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Dragonmarked House Services

House Cannith


Mending5 gp
Commision Items
Non-magical Items
Base Item CostCannith Discount (20%)Crafting Time
1 - 1002 - 20 gp3 days
101 - 50020 - 100 gp1 week
501 - 1,000100 - 200 gp2 weeks
1,000 - 6,000+200 - 1200 gp3 weeks
Magic Items
Item RarityCostCrafting Time
Common-10%1 week
Uncommon+5%2 weeks
Rare+10%3 weeks
Very Rare+15%4 weeks
Legendary+25%6 weeks

House Jorasco


Cure Wounds25 gp / level
Diagnosis/Nonmagical Treatment3 sp
Greater Restoration150 gp
Lesser Restoration50 gp
Long-Term Care1 gp / day
Raise Dead750 gp
Remove Curse75 gp

House Kundarak


Arcane Lock20 gp
Glyph of Warding (4th Level)350 gp per 10sq ft.
Knock200 gp

House Orien


Dragonmarked Courier1 sp / mile
Dimension Door1 sp / 10ft.
Mail Service1 cp / mile
Teleportation Circle Access (Items)50 gp
Unmarked Courier5 cp / mile

House Sivis


Arcane Mark5 gp
Illusory Script15 gp
Message Station2 sp / word
--Include Courier Service+15 sp
Sending250 gp
Translation2 cp / word

House Vadalis


Gargoyle Courier5 gp + 1 gp per mile


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