Lliira, goddess of festivities (Leer-a)
Lliira, the Joybringer, Mistress of Revels, and Lady of Joy, is the goddess of joy, happiness, contentment, dance, and festivals. Lliira is the perpetually moving maiden of countless ballads, embodying happiness, freedom, and joyful movement - ever-changing, ever-moving, ever-alive. She is commonly depicted as the archetypal dancing ingenue that has inspired poets, songwriters, and anyone who revels in the experience and wonderment of a life that is gaily and free. Somewhat detached from the everyday events of the mundane world, Lliira speaks to her most devoted adherents in dreams, showing by example that most slights are not worth worrying about and that few troubles are significant enough to draw one away from the Elysian Rigadoon. This philosophy places joyful movement above all other concerns. She is usually worshipped by dancers, merrymakers, joy bringers, poets, and artists.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
A triangle of three six-pointed stars (red, orange, yellow)