Evendore d'Medani

Evendore was born into House Medani and grew up in their home city of Wroat, Breland. Evendore walys wanted to be an Inquisitive for House Medani and was delighted when his Mark of Detection manifested. Evendore studied hard, and trained under a number of skilled Inquisitives and Artificers, including the famous Ashrem d'Cannith.    While serving under Ashrem, Evendore became aware he was working on a very secretive project. Wanting to test out his detective skills, Evendore snooped in Ashrem's studied and discovered he was working on a powerful, and extremely dangerous, anti-magic device. Evendore was caught by Nora, one of Ashrem's other apprentices, and fled. Ashrem was killed shortly afterwards on the Day of Mourning, and Evendore assumed his device was gone too.    Evendore joined Dawn's Light and helped them solve many mysteries. However, Evendore soon learned that a number of factions were looking to complete Ashrem's doomsday device. One of these factions, was The Morning Dawn, a crew lead by Dalin d'Cannith who wanted to learn about the device so that it could be stopped should others find a way to build it. Evendore and Dawn's Light worked with The Morning Dawn to retrieve Ashrem's journals. However, they were tricked into handing them over to Marth, a changeling who wanted to build Ashrem's doomsday device to get revenge on the world for destroying his homeland Cyre.    Evendore continued to work with both Dawn's Light going on various adventures and The Morning Dawn trying to track down Marth and leads about Ashrem's device. Evendore invented a revalutionary device known as The Medani Latern which could repel the affects of The Mournlands. Evendore was with Dawn's Light when they were killed by The Keeper and trapped in the Shadowfell.


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