Sleeping Giant Inn in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Sleeping Giant Inn

Sleeping Giant Inn   From the outside this structure appears practical, primary comprised of timber and brick, with a tall roof. It is adorned with tiny, round windows that have been arranged in a symmetric pattern. As you walk inside you are met with a light lemon scent.


Main Dishes

Oven-Baked Cranberry Fish (1 SP, 5 CP)
Fire-Grilled Western-Style Trout (2 SP, 9 CP)
Stewed Oregano Pigeon (2 SP, 1 CP)
Broasted Rhubarb Gratin (1 SP, 3 CP)


Simmered Orange (1 CP)
Basted Souther-Style Rice (8 CP)
Cheese Board (2 CP)
Fire-Grilled Mushroom (9 CP)
Breaded Yogurt Potatoes (7 CP)


Cinnamon Toffee (3 CP)
Almond Ice-Cone (6 CP)

Beer Choices

Flatulent Wand blonde ale: Sharp and fizzy with a chocolate taste, thick head, and toasty scent. (4 CP)

Wasp & Wand blonde ale: Watery and zippy with a sweet taste, frothy head, and sweet scent. (3 CP)

Dog & Cat wheat beer: Watery and frothy with a sweet taste, thick head, and floral scent. (7 CP)

Divine Fox pale ale: Juicy and fizzy with a sweet taste, thick head, and caramel scent. (3 CP)

Brown Trophy wheat beer: Heavy and fizzy with a balanced taste, thick head, and floral scent. (1 CP)



Maurok Treestriker (Goliath)
You see an older, tall, and average weight male. They are fair skinned and have no hair, aqua eyes and no facial hair. They are wearing forest green attire accented in saffron (yellow).
Suggested Mannerism
Short-tempered, especially if irritated

Day Server

Qosk Barbedgut (Kobold)
You see an older, short, and average weight male. They are dark skinned and have turquoise eyes. They are wearing pistachio (green) attire accented in malachite (green).
Suggested Mannerism
Always building something

Night Server

Arizys Ompec (Kalashtar)
You see a middle aged, average height female. They are pale skinned and have short slate curled hair and green eyes.
Suggested Mannerism
Always has coffee in their hands


Lezki Roughgrog (Kobold)
You see an older, average height, and muscular male. They are fair skinned and have medium length blonde frizzy hair, gold eyes and very clean shaven. They are wearing amaranth (red) attire accented in olive.
Suggested Mannerism
Falls in love almost instantly


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