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Lyrandar, the Stormborne

Known as the Stormborne House, it holds the Mark of Storm, a dragonmark that grants its bearers the power to control and manipulate weather and elemental forces. Members of House Lyrandar are skilled sailors, navigators, and elemental pilots. They dominate the field of elemental airships, using their dragonmark abilities to harness the power of the storms and winds to propel their vessels through the skies.
  The House is also heavily involved in maritime trade, with a strong merchant fleet and numerous shipping routes across the entire continent of Khorvaire.They maintain a strong presence and influence in the city of Stormhome in Aundair, where they have their ancestral seat. Through their might and resources, House Lyrandar has become a respected player in the Last War, leveraging their control over airships and elemental forces to support their allies and further their economic interests.
  The House is known for its adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit. They constantly seek new ways to exploit their dragonmark and elemental abilities for profit, whether it be by providing transportation services, offering protection against storms and natural disasters, or even negotiating alliances with other dragonmarked houses.

Hierarchy and Rank Structure

  House Lyrandar is run by the Council of Captains based out of Stormhome.
  Fleet Captain - The highest rank in House Lyrandar is held by one person, the Captain of Ships, who is the head of the Council of Captains. Other Captains are appointed by the Council and hold the highest rank of any Lyrandar member.
  Beneath the Captain of Ships and Captains, there are several levels of rank and hierarchy within House Lyrandar, including:
  Master Pilots - Responsible for commanding and navigating the ships, and are considered to be the best pilots in the house.
  Senior Pilots - Experienced pilots who have demonstrated mastery of the ships.
  Pilots - who are responsible for flying the ships and are under the command of the master and senior pilots.
  Apprentices - Trainees who are learning the skills necessary to become pilots.
  This rank structure often confuses outsiders since both Pilots and Captains are referred to as "Captain". The easiest way to determine the actual rank of a "Captain" is the size of their ship, crew and dress.
The symbol of House Lyrandar is a Kraken


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