Sleepy Wench Beer House in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil

Sleepy Wench Beer House

Sleepy Wench Beer House   From the outside this structure appears ramshackle, primary comprised of wood and straw, with a high roof. It is adorned with massive, retangular windows that have been arranged in an asymmetric pattern. As you walk inside you are met with an overpowering scent of perfume that is clearly trying to but failing at covering the pervasive smell of sex. 



Main Dishes

Dry-Roasted Chili Bass(3 SP, 6 CP)
Garlic Trout(3 SP, 2 CP)
Cooked Mango (2 SP, 9 CP)
Pickled Red Whine Cod (3 SP, 4 CP)


Shallow-Fried Tomatoes (9 CP)
Simmered Orange (3 CP)
Cheese Board (7 CP)
Marinated Mushroom (8 CP)
Roasted Rosemary Potatoes (9 CP)


Peanut and White Chocolate Gingerbread (6 CP)
Mandarin Steamed Pudding (1 CP)

Beer Choices

Wooden Squid ale: Thin and bubbly with a strong taste, full head, and floral scent. (5 CP)

Fun Raven porter: Heavy and frothy with a chocolate taste, frothy head, and spicy scent. (2 CP)

Fun Horse wheat beer: Watery and fizzy with a sour taste, full head, and spicy scent. (8 CP)

Louse & Pint porter: Juicy and flat with a chocolate taste, full head, and spicy scent. (7 CP)

Petrified Slug blonde ale: Sharp and zippy with a coffee-like taste, full head, and floral scent. (4 CP)



Hacathra (Half Orc)
You see a middle aged, average height, and pot bellied male. His tusked smile seems predatory, especially when his gaze falls upon female clientelle. 
Suggested Mannerism
Says a prayer before any interaction

Day Server

Dostaa Timberpool (Half Elf)
You see a young, unusually tall male. They are dark skinned and have short lilac deadlocked hair, gold eyes with a manicured goatee. They are wearing periwinkle (blue) attire accented in periwinkle (blue).

Night Server

Faelnylith Oriphyra (Half Elf)
You see an older, tall, and skinny male. They are fair skinned and have medium length platinum tied back hair, bloodshot blue eyes and noticable stubble. They are wearing lime Green attire accented in saffron (yellow).


Darina Hikul (Human)
You see a middle aged, short stature and average weight female. They are fair skinned and have medium length black pinned up hair and brown eyes.


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