Maurok Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil


Personality Traits:
Stern and imposing, but has a kind heart beneath the gruff exterior. Values loyalty and honor, with a strong sense of duty to protect his patrons. Speaks sparingly but is an attentive listener.

Maurok stands at an impressive 7 feet tall, with grayish-blue skin and tribal tattoos marking his face and arms. He wears a weathered leather apron over simple, sturdy clothing. His eyes, though often serious, reveal a glimmer of warmth when he smiles. A large, battle-worn greatsword is displayed prominently behind the inn's counter.

Keeps a pet raven named Stormfeather, which often perches on his shoulder. Displays trophies from his adventuring days, including a preserved creature's claw and a tattered banner. Practices a form of tribal drumming during special occasions, creating an eerie and captivating atmosphere.
  Motivations: Krag is motivated by a desire to provide a haven for those in need, especially in the oppressive darkness of Shadowhaven. He values community and believes that even in the bleakest times, a warm hearth and a friendly face can make a difference. His past as an adventurer has left him with a keen sense of responsibility to protect others

Rumors: Whispers circulate about Krag's past exploits, with some claiming he once felled a monstrous creature single-handedly. Some say The Sleeping Giant Inn has a hidden cellar where clandestine meetings take place under Krag's watchful eye. It is rumored that Krag has connections with a mysterious group of mercenaries who occasionally visit the inn.


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