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The War of the Mark

The War of the Mark was a conflict fought across Khorvaire between the nascent dragonmarked houses.
  Over 1,500 years ago, Eberron was engulfed in a conflict known as the Dragonmarked War. This devastating war was not a clash of nations but a struggle for power and control over the burgeoning dragonmarked houses and the mysterious aberrant marks. In those times, the dragonmarked houses were not yet the established pillars of society they are today. Some families, like Cannith, Deneith, Jorasco, and Lyrandar, were already influential, but many others had yet to be fully recognized. These families operated independently, sometimes clashing with each other and often exploiting their unique abilities for personal gain. Fear and distrust were widespread, fueled by the actions of both aberrant and rogue dragonmarked individuals who used their powers for personal gain, often setting themselves up as warlords and oppressing the common folk. These warlords, while not necessarily affiliated with any specific house, cast a shadow over all who bore the dragonmark. House Cannith, recognizing the need for unity among the dragonmarked families, sought to establish a council where the houses could collaborate and use their powers for the greater good. Through negotiations and alliances, House Cannith succeeded in forming a council of eight, representing the most prominent dragonmarked houses at the time. However, this newfound unity did not extend to all. In response to what some claimed were witch hunts a large number of aberrant dragonmarked individuals gathered under a powerful trio of warlords to form House Tarkanan and oppose the council, seeking to maintain their independence and resist the growing power of the other houses. This defiance, coupled with the discovery of House Medani, a house whose mark of detection could unveil secrets and expose hidden truths, further inflamed tensions. Medani's unique abilities made them a valuable asset but wished to remain hidden and neutral but were eventually coerced into joining the council, expanding it to nine houses. This move, alongside the intensified the fear and suspicion surrounding aberrant marks only increased the scale of the conflict. Things escalated into open war when House Tarkanan, backed by those who feared the growing power of the council of nine launched a series of attacks against the other houses. The council retaliated, culminating in a siege of Sharn, House Tarkanan's stronghold. The Siege of Sharn was a brutal and bloody conflict, marked by the destructive use of magic. In the end, House Tarkanan was defeated, their leaders killed or scattered, and their influence diminished. The war ended with the council firmly in control, but the scars of the conflict remained. The council of nine imposed many rules on themselves such as not being allowed to own land, participate in governing bodies, maintain militias, choose sides or engage in open warfare. These rules were later adopted in the Ghalifar pact during its founding and ratified a second time with stricter guidelines during the Treaty of Thronehold. The Dragonmarked War shaped the course of Eberronian history. It established the dragonmarked houses as the dominant force in the land, but it also left a legacy of suspicion and prejudice against aberrant marks with some claiming that it was no more than a mere witch hunt used to strengthen the houses power bases. The conflict spurred the development of new technologies and magical innovations, as the houses sought to outdo each other in the arms race. Though the war is long over, its echoes can still be felt in Eberron today. The dragonmarked houses continue to hold immense power, but the specter of aberrant marks and the fear of uncontrolled magic remain a constant reminder of the dark chapter in Eberron's past.


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