Warforged Colossus Character in Eberron: Forged in Flame & Blood | World Anvil
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Warforged Colossus

In the final days of the Last War, House Cannith unleashed its mightiest creations: the warforged colossi. These enormous mechanical warriors thundered across Cyre, crushing everything in their paths and leaving ruin behind them. Meant to end the war decisively, the colossi pulverized hundreds of soldiers beneath their feet and incinerated whole legions with beams of fiery light that shot from their mouths. This rampage was cut short on the Day of Mourning. The arcane cataclysm that engulfed Cyre destroyed most of the warforged colossi, causing them to collapse into lifeless heaps.   Some warforged colossi survived the Day of Mourning more or less intact and are thought to only be in stasis, waiting to be awakened. Their locations are closely held secrets. An agreement between all major governments and powers obligates any discovery of a slumbering colossus to be shared and all efforts made to disassemble the titan immediately. Cannith artificers, despite the legal implications, are eager to track colossi down and determine whether they can be awakened or, at the very least, salvaged for docents and other magic items.


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