The Hall of the Voices

The Hall of the Voices is a ruined outdoor amphitheater built by dwarven craftsmen during The Fourth Age.


Under contract by The Council of Five to produce an “acoustically perfect” venue for The Seven Voices to perform in, the dwarves chose to build the structure inside a littoral cave at the foot of the Melancholy Mountains—a cave carved by The River Without End itself.


Sadly, due to the continued failure of The Harvest of the Voices, the venue was never used. And after the Council cut funding for the Rangers of the Reek unit designated to protect the place, The Cult of the Lord made quick work of desecrating it and leaving the remnants to be ruined by the thrashing of the River.


Though some of the dwarves’ acoustic panels still line the ceiling, walls, and balustrades, the stage itself has been completely submerged by the River—as has the audience’s seating area. In fact, chairs from the auditorium occasionally wash up on beaches throughout the five nations of Eden—where they are variously view as prized possession or as cursed objects to be avoided at all costs.


During the latter days of The Fourth Age, it was thought that the Hall would need to be rebuilt before the Voices could complete the work of rebooting reality (as described in the myth “The Tale of the Seven Voices”). This lent an additional level of horror to the proceedings of the Harvest—with mothers who lost their children in that event feeling like, even if their kids turned out to be the Voices that everyone had been searching for, the task ahead of them was so impossible that it wasn’t worth the undertaking.

Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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Jan 16, 2021 13:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

In fact, chairs from the auditorium occasionally wash up on beaches throughout the five nations of Eden—where they are variously view as prized possession or as cursed objects to be avoided at all costs.
  I love the difference in opinion depending who finds the chair. What an interesting ruined structure.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jan 16, 2021 18:45 by E. Christopher Clark

Thank you! It was a pleasant surprise when that line came out. All I knew when I started was I wanted an auditorium carved into a mountain.

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