Cynthia Abernathy Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Cynthia Abernathy

Race: Firbolg Role: Rival of Barnabus Thorpe

  Physical Description:
Cynthia Abernathy is an imposing figure among the Firbolgs of Ironton, with striking yellow eyes and a full head of long, curly black hair that she wears in a loose bun. Despite her average face, featuring a long nose and upturned lips, she commands attention due to her intimidatingly broad and tall stature for a Firbolg. Most people are stunned by her calm and extroverted demeanor, which contrasts sharply with her formidable appearance.

Personality Traits: Calm Demeanor: Despite her imposing physical presence, Cynthia is known for her calm and extroverted personality. She navigates social situations with ease, often leaving others surprised by her approachability.   High Intelligence, Absent-Mindedness: Cynthia is highly intelligent but frequently finds herself lost in thought, zoning out, or forgetting small details of events. Her absent-minded nature can be both endearing and frustrating to those around her.   Tics and Habits: Cynthia has notable tics, regularly scratching her head and engaging in conversations with herself. These quirks add an additional layer of peculiarity to her already unique personality.   1-Minute Sand Timer: To prevent what she deems as "idle" conversation and to manage her valuable time, Cynthia carries a palm-sized 1-minute sand timer. She is particularly fond of using it against Barnabus Thorpe, limiting their interactions to brief and purposeful exchanges.   Blue Rose Tattoo: A striking blue rose is tattooed on the back of Cynthia's hand, adding a touch of elegance to her otherwise formidable appearance. The significance of the tattoo remains a mystery to most.   Relationships: Cynthia is single, but she is engaged in a secret affair with her married neighbor. This clandestine relationship adds a layer of complexity to her personal life, creating potential vulnerabilities or opportunities for those who might seek to exploit her connections.   Interactions with Barnabus Thorpe: Cynthia and Barnabus Thorpe share a rivalry, possibly stemming from conflicting interests in Ironton. The 1-minute sand timer is a symbolic tool she uses to assert control over their interactions, reflecting her determination to manage her time efficiently and maintain a sense of superiority.  


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