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Physical Description

Body Features

The form that most people know Axia by is one that looks... mostly human. She looks to be roughly the equivalent of a young adult, or perhaps someone in their late teens. Her skin has a light tone, bordering on pale, and her build seems to be on the delicate side. Long, platinum blonde hair flows down her shoulders, while her eyes have an unusually bright blue colouration and seem to (quite literally) light up even more when she's excited or surprised. Some of her draconic scales can be spotted in a few places, though they are reduced in size to fit her humanoid form. They can be found most prominently along the backs of her arms, but also around her shoulders and the back of her neck, typically hidden underneath her hair. The silvery scales take on a pearlescent shine when exposed to light.

Special abilities

Although she can't take on her fully draconic form at this time, she can temporarily shift parts of her body when the situation calls for it. For example, she might briefly shift her hands into claws in order to hit harder, or summon her wings to prevent a dangerous fall. She is also capable of performing light magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Axia never fit in particularly well during her time on Argonnessen. Her boundless curiosity led to a fascination with the other lands of Eberron that most dragons didn't care for, and her views on the Draconic Prophecy tended on the controversial side. Eventually coming to the conclusion that she'd be better off on her own than trying to fit in among the other dragons, she took off from Argonnessen and spent some time wandering across Khorvaire on her own terms. However, her adventures came to a sudden halt as they coincidentally led her to the nation of Cyre on the day of the Mourning. Although she survived the disaster, her memory of the event is muddled at best and her magic was severely altered, making it impossible for her to properly shift to her draconic form. The next few years were spent gathering her bearings and searching for answers- what can she learn about these strange lands, and what exactly happened to her during the Mourning?

Personality Characteristics


  • Although she's not necessarily adverse to using her humanoid form, it's not something she wants to be permanently restricted to. She'd like to learn how to revert the effects of the Mourning on her magical abilities.
  • Her views on the Draconic Prophecy put her at odds with the dragons of Argonnessen. She views it more as a way of explaining how the world works rather than a literal irrefutable prophecy, and she disapproves of their attempts to force the Prophecy down a certain path through their manipulations. She seeks to understand the truth of the Prophecy through her own independant research.
  • As she is naturally very curious about the world in general, she can typically be motivated to help someone if she thinks she can learn something from it.

Personality Quirks

  • Axia possesses a sense of curiosity rivalled by very few other dragons, which can lead her to push boundaries and poke around at things she probably shouldn't. She enjoys the company of shorter lived species, who often share a similar passion for learning.
  • She's quite familiar with the world changing around her, which makes her highly adaptable to new situations. However, she finds it diffucult to stick to routines or wait around in any particular place for too long.
  • She's not a big fan of being told what to do, especially if she's not provided with a satisfying reason. "Because I said so" or similar arguments drive her crazy.
  • Her mood can fluctuate pretty wildly as her circumstances change, but she generally tries to maintain a positive and upbeat attitude.
  • She maintains a collection of notes which she considers to be her "hoard". Her notes are written in an odd mix of Common, Draconic, and some of her own personal shorthand which makes reading them a frustrating experience for those unfamiliar with it.
  • Is most definitely not afraid of the dark. Definitely not.
  • Probably falls asleep in sunbeams.

A young and highly curious dragon. After going rogue and leaving Argonnessen due to philosophical and moral differences, she was caught up in the Mourning which rendered her unable to take on her fully draconic form.

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Chaotic Neutral

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