Tim's corpse, in case the party can find a way to resurrect him.

Rewards Granted

+120 XP
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location