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The Code of Karrnath

The code of laws in Karrnath. Guilty unless proven innocence. A draconian code of laws. Lots of death.  


  Public and Expeditious: Held as soon as possible in a public forum to maximize witnessing and deterrence.   Presumed Guilty: The accused starts presumed guilty, needing to present evidence and arguments for innocence.   Ordained Lawkeepers Only: Only ordained keepers of the law can conduct trials, ensuring adherence to protocol.  

Witnesses and Evidence:

  Limited Testimony: Both sides can present witnesses, but delays to find witnesses are discouraged.   Self-Preservation: Those on trial can only testify for themselves, not others.   Burden of Proof: Despite the presumption of guilt, the accuser must still present evidence to convict.   Flexible Sentencing: The judge declares a sentence before the trial, but it can be changed based on evidence presented.  

Verdict and Repercussions:

  Public Scrutiny: After the verdict, the judge invites objections from the crowd to ensure a fair process.   Execution of Sentence: If found guilty, the sentence is carried out immediately, often one by one for multiple accused.   Punishment for False Accusations: If the accused is found innocent and the accusation appears baseless, the accuser may face the originally proposed sentence. This discourages frivolous accusations.


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