Bone Fairy

The bone fairy species is the evolutionary progenitor to the tooth fairy subspecies. While tooth faeries are generally small graceful creatures, bone faeries more closely resemble imps. With gangly, bony limbs, these creatures are agile and adept at flight but often engage in less graceful acrobatics during flight. Bone fairies have extremely large mouths, with significant musculature, in order to bite through bone. Bone faeries can often be found around graveyards, at night, but prefer living or recently deceased bodies to extract bones from, as the marrow and nutrients are fresh. Generally, bone faeries can be found in small family units called flights, numbering between five and ten. The largest flight on record, though, was over two hundred.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Potion of Bonecraft: Alchemists and healers employ the bones of a bone faerie to create a potion that enhances bone strength and durability among consumers of the potion. This potion is often useful for individuals seeking to fortify their skeletal structure or accelerate the healing of bone fractures.   Elixir of Vitality: The bones of a bone faerie, infused with their ethereal essence, could be a key ingredient in creating an elixir that enhances vitality and rejuvenation. When properly prepared, the elixir may promote healing, restore energy, and slow down the aging process.
20 years


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