Fleering Fingers Tradition / Ritual in Ebilar | World Anvil

Fleering Fingers

Fleering fingers, or "fleering" is a crude gesture that originated around 1455. Fleering involves both a finger orientation and gesture meant to represent shoving something up orifices better left undescribed. The term "fleering fingers" is derived from the word "fleer," which means a 'word or look of derision or mockery' and the gesture is typically used to criticize, mock, or insult others. The intended message is often one of contempt, offense or derision, which is typically accompanied by a verbal expression as well.   To fleer at someone, an individual will curl their thumb and index fingers together into a circle, with their middle, ring, and pinkie fingers remaining vertical and pulled tight together. For the gesture, the palm of one's hand begins facing parallel to the floor. The hand is jabbed forward towards the person receiving the insult. As the hand moves forward, the individual giving the gesture turns their hand so that their palm rests in a forty-five degree angle to the sky.   The gesture originated during a time of great conflict between races. After the Hallowing War and the War of One-Hundred Kingdoms, the population had been decimated, and remained largely seperate for several hundred years as the species rebuilt their numbers. During this time, languages became less overlapped, and a disconnect between cultures formed. The gesture originated as a means of sharing a common insult regardless of race or culture. The gesture remained after this time, finding common usage among lower-born individuals, and now often directed at high born individuals. The current usage of the gesture often includes scattalogical meaning or references in its delivery, and many users of the gesture typically affirm a notion that high born individuals' sphincters are to tight. Rekindling the original intent of the circular shape of the thumb and forefinger. Some variations have occurred as a result across different cultures, using the diameter of the created circle as an indication of the intensity of the insult, and used to represent how much of a hard/tight a** the target is perceived to be.


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Aug 8, 2023 18:24 by Nimin N

I think this is one of the very few entries to this prompt I've read that describes an offensive gesture, and I find it one of the most interesting ones overall too. You provide a really good amount of detail about its origin and naming, and how its usage has transformed over the years. Also, good description of how the gesture is done too and the little note on the variations at the end made me chuckle.