Brham the Cyclops Species in Eberron: Forged in Flame & Blood | World Anvil
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Brham the Cyclops

Brham is a cyclops that lives in the mountains north of the Eldeen Forest. His one true love, Omra the dwarven thief, lives with him. Omra travels throughout the Reach, picking up odd jobs here and there. Unfortunately on her last trek back to their mountain lair, Omra got grabbed up by some hobgoblins. She is now being held captive by the Hobbies in their lair. Brham is now trying to seek magical help from the reclusive mage, Mesto. But Mesto has no magical way to shrink the Cyclops enough to enter the Hobgoblin lair. He needs help from the adventurers to enter the lair and save Omra.


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