Barnabus Thorpe Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Barnabus Thorpe

Name: Barnabus Thorpe Race: Hobgoblin Quirk: Flips and chews on a gold coin Occupation: High-ranking member of the Fishermen's Guild     Physical Description: Standing at an imposing height for a hobgoblin, Barnabus possesses a muscular build that speaks to years of battling the elements. His dark, weather-beaten skin and sharp, amber eyes convey a sense of experience and determination. A prominent scar runs across his left cheek, a testament to the dangers he has faced.     The hobgoblin second in command of the fisherman’s guild. Barnabas instituted the Barbs. He wears an extremely wide brimmed hat with a colourful feather from an exotic bird; he never seems to remove it. He blinks so heavily as to be noticeable, but no one knows exactly why. If he doesn’t know the answer to a question, he will make something up to hide his lack of knowledge. He has been embezzling from the fisherman’s guild for years.


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