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Brovim Nog

Brovim Nog (a.k.a. Demon Eyes)

His name is Brovim Nog, the name given to him by the only person to ever love him, his mother. He takes what he wants, kills if he needs to, and lives life his way.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, very burly. His 5'8" height is very filled out with muscles gained frrom surviving in the wild his whole life.

Body Features

Numerous scars on his body, including one large one in his waist.   Ripped af.

Facial Features

Strong jaw, not unattractive face.

Identifying Characteristics

Red Eyes that glow when filled with emotion.

Apparel & Accessories

Hide clothing from animal survival.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brovim has a long and tragic backstory.His mother was the only one who cared for him, but his father abused him and his mother regularly. Whenever he got angry and hatred took over him, his eyes would turn red like burning coals, which scared away any friends. When he was 13 his father came home drunk one night and in a fit of rage and hatred hit his mother in the back of the head with a heavy bottle, killing her instantly. Smiling by what he had just done he turned and Brovim could see his fathers eyes had turned red just like his. Lurching towards Brovim, our hero dodged knocked over a lantern, causing their ramshackle house to quickly catch fire. His father laughed as he was burning alive screaming Brovim's name as our your hero scrambled out of a window of the house.   Though he didn't have much before he truly had nothing now. His parents had made their home in a very small village outside of Sharn. The other villagers shunned and attacked him, sending him into the wilds.   The wilderness didn't have cruel people at least but he soon learned it had other dangers. Along with struggling for food and shelter he now had to deal with monsters and wild animals. Within a week he had to fight off a boar receiving a nasty gash to his calf, and then had to limp away as a bear destroyed his pitiful camp. As the weeks went by his wound healed and as his skin hardened over so did our hero. If the wild and people were going to keep hitting him, he would have to toughen himself in response.   Spending the next two years in the wild he grew in size, gaining the muscles and skills he needed to survive. His proudest possessions were the boars tusks that had maimed him in his first week and the hide armor he made from it's and other animals coats.   One day as he fought with a giant crab over some fish he had caught, a soldier from a passing mercenary group came down to the river to wash and saw him. As Brovim bashed the crabs hard shell open with a rock he walked over and invited him to join their mercenary group, to which Brovim hesitantly accepted, wary of someone actually wanting him for once.   Spending 5 years with the mercenaries he trained under them gaining discipline and weapons skills as a soldier. He quickly became recognized and feared as not only a capable warrior, but for the red eyes that inspired fear in his enemies. He gained his nickname Demon Eyes from the soldiers and their respect. His skill with his favorite weapon, the Halberd, especially intimidated anyone who had to face him in combat. Brovim had a certain hatred for most people and had no problems killing people who tried to corner and abuse him as they had when he was a child.     During his time the mercenaries took jobs and he would help, taking care of a local monster infestations or recruited for battles between nobles or even security. However when he was 20 years old the mercenary group took on a fateful job of wiping out a population of "rebels" for a lord. Only too late did he realize that these "rebels" were innocent villagers whose village was in the way of a construction project for the noble. The secrecy needed was carried out by the mercenary group, whose members were mainly made out of "anything for the money" types. Brovim didn't much care for people, but he knew right from wrong and that day walked away from the mercenaries for good.   Now he typically takes on odd jobs for people as he travels around, heading towards the city of Sharn looking for work.   Background Ideas:
  • Father was a human worshiper of Rak Tulkhesh, the Rage of War Overlord who has power over hatred, war and destruction. His father came from the Demon Wastes and took Brovim's mother as his slave/wife.
  • The tribe outside of Sharn are Rakshasa worshipers from the Demon Wastes who are trying to infiltrate Sharn.
  • Brovim's eye turn red from Rak Tulkhesh's "blessings" flowing through his body, passed on from his father
  • Brovim can try to uncover the secrets of his heritage and why his eyes are red. Maybe traveling back to the town to learn about who they are and who his parents were. Maybe after that going to the demon wastes. If the team is traveling around the Northwest of the continent maybe he will try to convince his party mates to help him go try to uncover more secrets about his heritage.
  • Gender Identity





    Basic child's education. Can speak, read, write, and do basic maths.


    Works as a mercenary for hire.

    Mental Trauma

    Childhood trauma from mother getting murdered by father and then getting kicked out of his village to fend for himself.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Doesn't neccesarily care about others, he would only help someone if he felt like it or he was close to them. Otherwise Brovim does what benefits Brovim.

    Personality Characteristics

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Despite immense creulty shown towards him, he doesn't hate everyone.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Anger Issues.


    Mediocre to poor.


    Contacts & Relations


    Family Ties

    None (maybe some in Demon Wastes)

    Religious Views


    Social Aptitude

    Look at his charisma score



    Wealth & Financial state

    Soldiers pay, really incredible, what do you think?

    A burly wild-looking man with a calm dangerous aura about him. Beneath his helm, his red glowing eyes burn with dangerous energy. Wielding his halberd like he knows how to use it, this man looks like an enemy to be feared.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Village outside of Sharn
    Current Residence
    No where in particular
    Short Brown
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tanned White
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Shut up and let's get this done.   Get out of my way worm.
    Known Languages
    Common, Orc.

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