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Selica ir'Ebinor

Selica ir'Ebinor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Having fought in a war from a young age Selica is fit and muscled.

Body Features

Her dark skin is covered in scars from various battles with differing degrees of severity in appearance.   Her honey brown hair is kept loose but she sometimes has a small braid going wrapped behind her head or braids all of her hair and lays it over her shoulder to give some semblance of control over her unkempt hair. It doesn't look well cared for or brushed often.

Facial Features

The most notable feature is a huge scar going over her right eye from the top of her forehead to the bottom of the right side of her jaw. Her eye damaged and unusable is kept closed and many believed it to be a weakness, they don't believe that for long.   Her destroyed eye has since been replaced with a magic one created by her sister, Eria. It matches perfectly with her other eye and allows her to see all around, through her head and in the dark. Lately the tolls of battle and mental struggles have given her a more haggard and tired look than she had before.

Physical quirks

Her entire left arm has been replaced with a prototype adamantine Warforged arm that gives her similar abilities to what she had with her Aberrant Dragonmark.

Special abilities

Even though she has lost her Aberrant dragonmark Selica can still cast magic that she wasn't capable of before the day of Mourning. Her abilities have grown as an Eldritch knight and with the new warforged arm she finds that it works similarly in its capabilities as the mark did.

Apparel & Accessories

Her clothes are loose fitting with bits and pieces of armour covering various parts of her, like it was cobbled together over time. A chain shirt underneath to provide basic protection with a pair of gauntlets and parts of Greaves covering her shins. She also wears her family emblem heirloom necklace, worn around the neck and hidden under her clothes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Selica was 2nd born to Baron Edward Blackwood and Baroness Francine Priscilla ir'Ebinor in the year 980yk in Vinholm, Cyre. She had an 10 year older brother named Lucas Ryce, 4 years after a sister named Eria Dannel and 10 years after a younger brother named Julian.   Her brother fought in the last war and died when she was 8 years old, while her father died a year before the day of Mourning in battle. The relationship between her and her mother at best was strained at worst almost hostile, Her mother wanting to follow in her footsteps and lead the family as an example of a traditional matriarch of a noble family. While Selica wanted to live her life as she wanted. The constant friction gave her a strong distaste for anything related to nobility.   Eria was Selica's closest sibling after her older brother died and would do anything for each other. On the day Selica decided to leave after a particularly rough fight with her mother Eria was the only one to know beforehand that she was going to leave, giving her a sad farewell and the gift of the family emblem heirloom necklace.   On leaving home Selica quickly joined a mercenary band that took her in and trained her. There she met Lilian and Jane, who she quickly grew close to and formed strong bonds with. A few years in Lilian and Selica formed a relationship and both were happy.   Selica was present during the day of Mourning, caught in a particular rough skirmish on the border. Seemingly betrayed by Jane her group was overwhelmed and pushed back before an explosion rocked everyone out of the fight and running for their lives. Unfortunately Lilian lost her life on that day and Selica's arm was caught in the Mourning wall, burning it badly. Whilst also losing her right eye in a fight.   Being the only survivor of her group she was rescued by a farmgirl named Rebecca who nursed her back to health. Since then she had been staying in Moonshadow as a mercenary for hire, taking any job that paid just to make ends meet. Thinking all she known dead and gone she just kept going, until she heard that her sister was still alive by a stranger selling information. He offered what he knew for a price, which caused Selica to take on more jobs to pay. After a year of struggling to earn enough she finally heard of a good paying job to transport someone called the 'Princess' to New Cyre. Thinking it her best chance she took the offer.


Vinholm's Nobility School for Young Girls (6 years), Extra Home-schooling (8 years)   Basic Combat training from Lucas ir'Ebinor, Basic & Advanced Combat training from Lilian


Employed by the Lorn's Raiders, Enlisted into the Cyre Border Sentinels as part of that.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The sole survivor of her patrol during the day of Mourning.

Mental Trauma

Selica lost her entire Mercenary and Border patrol group on the day of mourning, including her lover Lilian right in front of her. Suffers from Survivor's guilt and PTSD because of this. Selica also cannot willingly approach the Mourning wall without some kind of physical reaction such as nausea, trembling etc.   During a mission to help refugee's get to New Cyre she ended up killing over 20 civilians when her Aberrant mark caused an explosion of fire due to her using it in desperation, it also caused the fire elemental for her party's skiff to go out of control.   The constant toll of the party's mission, the death of Shepherd and now the reveal of her hidden memories of the day of mourning have given Selica a deep seated distrust of herself. She constantly looks haggard and has entered an even deeper depression.

Intellectual Characteristics

While having basic education as a young girl Selica supplanted what she didn't learn after leaving with help from her Mercenary band and reading various books on subjects. She may come across as not intellectual adept but she is actually quite smart, preferring to let her actions talk more than her intelligence.


Contacts & Relations

Syiria - Current adventuring Companion.   Shepherd - Deceases Adventuring companion.   Saa - Current Adventuring Companion, collided with the group and joined it in Sharn.   Kaly - Current Adventuring Companion, met and joined in Taer Valestas.   Wroat Thieves guild - Is one of the joint leaders of the Thieves guild after the death of the original leader.   Garvin - Last known surviving Eldritch Knight of Cyre, Selica's mentor.   Ada ir'Wynarn - Princess of Cyre and sister to the Mayor of New Cyre. Current employer of Selica.

Family Ties

Eria Dannel - Younger sister by 4 years, incredibly smart for her age (even as a child). Was a student of Morgrave University and was well on her way to getting a Doctorate in Enchanting until she was pulled into a murder conspiracy with Selica. Currently staying in New Cyre's hidden fort.   Hailey & Jella - Cousins, Twins. They worked with their father Geoffrey at a family brewery in Kennrun until it was burned down. Distant with Selica due to not knowing her growing up. Currently living with Eria.   Geoffrey - Uncle that was the Temporary head of the ir'Ebinor family. Cared for Selica and helped guide her to Eria's location. Was killed in a goblin attack on Kennrun.

Religious Views

Where were the gods when my Country burned and became the Mournlands? Why didn't they stop such wanton slaughter of my family and friends? The gods are apathetic to man and I no longer want anything to do with any of them.   After having a discussion with Kavallah Selica is reexamining her opinion on the gods, whether it be because of what she thought was wrong all along or that she simply shifted blame onto them.

Social Aptitude

While not socially inept Selica has a rather rough way of addressing people, usually going on first name basis regardless of station. She can be rather forward with people she finds attractive, or with those that find her so.   She prefers being direct and honest than wishy-washy, however recent events have made her more hesitant with her usual forthright/emotional outbursts.   The stress plaguing Selica has made her emotional to the point of having uncontrollable outbursts when it reaches a point.

Hobbies & Pets

Since she started learning to become an Eldritch Knight Selica has recently summoned a familiar, a black Weasel fiend named Shade.   A fish with the face of a human found in the cogs, it has bonded with Selica and she cannot part with it for long. She must not feed it meat or it could become a threat however.

The Eldest Scion of the ir'Ebinor noble family, Adventuring to find any surviving family and to find herself.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
16th of Zarantyr, 980yk
Vinholm, Cyre
Honey Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish

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